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Me and my mate just did the kill 10 juggernauts on veteran Spec-Ops co-op. God it was glorious and hilarious at the same time. We then did the take the oil-rig one on vet too on our second attempt, and all we have to do is the kill 15 juggernauts on the oil rig to complete Echo. Also, if I get that one I would get the "at least 1 star on all missions" trophy. (H)

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Beat the game in one night, it was a Christmas present. I liked it, a lot of stuff to pad out all the running and shooting. I think I died the most when I kept falling off the fucking cliff. I think I preferred MW1 overall.

Now, who is going to play spec-ops and multiplayer with me? :D

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Just got this today. There's a small games shop in another part of town that sometimes has a couple of American copies of games in (I guess preowned or they have some dodgy import friend). Anyway they had this so I grabbed it, so I knew the langauge wouldn't be a problem.

The man serving me didn't really notice my face so just started telling me that it was an American copy and would be in English and would that be a problem....Then saw my face and laughed at himself saying something like "obviously not". :lol:

Anyway it's undoubtably good and from what I can remember....I am probably about five levels through...

Levels spoiler:

First level going through the Afghanistan town was very cool. Definitely provided a good idea of the stress of not knowing what was going on around you, and seeing people that you can't shot unless they shoot you first. I liked it and it had the right amount of stress. Bit tricky in parts too. 7/10

Second level was the snow level with SOAPY McT. Good old boy. Very cool with the ice picks and then the mission itself had some nice touches. However, the skidoo escape was surprisingly brilliant and had my heart racing like I was in some kind of James Bond film. Loved that bit. 8/10

Third level if I remember right was "that" level in which I just shot at policemen who were shooting at me while everyone else on the team was killing the screaming civilians. Then the heavily armed police at the end drew me into the action but I was strangely detatched, maybe because I didn't HAVE to kill the people. Still not a charming level and surprised it was allowed into the game but the best bit about the level was the last moment. That was the shocking little cherry on the cake. 6/10

Next level was running around in those lousy backstreets with men popping out everywhere. Very claustrophobic and killed loads of times, lots of close action, lots of knifing and shotgun use but you have to keep moving regardless or the bad guys just keep coming. Was kinda okay but the weakest level without doubt for game enjoyment. 4/10

The next level was "Ivan's" attack on the good ol' US of A. I didn't feel shocked and saddened by fighting across Burger bars etc. The sniper rifle was great though with the heat sights. Used plenty of that but the backwards and forwards nature and the slightly contrived "Oh, I saw a Stinger missile on the top of that last building we were on" approach was a bit galling. 6/10

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I think I must be the only one that didn't have a problem with "that" level. That's what being a double agent is all about. Obviously later things even themselves out, kind of.

I actually thought it was pretty cool that you had to do it. Seems a lot of gamers (most of whom who think they are real soldiers) suddenly went 'OH NOES, KILLING IS BAD'.

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I think I must be the only one that didn't have a problem with "that" level. That's what being a double agent is all about. Obviously later things even themselves out, kind of.

I actually thought it was pretty cool that you had to do it. Seems a lot of gamers (most of whom who think they are real soldiers) suddenly went 'OH NOES, KILLING IS BAD'.

Third level spoiler:

Totally agree. I had no problem and did exactly what I was supposed to, because the guy was playing an undercover agent. If it was reality, and you just stood watching your 'allies' gun down the civilians instead of joining in, they'd obviously figure out you were undercover and kill you anyway. I can't believe there are people who reportedly were so distressed that they cried or covered their eyes at the scene. I mean, come on.

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I like the way the game asked you at the very start and not just before the level as I wasn't expecting it to come quite so early. Although in fact some ways I think another level with you playing as that guy to try and earn the man's trust to lead on to this mission would have been meatier.

Also, the big initial blitz of the folk happened much earlier in the level than I thought...I was half expecting some kind of pre cursor to it (like walking through sneakily BEFORE getting changed) to make you feel more a "part" of the atmosphere.

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Just ran through a few more levels which have improved in general.

Can't remember the order but....

Running through the township in Brazil to reach the helicopter is kinda fun in parts. Easy to get a bit bogged down but the double shotguns were groovy and having to "escape" the militia when you fell and then running back to the helicopter by yourself...Yeah not bad as set pieces go. 7/10

Hmm, was the next one back in America? With the big laser tank? This one felt better than the other US level. It wasn't just back and forward around one area and the sheer number of Russian troops down the roads and coming out of houses was pretty heavy.

Running out onto the golf course with the smokey sky and the helicopters all flying high overhead gave a really great feel too. Probably the best "frantic" level so far. 8/10

The oil rig mission was just brilliant. All slow-time SAS style door breaching and not shooting the hostages. Very very good level and the enemy troops were really smart. 9/10

The Gulag level was great mostly because of the fact half of it was just ripped totally from The Rock movie with the shower scene etc. Price turning out to be the prisoner was a great moment, I got a bit too excited by that. Some of these special forces levels are really top quality. 8/10

Maybe I missed one between oil rig and Gulag? Dunno, can't remember....

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Just finished the game so here's my views on the rest of the levels...

The assault on Washington was probably one of the best Ranger levels. Great atmosphere throughout, some good set pieces, some tricky interior shooting parts then the sniping an Javelins on the roof was good before the heli evac with frantic gunning leading into the crash and the "last stand" which was done very nicely. 8/10

The submarine infil level is a good'un too, with the early undercover sneaky stealth stuff bringing back the classic level from MW1. Then the assault on the base with the UAV is great too, leading to Price going into the sub. Loved the way that choosing different targets would affect how it played out (first time I tried I UAVed the heli and there were loads of ground troops, second time I UAVed an incoming vehicle that cleared the way but the heli gave us constant threat from the air, third time I blew up all the troops waiting by the gate. Very cool. 8/10

Up into space and watching the explosion from the Space Station. The explosion wasn't that impressive until it rips through the space station and I suddenly noticed that you're a spaceman who's flailing his arms around him as he's blown out into space. Very eerie.

Back to Ramirez and a very cool re-run of the end of the last level before the nuke exploding in the atmosphere and the panic as all the helis and jets smash around you.

Then the rain starts pouring down and it's off to take back the White House. The lawn makes for a great battlefield and running to the roof to light off the green flares (again like The Rock) is brilliance, making up for a slightly slow moving middle of the level (where it cuts out briefly). 8/10

Back with Roach to take and hold the cabin. That's a pretty groovy level that has numerous excellent room breach bits then waves of attacking enemies as it gets more frantic, then a great evac down the tree filled, grassy slope. Gets even better when you get injured and are being dragged away, firing into the hoardes with explosions and smoke everywhere. Then scumbaggery at the end. The swine! Tragic end to that, not nice being burned alive. 9/10

A chance to play as Soap in probably my favourite level through the aeroplane graveyard with the Americans and Russians fighting eachother. Nice mix of sneakiness and need to fire into the ongoing fight. Then a timed section with the jeep and having to take the wheel to drive onto the plane at the end was great too. Very nice indeed. 10/10

The last level with my two favourite MW characters against the might of the US army with a psycho in charge. Some pretty good action in it, loads of firefights very cool to listen in on the US radio. The boat section is good ol' fun and then all the stuff at the end with pulling the knife out, was brilliant. 9/10

All in all, a great great game andI was sure I recognised Ghost's voice - the guy who played Gaz in MW1. Nice.

So onto Multiplayer and the Special levels. Should be fun.

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