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Starting to watch the cancelled show The Middleman the first episode was fun and it reminds me a lot of a wittier Buffy...of course all the good shows get canned :angry:

Yeah, I've watched a couple episodes of The Middleman. It's pretty fun and definitely deserved better.

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This week's edition of why Louie is a brilliant, brilliant show;

He has Robin Williams as a guest-star and does not advertise it at all. I saw absolutely nothing about Williams appearing on the show and yet there he is, right at the top of the episode.

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Finished Season 1 of The Wire. Just watched episode 1 of season 2. My god, you guys.

I liked season 2. I think if I were to rank seasons - keeping in mind I'm still not finished with season 5 - I'd go 4, 2, 1, 3. I loved the focus of 4 and I liked a lot of the characters in 2, but 3 felt like such a filler season. It wasn't outright bad or anything, it was just.. there.

Really? You didn't like 3? I thought it was great!

3, 4, 1, 5, 2.

Is season 2 the one on the docks? I seriously nearly stopped watching during that season as I thought it was shit. From memory it does pick up though, but the docks season was still easily my least favourite.

Also anyone who like The Wire that hasn't or doesn't go on to watch Oz is weird.

Season 2 is the docks. I would say it is my least favorite, but I still really enjoyed it. Just, the other seasons were better.

After watching the entire series a few times, I definitely think Season 2 and Season 4 are the best, an argument can be made for either. The odd-numbered seasons, while still good, are just about the cops and the dealers and while not a procedural cop show, are not all that different from a show like The Walking Dead or Mad Men or The Killing, in that they are regular seasons based in the shows settings. Why I think Season 2 of The Wire is the best is A) It is so radically different than Season 1. It took me a while to get into it but upon re-watch, it is amazing. It's just about the docks and the drugs, it shows where all these drugs come from and really shows all angles of "The Game" and the characters are just so awesome. The Sobotkas, Spiros, The Greek, Horse Face, Beadie Russell, Valchek, McNulty on the boat and doing everything in his power to screw over Rawls.

Season 4 again is about a different look at "The Game" and the season is made by the characters. All of those kids were amazing. Is there a more gutwrenching scene in TV ever than Randy screaming at Carver? Prop Joe featured more prominently, Bodie as an independent contractor, Chris & Snoop, Bunny Colvin & Prez as educators. Just great characters telling a great story of how they end up on those corners.

Seasons of The Wire I would rate 2, 4, 1, 3, 5.

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I think season two is fucking awesome, and the docks storyline is one of the best.

My ranking of seasons is probably similar to Messiah's except with season 4 above season 2 for sure. Seasons 1 and 3 are about equal for me, but I think I might give 3 precedence because it's in a lot of ways sort of the payoff for a lot of stuff running through the first three seasons.

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Randy's fate at the end of season 4 made me tear up some. I think Randy was one of my favourite characters in season 4, honestly.

Also, do they ever explain

If Randy's related to Cheese at all? Cheese Wagstaff.. Randy Wagstaff.. weird coincidence if they aren't related.

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Randy's fate at the end of season 4 made me tear up some. I think Randy was one of my favourite characters in season 4, honestly.

Also, do they ever explain

If Randy's related to Cheese at all? Cheese Wagstaff.. Randy Wagstaff.. weird coincidence if they aren't related.

I believe they are supposed to be related somehow but I don't think it's ever addressed. It strikes me as something like "This kid is so straight-laced but the game isn't far away."

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