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You could play with me? :P

I have plenty of people to play with on PS3. (Not that I wouldn't like you play against you Split) tongue.gif It's not the lack of friends to play against, it's just the lack of variation. I think I need some more maps to be released. Or for something other than fucking QUARRY or KARIACHI to be the map once in a while. I've only gotten the Rust map once. hmm.gif

I hate Rust. Although the last time I was on there, I did score fairly highly. I like Quarry myself, although it is on a lot of the time, you are right.

Egh. I can't stand Quarry. I don't know why, by now you'd think I'd be more familiar with the map and such, but I still feel like I never have any fucking clue where anyone is. I did do like, my best ever on Kariachi the other day though. I usually end up getting like max 14-15 kills a game, but I managed something like 25 and called in my first Harrier strike in that game. I was so proud. :')

I love Rust just for the fact that it's so easy to get Claymore and Shotgun kills. I just leave a Claymore in one of the open Hallways and I ALWAYS get someone. Usually because they run in, kill me and then get blown up by my Claymore, but that's beside the point. >_>

I think either Terminal, Afghan or Scrapyard is my favourite. Though usually it depends where I spawn on the map. Nothing good ever seems to come from spawning down stairs in Terminal or in the smaller building on Scrapyard.

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I've recently found a fantastic spot on Quarry where I try to head to. The high point where a lot of people try to snipe, the bit with loads of barrels, if you walk onto the edge of the ledge there and sprint jump onto the roof of the opposite building you can sometimes get up there. Granted you can fall to your death as well. But from there you've got a view of virtually the entire map, and nobody ever seems to check up there.

Granted though, I still hate that map.

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Definitely Derail for me. First time I played it I thought "Ugh this is huge, I'll never run into anyone" but now I've got my arctic ghillie and my silenced sniper rifle I just love sneaking around picking people off. May only get 5 kills on the map but love every one of 'em.

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Derail was my first owning map. Always did well on it. Now, I'm getting lazy with trying not to die, so I do average. Just went an 18/18 on there.

Before that, I was 30+ kills for five maps beforehand.

If I had a dollar for every person who calls me a hacker, I could buy Plubby the PC version, so I could play with him <3

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I think Derail is my own personal favourite.

Had two awesome games just half hour ago, coming in 2nd and then 3rd. Was in the map with the one middle bunker and the long trenches, called a Harrier Strike off of a crate drop, and since we had cleared out the bunker, I racked up huge points as the Harrier cut down the other team as they tried in vain to retake the bunker.

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Eh, I could take or leave Derail. I can enjoy it or I can not, depending on how the game goes. If it's fairly even and not just littered with one teaming sitting in the buildings sniping away and one team running around trying to get to the building, it's a good time. I did find a bloke who found a glitch the other day that was pure evil though. He somehow managed to get to the roof of one of the buildings, allowing him to jump to a building outside the map and get up into the actual snowy mountain part that's outside the map. From there he just sat down and sniped people one by one.

I got him with the ACOG scope though. Then I took out his Tactical Insertion just to piss him off that little bit more. >_>

As for snowy maps, I quite like the Sub Base. Always feels like there's a way to sneak behind your enemies. I think it's to do with the fact that I generally prefer maps that are small enough for close encounters, but there's still that option to hang back and pick people off.

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Mmmmmm just went into Quarry with a sniper and foundan amazing place on a chunk of rock near the B tower (in Domination) and across from the big old barn with the ladder up the side.

Just lay there and enjoyed a 9 kill 0 death game. Second 0 death game in a row. Whoo.

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Eh, I could take or leave Derail. I can enjoy it or I can not, depending on how the game goes. If it's fairly even and not just littered with one teaming sitting in the buildings sniping away and one team running around trying to get to the building, it's a good time. I did find a bloke who found a glitch the other day that was pure evil though. He somehow managed to get to the roof of one of the buildings, allowing him to jump to a building outside the map and get up into the actual snowy mountain part that's outside the map. From there he just sat down and sniped people one by one.

I got him with the ACOG scope though. Then I took out his Tactical Insertion just to piss him off that little bit more. >_>

As for snowy maps, I quite like the Sub Base. Always feels like there's a way to sneak behind your enemies. I think it's to do with the fact that I generally prefer maps that are small enough for close encounters, but there's still that option to hang back and pick people off.

I don't like Sub Base, Scrapyard or any of the smaller maps(outside of Terminal, I guess) because I struggle enough as it is at times, I'm just not 'with it' enough to do as well on them as I do on some of the larger maps.

However, again, if you get going, you can get some good scores due to the close nature of everything.

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Mmmmmm just went into Quarry with a sniper and foundan amazing place on a chunk of rock near the B tower (in Domination) and across from the big old barn with the ladder up the side.

Just lay there and enjoyed a 9 kill 0 death game. Second 0 death game in a row. Whoo.

Different strokes for different folks, but I'd find just laying there and sniping boring personally. I like running about and being in the thick of it more often than not.

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Mmmmmm just went into Quarry with a sniper and foundan amazing place on a chunk of rock near the B tower (in Domination) and across from the big old barn with the ladder up the side.

Just lay there and enjoyed a 9 kill 0 death game. Second 0 death game in a row. Whoo.

Different strokes for different folks, but I'd find just laying there and sniping boring personally. I like running about and being in the thick of it more often than not.

Definently the way I go. So I always end up with a massive death count to co-incide with my high kill count.

I have always run on all of my loadouts, because I just run around everywhere. My main loadout is silenced ump, silenced usp, flash grens, throwing knife, always run, killstreaks one less, no fall damage.

Good times.

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Why is it such a rarity to get Rust on Free For All? Must have only ever played on it 5 or 6 times... but oh boy, what a glorious occasion it is everytime! Just love that map so much. Mainly due to the pure madness of just running around like a maniac and picking off everyone I see.

Instead of getting a good map like that.. my last 5 matches were Karachi twice, Rundown twice and Estate. All of which i dislike.

Can tell I like my small maps, since my favourites are Rust, Terminal, Highrise and Scrapyard.

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I just made myself one of those light 'n crazy set-ups with the p90, infinite run, extra speed and increased melee distance as well as throwing knives.

Just played lots of Domination and top scored for my team each of the three games I used it on by just running around securing. Normally ending up with something like 20 kills 28 deaths or 18 kills 20 deaths or so....

Still hate Karachi though, it's just a soulless and unenjoyable map.

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Why is it such a rarity to get Rust on Free For All? Must have only ever played on it 5 or 6 times... but oh boy, what a glorious occasion it is everytime! Just love that map so much. Mainly due to the pure madness of just running around like a maniac and picking off everyone I see.

Instead of getting a good map like that.. my last 5 matches were Karachi twice, Rundown twice and Estate. All of which i dislike.

Can tell I like my small maps, since my favourites are Rust, Terminal, Highrise and Scrapyard.

Rundown isn't that bad, and I find Estate depends entirely on what the teams are doing. I have a great time trying to storm the house and clear out all the enemies in there, but it's downright boring when my team has control of the house.

Has there been any talk of extra maps etc.?

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Why is it such a rarity to get Rust on Free For All? Must have only ever played on it 5 or 6 times... but oh boy, what a glorious occasion it is everytime! Just love that map so much. Mainly due to the pure madness of just running around like a maniac and picking off everyone I see.

Instead of getting a good map like that.. my last 5 matches were Karachi twice, Rundown twice and Estate. All of which i dislike.

Can tell I like my small maps, since my favourites are Rust, Terminal, Highrise and Scrapyard.

Rundown isn't that bad, and I find Estate depends entirely on what the teams are doing. I have a great time trying to storm the house and clear out all the enemies in there, but it's downright boring when my team has control of the house.

Has there been any talk of extra maps etc.?

There is talk of DLC but from what I've heard/read it's going to be a 360 exclusive a month before PS3 gets it thumbsdown.gif

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