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Ultimate Fighter 10

Guest Mr. Potato Head

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Cause he's a fat ass that hasn't really shown me that he is could compete in the UFC.

Maybe watch fights outside of The Ultimate Fighter. Just a suggestion. And saying he couldn't compete is a bit laughable since there are always fighters in each division that are not at elite levels and are there for bodies. Hardonk comes to mind as a permenant heavyweight staple (Eddie Sanchez in the past, al Turk, etc.) And calling him a "fat ass"? Seriously? Going down that road? Not to mention he's proven to be the best conditioned athlete in the house, and has proven to have decent cardio throughout his career. Get over his physical appearence already.

He's come off bad through the show, but his performances can be boiled down to what he has already said on the show numerous times. He's a smart fighter and he knows he has to fight THREE times in a very short amount of time. So he isn't going to go all out and risk injury. As with his explanation with Kimbo, minimize risk, do what it takes to win and advance. These are typical situations these fighters are placed in. Roy knows that and has adjusted his game accordingly to stay healthy during the competition.

This was a clear 19-19 fight in my opinion, although with his Greco background I think Wren should have used that in the second to take the round. But he was gassed and Roy utilized his jab very effectively to create distance and picked him apart with it. Should have been a round three, the argument that he was gassed may not have survived makes no sense and shouldn't be brought up - he earned a third round, whatever happens afterwards doesn't matter.

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Smart or not, Roy Nelson is NOT endearing himself to Dana White or anybody for that matter.

If he wins the show, he can look forward to being the TUF winner who's probably given the hardest fights right out of the gate, just because he's gone out of his way to say "Hey look, I'm better than everyone else, but I'm only going to do enough to win and that's it."

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Except that it has no correlation to what I was responding to.

Cause he's a fat ass that hasn't really shown me that he is could compete in the UFC.

2 fights on a television show, where fighters are put in an unfamiliar position of fighting 3 times in the course of SIX weeks. Like I mentioned, Roy has been open in interviews and on the show about his strategy during these early fights. Stay healthy, don't do anything stupid, and advance. He even told Dana that when he was asked about his next opponent and Dana said he didn't impress. He said if that was the Finale fight, it'd have been a lot more exciting. Anyway, I made my point. Weather he is impressing Dana or not makes no difference in TUF as long as he wins and keeps advancing... and being the heel of the season never hurt anyone, regardless of Dana not being impressed by his two performances - his stature in the MMA world, victories, and those wanting to watch him lose make him a watchable fighter who will be signed to the UFC post-TUF. From there on out it's up to the fighter's abilities.

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Except that it has no correlation to what I was responding to.

Cause he's a fat ass that hasn't really shown me that he is could compete in the UFC.

2 fights on a television show, where fighters are put in an unfamiliar position of fighting 3 times in the course of SIX weeks. Like I mentioned, Roy has been open in interviews and on the show about his strategy during these early fights. Stay healthy, don't do anything stupid, and advance. He even told Dana that when he was asked about his next opponent and Dana said he didn't impress. He said if that was the Finale fight, it'd have been a lot more exciting. Anyway, I made my point. Weather he is impressing Dana or not makes no difference in TUF as long as he wins and keeps advancing... and being the heel of the season never hurt anyone, regardless of Dana not being impressed by his two performances - his stature in the MMA world, victories, and those wanting to watch him lose make him a watchable fighter who will be signed to the UFC post-TUF. From there on out it's up to the fighter's abilities.

You know what? If you want to go out there and say your the fucking best, that's fine. If you wanna piss people off that's fine. But for people like myself who very rarely venture out into other MMA promotions besides the UFC, this is your first impression on a mainstream MMA audience. MAKE AN IMPRESSION!

3 fights in six weeks. I can understand maybe not going all out, but seriously. Laying on somebody and throwing some weak punches that hardly look they are doing anything at all. Come on. I'll give Roy some credit. He's experienced and when he got into that second round, he knew he had to do something. Wren was gassed and he took advantage with the jab. But facts are facts. He looks fat, he hasn't really shown me that he would be a viable contender in the UFC and I don't think he's been all that impressive in this competition at all. Maybe he'll prove me wrong and show me something in his next fight, but other than that, I ain't impressed with him and I'd wish he'd get off my TV.

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I'm not disputing Nelson's conditioning - his cardio may well be top-notch. He's a seasoned veteran, that's for sure. But no matter how you twist and turn it, he's fucking FAT. That lardbelly is just disgusting, and I can't think of a sport, outside of sumo wrestling, where you can world-class with a flabby gut like that. If that belly flap is not where his excellent conditioning is stored, I can't think of a reason for him to be carrying that kind of excess fat.

And additionally, he's a complete dickhead. I really, really want to see him get beaten. BADLY. I wouldn't mind at all if for example Marcus Jones unleashed his full power on Fat Country's ass.

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I'm not disputing Nelson's conditioning - his cardio may well be top-notch. He's a seasoned veteran, that's for sure. But no matter how you twist and turn it, he's fucking FAT. That lardbelly is just disgusting, and I can't think of a sport, outside of sumo wrestling, where you can world-class with a flabby gut like that. If that belly flap is not where his excellent conditioning is stored, I can't think of a reason for him to be carrying that kind of excess fat.

And additionally, he's a complete dickhead. I really, really want to see him get beaten. BADLY. I wouldn't mind at all if for example Marcus Jones unleashed his full power on Fat Country's ass.

But see, you want to see him get beaten... meaning you want to see him. So his tactics are working to make you interested in his fights.

Me, I just want him off my fucking tv. If he has to lose a fight to do that, then fine, but I'd rather just have him disappear. He pisses me off, and I don't want to see someone knock his head off, I just want him to not be there.

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But see, you want to see him get beaten... meaning you want to see him. So his tactics are working to make you interested in his fights.

Yeah, well, I want to see him just that ONE more time. :P It could've been this fight with Wren, and to be honest, I was sure he had it - I saw that Wren won the first round, and the second round was a tie. But now that Nelson got to the next round, I just want to see him lose, and after that, GO AWAY AND STAY THERE.

Edited by Jayzon
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Why is everyone hating Nelson?

Cause he's a fat ass that hasn't really shown me that he is could compete in the UFC. Wren had that first round locked in my opinion. He pushed the pace, he nailed some terrific combos and really made Roy look like he was going down.

The second round was more competitive. Roy started building up his offense from the start of the round while Wren just looked gassed as hell. Roy took the second round no doubt about it.

Seriously though, how did this not go to a third round? Wren may have had the punchers chance to win and thats about it, but we won't know now. Upsetting as hell and I hope to god the person to knock Fat Ass out is Dana White.

End Rant.

:lol: What because he's not stupid enough to get injured, fat fuck but showed the best cardio of the fighters this season? He would have destroyed Wren in the 3rd round and Wren was my 3rd favourite.

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I'm not disputing Nelson's conditioning - his cardio may well be top-notch. He's a seasoned veteran, that's for sure. But no matter how you twist and turn it, he's fucking FAT. That lardbelly is just disgusting, and I can't think of a sport, outside of sumo wrestling, where you can world-class with a flabby gut like that. If that belly flap is not where his excellent conditioning is stored, I can't think of a reason for him to be carrying that kind of excess fat.

And additionally, he's a complete dickhead. I really, really want to see him get beaten. BADLY. I wouldn't mind at all if for example Marcus Jones unleashed his full power on Fat Country's ass.

Double post but this is the problem yes he's fat but he's the best guy on the ground hands down regardless of body, this is what makes MMA what it is it's about skill not about having stronger arm or leg.

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Agreed. The only problem I have with Roy is that he's talking shit and posturing way too much given his strategy. The way he's played things makes sense and his weight clearly doesn't impede him any, so all this "OMG HE'S FAT" stuff is silly. So what?

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Judging by some of the reactions in here, Roy Nelson is the X-Pac of MMA. :shifty:

I like Roy Nelson though. <_<

I think it's a case of people thinking Dana White is god, and people not seeing Roy for what he is, a hell of a lot more experienced than anyone else in the thing. He's the only person Kimbo could have credibly lost to.

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I think it's a case of people thinking Dana White is god

No no no no... I think Dana White's a bigger asshole than Nelson could ever dream of being. A league of his own. But of the fighters on this show, nobody is more obnoxious and unlikable than Nelson.

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Judging by some of the reactions in here, Roy Nelson is the X-Pac of MMA. :shifty:

I like Roy Nelson though. <_<

I think it's a case of people thinking Dana White is god, and people not seeing Roy for what he is, a hell of a lot more experienced than anyone else in the thing. He's the only person Kimbo could have credibly lost to.

It's got nothing to do with Dana actually. It's also got nothing to do with him being so called 'fat'. It's the fact that even outside of this competition, he's bored the shit out of me. To me he's just another Tim Sylvia, a boring as fuck fighter that I have zero desire to ever watch on the big stage. He continues to talk like he's gods gift, yet whether people want to admit it or not, in both fights he was close to getting knocked out. Yes, experience came into play and he survived, but that doesn't take away the obvious. People can tell me all day long that he's got fan-dabi-dozi cardio, brilliant ground game and good stand up, because in and outside of the UFC, he's bored me to tears.

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Judging by some of the reactions in here, Roy Nelson is the X-Pac of MMA. :shifty:

I like Roy Nelson though. <_<

I think it's a case of people thinking Dana White is god, and people not seeing Roy for what he is, a hell of a lot more experienced than anyone else in the thing. He's the only person Kimbo could have credibly lost to.

It's got nothing to do with Dana actually. It's also got nothing to do with him being so called 'fat'. It's the fact that even outside of this competition, he's bored the shit out of me. To me he's just another Tim Sylvia, a boring as fuck fighter that I have zero desire to ever watch on the big stage. He continues to talk like he's gods gift, yet whether people want to admit it or not, in both fights he was close to getting knocked out. Yes, experience came into play and he survived, but that doesn't take away the obvious. People can tell me all day long that he's got fan-dabi-dozi cardio, brilliant ground game and good stand up, because in and outside of the UFC, he's bored me to tears.

At what point was he close to getting knocked out in either fight?

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That fight definetely should have gone to a third round. Wren was showing supreme punching power and technique in the first round and even though it was close, I gave it to Wren. But it appears as if Nelson was the better conditioned athlete and he rode it out in the second round but holy shit, it was so fucking amazingly close. Nelson is a smart fighter though because he hasn't overexerted himself yet at all or at least it doesn't seem like it, and even though I'm not much of a Roy Nelson fan, he does know how to play it smart. It seems like the "veteran factor" is really playing into this competition.

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