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I don't like Rust or Scrapyard at all, dislike Underpass and sometimes Favela... don't mind Afghan, but really like Terminal and Invasion, everything else depends on what the people are like in the server and how i am playing I guess. Sometimes I just throw my controller down in disgust at how awful I am :)

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just started online play for 360..anyone can add me with the GT Lint6..just take it easy...I still suck :/

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yea..was playing last night and got in a team deathmatch with a group of guys who obviously play together all the time..all they did was sit and spawnkill the entire time. After that map was done, in the lobby they apparently didn' tlike the next map and said "everyone veto this map or we'll jsut destroy you all again"

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There are three killstreak bonuses I hate.

3) The smart bomb (UAC?). They always seem to aim it down on me.

2) The machine gunning where they aim down at you and rain bullets on you for ages.

1) The repeated smart bombs that probably need a major killstreak but leads to the same person dropping bomb after bomb after bomb. Ugh.

The maps I like are the Terminal, Afghan's pretty good, and the shanty town (not Favela but that's ok too) over a river that's relatively small and contained.

I also like the big Siberian railroad level. It's stupidlybig but I love to equip silencer on my sniper rifle and machine rifle and sneak around like some kind of white Russian ghost.

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yea..was playing last night and got in a team deathmatch with a group of guys who obviously play together all the time..all they did was sit and spawnkill the entire time. After that map was done, in the lobby they apparently didn' tlike the next map and said "everyone veto this map or we'll jsut destroy you all again"

That's how my clan is, granted we don't camp(I don't anyway). We usually have one/two longshot sniper people, two support people, and two of us run around like chickens with our heads cut off to draw sniper fire so our snipers can get their snipers. Hella fun playing Hardcore HQ Pro though.

There are three killstreak bonuses I hate.

3) The smart bomb (UAC?). They always seem to aim it down on me.

2) The machine gunning where they aim down at you and rain bullets on you for ages.

1) The repeated smart bombs that probably need a major killstreak but leads to the same person dropping bomb after bomb after bomb. Ugh.

1 is the Predator missle, really sucks on other game modes when you have cold-blooded on(they can't see you on UAV or the red squares), but a teammate runs up near you and gets you killed. 2 is a bitch to deal with, only way I can take it down is if I have Cold-Blooded on and Stingers, since you can shoot two of those.

Hearing kids playing this game is REALLY unnerving

Agreed, but it's fun to insult/trash talk them as if they were adults and then dominate them during the actual game. Yeah, I'm that guy.

Anyway, getting back into form where I played this game for more than 3 hours a day, and I'm already halfway to 63 on my first prestige(would have been more if there wasn't that long period where I didn't play.) I am setting a somewhat realistic goal of reaching 10th prestige by summer, though we'll see how that works out.

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I've got plenty of insults, and most don't have me calling someone a fag. I usually try to turn something around on someone who does use "fag" too much, by insulting intelligence, playing skill, etc etc.

Someone told me they were gonna come here and kill my family. I just said "no, no...you no kill my family" over and over and over again, until he got frustrated. That's what the team killer deserves.

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Ha, that reminds me, one of the dumbest things people do online is act all tough when in reality they're probably 140 pound stick figures who wouldn't last 5 seconds in a real fight. I love how they all say "well I live in such and such city at such and such an adress." If I ever go crazy/postal, I should write down a list of adresses, show up to their house, and beat the crap out of them Jay and Silent Bob style.

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