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Ultimate Fighter 10

Guest Mr. Potato Head

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This was last year, iirc, sorry for shoddy video but it's the best I have right now. Against some powerful athletes, and better strikers - very dangerous for someone with a suspect chin. It all depends on match-ups. Marcus is a good guy, he's strong, powerful, and has decent jits. But going against other good athletes, I don't like his chances.

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I didn't understand it in the least. He just let him put it on. He couldn't even get it in properly so he kept his head between his legs until he could. What a knob. I don't get how some of these guys get onto these shows or how he wouldn't have learnt something in the couple of weeks he was training hours on end.

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Awesome. That guy is dangerous. Despite them hyping it as well, I cant see Kimbo ever returning to fight on the show. So I'm really hoping on Marcus winning this, because I can barely stand most of the people left. As long as Fat Country doesn't win it though, I'll be happy.

With all this Rashad/Rampage build up every week, it's a damn shame the fight isn't going to happen any time soon.

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Wren vs. Nelson is a toss-up to me. Wren's wrestling background is top notch and I can't see Roy being able to take him down which means it'll either be Roy winning via stand-up, or Wren wrestling him down. Regardless, both fighters are top notch.

I think Marcus should be able to handle Darril, and Schaub over Madsen. McSweeney/Mititrone is a toss-up to me as well, although I lean Matt. If I were the UFC I'd try and match-up Wren/Nelson vs. McSweeney/Mititrone as the winner of Wren/Nelson should be an easy winner in that fight. And sets up a final of Wren/Nelson vs. Schaub/Jones - which is the optimum finale in my opinion. If Darrill or Madsen wins, then that throws off the plan a little bit.

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Just watched the fight there(already knew the result) but that was on quick as hell armbar!

I wanted to Marcus to win but with Wessel's wife having cancer it must have affected his training and mindset going in to the fight which sucks.

I reckon McSweeney will beat Mitrione by TKO through leg kicks.

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Roy Nelson is an arrogant asshole and I hope he loses, and I hope Marcus Jones wins the shit out of that competition because Marcus Jones is awesome. :)

EDIT: Haha, wow, Rashad is really trying to get a reaction out of Rampage, I mean really, he is just trying so hard and honestly, it is getting a bit annoying. I mean come on Rashad, yes we know you won decisvely but honestly.

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I don't view it as that. I hear equally positive things about Rampage being "funny". And they give him positive one-on-one interviews. With that said, I think there is an emphasis on just how bad of a coach he actually is - which isn't a surprise as he isn't a coach to begin with. As for editing/television and his portrayal, I don't really see any outright negatives like they are burying him, because they also highlight his antics and "comedy" acts.

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Seriously, who the fuck scores that fight 20-18? What an idiot. Wren won that first round, simple as that. Whether Fat Country would of won it in the third or not doesn't really matter, that's another bullshit decision if you ask me. I'm glad Dana cant stand the guy either, because I seriously don't ever want to see this guy fighting inside the UFC. I think I actually hate him more than I do Ortiz.

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Why is everyone hating Nelson?

Cause he's a fat ass that hasn't really shown me that he is could compete in the UFC. Wren had that first round locked in my opinion. He pushed the pace, he nailed some terrific combos and really made Roy look like he was going down.

The second round was more competitive. Roy started building up his offense from the start of the round while Wren just looked gassed as hell. Roy took the second round no doubt about it.

Seriously though, how did this not go to a third round? Wren may have had the punchers chance to win and thats about it, but we won't know now. Upsetting as hell and I hope to god the person to knock Fat Ass out is Dana White.

End Rant.

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