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Dragon Age: Origins


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Loving it so far, thank god for getting a character to replace Averine with. WOE IS ME MY HUSBAND IS DEAD. Boohoo. That doesn't make all the witty replys I'm picking any less fun.

So far Dragon Age is so much more fun that Mass Effect. I like ME plenty, I'm just more of a swords and sorcery kinda guy than pulse rifles and starships.

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the biggest gripe I have is that I keep going through the same map over and over. They just have you enter at different angles, but its the same cave same warehouse ect.

That and is like... every mage I meet an apostate? I just made a party of my sister an elf and anders so all I have to do is bad mouth templars and everyone loves me.

You see, this is what I didn't like about the original Dragon Age. The story was great, the background was immense, the world was deep but the game itself was really boring and the endless amount of repetitive dungeon-crawling really got on my nerves. Probably why I never finished the the first Dragon Age. Maybe I should, just so I can play the second one and hate it even more. You can import your character from the first one to the second one, right?

Also, Mass Effect rules all, best BioWare-released game in years.

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Is anyone else having problems with The Exiled Prince achievements not showing up even though the DLC is installed?

seems to be a bug I haven't gotten any of the achievements for Sebastian either. they are supposed to patch various issues (especially console ones) sometime soon.

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Yeah it was my assumption too which is why I made the point about my system that Im using.

Oh, going to make a point about something.

In act two you are going to be given the offer to destroy pick up or make a deal with an evil book.

There are 5 such books. If you do not destroy them all you will not be given the chance to gain one of the trophies. I made the mistake of refusing the evil deal but picking the book up (it was in the chantry, so I thought I would be able to pick it up to show someone). picking it up moves it to your junk pile to be sold for 80 some silver. Not worth it.

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