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Dragon Age: Origins


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I was going to destroy them all, but when I did the first one, Merrill got cross with me. I figured it was better just to pick them up, then destroy it in my junk pile.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally beat the game today. Aside from being a buggy mess and the fact that I kinda botched it with some of my companions, I loved this game. Definitely a rush job and the environment got repetitive really quick, but the characters, the talent tree and the combat were all much more fun this time around. The story is a matter of debate, but I think it's pretty cool to do a story that's all about you. Every single game ever pushes the "you are the chosen one, you must save the world," idea, but in this game, it's not necessarily about saving the world, it's about you and what you did. There's a greater purpose, sure, but the focus is entirely on Hawke, who instead of being this godly figure, is very human and just in the middle of this brewing shitstorm. It's a unique take on things and I wish more games would do it.

After finishing as a female rogue, I immediately started a new game as a male warrior. As per usual in BioWare games, the male voice actor is dull and lifeless, whereas the female is charming and realistic. As is the case with Mass Effect, if you haven't played Dragon Age as a female character, then you really haven't played Dragon Age.

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Finally beat the game today. Aside from being a buggy mess and the fact that I kinda botched it with some of my companions, I loved this game. Definitely a rush job and the environment got repetitive really quick, but the characters, the talent tree and the combat were all much more fun this time around. The story is a matter of debate, but I think it's pretty cool to do a story that's all about you. Every single game ever pushes the "you are the chosen one, you must save the world," idea, but in this game, it's not necessarily about saving the world, it's about you and what you did. There's a greater purpose, sure, but the focus is entirely on Hawke, who instead of being this godly figure, is very human and just in the middle of this brewing shitstorm. It's a unique take on things and I wish more games would do it.

After finishing as a female rogue, I immediately started a new game as a male warrior. As per usual in BioWare games, the male voice actor is dull and lifeless, whereas the female is charming and realistic. As is the case with Mass Effect, if you haven't played Dragon Age as a female character, then you really haven't played Dragon Age.

I played as a female rogue too my first play through...I'm playing as a female mage...

I missed Isabella the first play through. Got her this time and totally romanced her


having fun...I may play through as a male warrior next time..

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I went female rogue, then male mage and agree that the male voice actor is terrible. After playing the game I came away with the same vibe I got from Mass Effect 1 & 2, in that the first game of each series was one of my favorites on the 360, and yet the second one completely ruined it for me by improving on its predecessor in many ways. I'm going to assume there will be a Dragon Age 3 and I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with that one.

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Is there any way to make your team mates automatically upgrade to new powers rather than doing it yourself? I think I'm getting fucked over on the original because I keep forgetting to improve the others' current moves.

When you go to the level up screen there's an "auto level up" option. I'm pretty sure it's the Y button on the 360 and the computer will automatically allocate all of your points for that character. It may not be the most efficient way to do it, but it's an option. As far as the computer using new abilities, you may have to do something in the tactics screen for that.

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I would suggest dwarf.

I would caution one thing. If you have them assign powers themselves its usually all good (as noted its not as efficient, but they will do a fair job).

When it comes to the tactics trees be careful. If you alter them in any way, it becomes a "custom" tree. But if you dont watch the tree if it IS custom, it wont add new powers and stuff to them. So make sure if you buy a new power and youve altered a tatic to be more to your suiting, then just look to make sure its updated.

tactics are good for making them heal themselves, use certain powers when needed or even set up magical combos.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mmmyeah, it took me several goes but I'm finally engrossed in Origins. Completed Redcliffe as far as I could and completed the Circle of Mages by siding with the templars and now I've gone to the Brecilian Forest. There are a lot of sidequests here I'm having to ignore because I just can't beat the enemies, but I'm moving forward still.

Decided the best route was to use my main choice character - female, red hair, second most physically powerful (behind the character I select as my close range mauler, which in this was Alistair). I like how different all the missions are, but I'm still not a fan of the tactics - it's a step down from FFXII but a step up from FFXIII, plus an annoying menu system to deal with (seriously, no looking at details of an attack whilst selecting tactics, what's that about?).

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Okay. Getting the special kill on the High Dragon has made this entire journey even more enjoyable, and I've still got about 30% of the world left to explore, plus DLC (when the PS Store comes back up) according to the stats screen. Tinkering with tactics and armour combos is fun once you actually get access to decent stuff. Shame it really cockblocks you at the beginning, because the customisation and general fun you can get from the game is tremendous fun.

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I played through as a male City Elf Rogue the first time, and started another game as a Human Mage but never finished it. My one regret on the Mage playthrough is saving Sten and letting him join. Sten's a total dick.

One thing I'm thinking about doing on the Mage playthrough is getting the Golems as part of my army.

Edited by GhostMachine
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I like Sten, he's all about respect rather than friendship. Total badass.

I've split my playthrough now. I'm going to get one playthrough which is incomplete where I'm going to (MASSIVE GAME SPOILER)

Kill Alistair

Then when the PSN comes back up, I'll do the other ending after completing all the downloads I can get, which would be what I WOULD have chosen to do (and what I'll carry through to Dragon Age 2) and... (again, massive spoiler)

Kill my Warden

Then at some point I'll start another save and do the opposite choices as my ass hole male counterpart.

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Stens pretty easy to figure out. Just remember he has NO idea of humour, so choose the most sarcastic remark and he thinks its true.

"we should stand and fight"

"Yeah TOTALLY lets do that, Im SURE we can take them"

"You are a brave warrior"

Sten approves.

"Sten is a badass"

**Rider mocks Sten**

Benji approves (+1)

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Completed it last night. Now waiting for the PSN store to come back so I can finish it proper on my "Hero" save. Think I'll start my "Evil" save this time, but rather than being evil, since Morrigan is the only person I have left to romance, I'm going to follow her ideal of "Survival of the Fittest" as that seems to fit in with all the 'evil' choices.

Just making sure I've not been mislead - if I start a game and then download the DLC, I can still play anything downloaded AFTER I started that save, yes?

Also, if I choose an Elf origin but want to be a mage, will I start in The Circle or will I be in the Dalish or City origins story? Curiosity, because I want to give myself a set of character ideals this time around.

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