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Ultimate Fighter 10

Guest Mr. Potato Head

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I hate Roy Nelson, so much, but hats off to him. He got Kimbo in that crucifix twice, and defeated him with it, what he done won him the fight at the end of the day. I hope Kimbo comes back, because I do not have much interest in anyone else in the house apart from Rampage's quotes.

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Dana was exactly right on what he said, with the Nelson and Kimbo fight. Roy wasn't do any damage but luckily for him Kimbo didn't know how to defend himself so he got an easy win. But shut up Roy Nelson, eat your cheeseburger and hopefully get knocked the fuck out by Marcus Jones. :)

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Wow, so, uh, do all the commercials that preview the next week have Kimbo as the main target? I went into tonight's episode thinking Kimbo was going to fight (even though i kinda knew it wouldn't happen), got my friends hyped.. and then it was Schaub/Rogers. Not that I'm complainig, I like Schaub, but still.

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Yeah, the advertising has been pretty much all Kimbo, I also thought he was gonna fight this week. It's becoming more and more obvious that this season of TUF is nothing more than a vehicle to get Kimbo over.

The Schaub/Rogers fight was pretty good, though. Best one this season, I think. Rogers was definitely winning the match until Schaub managed to turn the tables, and the choke he put Rogers in was pretty vicious.

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What are the odds that Team Rashad pulls off the sweep? It looks like Team Rampage might be able to get one win now.

Marcus Jones WILL. NOT. LOSE.

In the "This season on the ultimate fighter" it showed a big black guy who looks like Marcus Jones standing over some guy knocking the shit out of him iirc. Expect it.

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