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Dragon Age: Origins


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This is going to be odd to type, but my favorite of the executions happens when you have a sword and a dagger equipped. I only did it once since it seems to be a random occurence, but basically the finishing blow was a dagger stab through the chest which held the darkspawn there, and then one swift cleave that took the monster's head off.

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I'm at an interesting spot. I'll be vague to avoid spoiler but a character has asked me to do something I dont want to do but they are too powerful for me to fight them so I kinda have to do it. I really dont want to but I have no choice! So is this just a really good simulation of hard real life choices or incredibly annoying? I'm kinda on the fence and could go either way.

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Game of the Year. That is all. :D

It's so much more like KOTOR than Mass Effect, which is a massive YES in my opinion. I've having so much fun. There's even bits that remind me of Jade Empire, which was an IMMENSE game. I was also reminded of Fable 2 a lot, which was my favourite game of last year.

I knew it would be good...but I didn't expect to enjoy it this much. I'm still only 20% explored apparently! I've been playing for almost 24 hours!

And yes, there are some parts where you have to be extremely lucky and replay it a few times before you can finally beat all the baddies without dying. That's to be expected. Sometimes just one spell from Morrigan can change the outcome of a fight.

I'm currently doing the human noble story, using a maul (a massive two-handed hammer). It's so fucking satisfying.

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yeah... I did Human Noble as a warrior. My favorites so far are Shale and Morrigan. Shale is just awesome the comedy or HK-47 of dragon age. Alistair was pretty pissed off at me after my choices at Redcliffe, I'm at Orzammar now but maybe I should of went somewhere else as Orzammar is pretty challenging right now. So fan-dabi-dozi how Morrigan loves kissing and flirting with you just to piss off Alistair. even goody 2 shoes Leliana has a bad past. I've wanted to use Sten but just can't seem to fit him in. I also never seem to have enough gold to buy new armor.

Edited by mystikz
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I am completely shattered. I have put like 14 hours into this game but I see no other way but to start over. I am stuck in the middle of the mage quest and I cant beat the guys I am trying to fight. I did every strategy I could think of. I even turned the diffculty down to casual. I am just not powerful enough. :( Word of warning guys. Be careful what you tackle and be ready.

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I am completely shattered. I have put like 14 hours into this game but I see no other way but to start over. I am stuck in the middle of the mage quest and I cant beat the guys I am trying to fight. I did every strategy I could think of. I even turned the diffculty down to casual. I am just not powerful enough. :( Word of warning guys. Be careful what you tackle and be ready.

I have to start over too I think. Or just deal with a side quest that, due to a glitch, I can never beat...

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I have to wait until friday to get this (and i'll be trading in like 4 games), so tell me, anyone got it for the PS3? How is it on the console? Is it as awesome as it seems like it is? How hard is it? Can I make a black dwarf with orange hair? I must know these details!

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I struggled in the mage tower too well at a certain part

The Sloth demon and having to track back and forth gaining new shapeshifting forms and using them at the right time, most of the time I just attacked and ran away trying to take out the mages one at a time but it didn't always work

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I have to wait until friday to get this (and i'll be trading in like 4 games), so tell me, anyone got it for the PS3? How is it on the console? Is it as awesome as it seems like it is? How hard is it? Can I make a black dwarf with orange hair? I must know these details!

It runs fine on the consoles, but from what I've read the framerate's on the PC. I haven't played it on console, but I have on PC, and I have to say that I love the mouse. I know playing it on the console isn't gonna kill the game, but I just think the mechanics of the gameplay are better suited for PC. It's still solid for console anyway. Anndddd as far as difficulty, from what I also remember hearing, it's easier on consoles. And yes, you can make a black dwarf with orange(ish) hair.

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The difficulty curve is insane at times. Casual is a cake-walk. Normal can be VERY challenging. I was trying to do sidequest, went into a room and just got totally murdered by 2 knights and 2 mages who would cast spells on me, then heal the knights/each other whenever I'd do any significant damage. I finally turned it down to casual to get past that part after the 10th time reloading

Also from the Escapist Magazine forum..

There's not much to go on, but BioWare has dropped a pretty strong hint that "something cool" is going to happen on the Dragon Age: Origins website on Thursday.

A cryptic message popped up earlier this evening on the official BioWare Twitter feed: "If I was a fan of Dragon Age: Origins, I'd be keeping my eyes on the Dragon Age website tomorrow. Just saying." A nearly identical message was posted on the official Dragon Age Facebook page.

What could it be? We don't know, of course, which is what makes it interesting. New DLC perhaps? The announcement of a sequel? Another ridiculously ill-conceived music video? (Hopefully it's not that.)

Since there's absolutely zero indication of what the studio has up its sleeve, I'm going to fish around on my wish list for ideas and let me tell you, I'm wishing for a patch that increases the maximum party size to six. Seriously, guys, four just isn't cutting it; we had six in Baldur's Gate and I'd sure like to be able to cram a couple more swords onto Team Malygris in Dragon Age, too.

And Yahtzee seemed to enjoy it


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Its got to a point now in my game, where I have to plan about 10 moves ahead and lay traps EVERYWHERE to get through most fights, I'm doing the mage tower now on a new Elf Warrior I started, and its amazing how such a simple system can turn into such a frantic and complex one. I cannot see how anyone can get through most fights without pausing and issuing commands, I would love to see it as I would like to shake that person by the hand.

And also. This game is a time-sink, playing it last night at about 9 at night, just wanting to clear the mage tower, but I haven't even beaten the fade part and it took me the best part of 7 hours. Amazing stuff. Oh and its been said before but Morrigan and Alistairs interactions are brilliant.

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This game is fantastic. I played a bit yesterday, getting through the very beginning (I'm playing as a Human Warrior, cliche as that is.) and wasn't too wowed, played more tonight after coming home from work and wow. The scene's are brilliant and the game has done a fan-dabi-dozi job of making me care about the characters. How different is it on each starting story? Like, where does it all start following the same path?

I hate having work tomorrow, because I could easily stay up the rest of the night playing this. I've just gotten through all the quests in Lothlorien, beefed my guys up a bit and plan to continue on my journey tomorrow.

Also, I find it AWESOME that I was able to get the £12 DLC for free thanks to the leaflet with redeemable code that came with my game. :)

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