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I will check with the glitch later tonight, though 1)haven't played that map in a while, and 2)takes way too much effort/getting killed to do so in the first place.

Very glad about the Javelin glitch though, I ran into that a lot when I was playing on my other account and we were playing Hardcore Headquarters Ricochet. I swear one match I got killed by the Javelin glitch 15 plus times, and the main guy who was doing it got 56 kills by doing it. Horrible glitch, thankfully they fixed it.

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Okay so having stayed away from this for ages my master plan has failed and Spec Ops hasn't gotten any easier. If theres anyone on the Xbox who can reliably kick the fuck out of juggernauts, hit me up :shifty:

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Okay so having stayed away from this for ages my master plan has failed and Spec Ops hasn't gotten any easier. If theres anyone on the Xbox who can reliably kick the fuck out of juggernauts, hit me up :shifty:

Oh, is that how it is? You could have at least told me straight rather than bullshit me with 'nonono Moon.'

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