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Slightly disagreeing with Pesci and maybe others on something (actually reading through what you said again and maybe I'm not really disagreeing but still, I've written it now):

I don't think the episode was just there to set House up as now capable of love. I think the whole point of this series has been about revealing how he has always looked after those around him. It goes on from something that they set up, probably unintentionally, in the second series when House sends Stacy away because, he claims, he isn't good enough for her. That's instantly challenged by Wilson who says House is just an emo cock and we're meant to agree with Wilson, but over the years Wilson's role as the moral compass has been increasingly challenged, through his decision to put House's life at risk when Amber's dying, through him often dropping Hosue and then picking him up again and most recently through his treatment of House once he finds out he has cancer. The talk in the last episode about Wilson being the good side of House was what House thought but wasn't true, Wilson's a complete bastard sometimes too but House is too blinded by love and respect for his friend to actually see that. Like everyone, Hosue's self identity is built on the identities he gives others. The final scene, where Wilson's deliberately made up to look like House hammers that home (a bit heavy handedly really), there is no ultimate good or bad in the series. People always talk abotut the shades of grey in the show, but House and Wilson were always there to serve as a moral framework, ultimately that moral framework didn't really exist, as has been referenced every now and then such as people remarking about how Wilson is friends with House and so can't be the white knight House and others present Wilson as being. The fact that Wilson is shown for who he really is makes his comment in that second series episode more doubtful, he's no longer an entirely reliable narrator, and thus House's suggestion that he did push Stacy away for her own good becomes more solid. Wilson's right in the funeral speech when he says House is a prick who made people miserable but the others are also presented as being right that House did it out of love. House believed you had to be tough in life, and he made them all tougher. Chase is the obvious example this year, again and again House tried to push Chase on to achieve all that he could despite Chase's reluctance. House admits himself in the end that the medicine is boring, he always claimed to be the man that never got involved with the patients and just dealt with their medical problems, but that wasn't true either, he also often discussed personal or ethical problems with his patients. I don't think the episode was really so much House realising life's fantastic and he should be a better person, it's more about him ackowledging that he's always wanted to live and he isn't who he pretends. He has been lying to himself about himself. The episode does a really good job of showing that House and Wilson aren't opposite sides of the same person in the slightest.

I mean, the episode was flawed as hell. They could have told the story better, the subconscious bits were a bit too forced and ending was too sweet. But thematically it was pretty sound and the inevitable final nod to Sherlock Holmes was a nice enough touch.

Edited by Vamp
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On the flip side of that, those two from Hawaii 5-O turned up in NCIS:LA and I had no fucking clue what was going on. The white guy is shit but the dude from Lost seemed alright.

Jin Soo Kwon! What a guy.

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That white guy is the son of legendary James Caan!

Which reminds me, I loved the episode with James Caan.

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For funsies I'm going to do what I did last year again and try to predict what the top ten shows in EWB's Favorite Show 2012 are going to be. Spoiler-cutting it because it's a lot of self-induglent rambling really.

1. Community

2. Parks and Recreation

3. Game of Thrones

4. The Walking Dead

5. Breaking Bad

6. Sons of Anarchy

7. How I Met Your Mother

8. Mad Men

9. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

10. Louie

The top six are pretty solid, I think. Community's spot is entirely dependent on a) how good season four turns out to be, b) whether EWB cares deeply about that or not. If season four isn't good it might be second or third. Parks is going to stay steady because it's been steadily good to great all year thusfar and that's surely not going to change in the fall. I think Game of Thrones is going to overtake TWD because it's gaining viewership in the way Community and Parks did last year and it's just a better show. TWD is highly watched, though, so it could hold on to third and I highly doubt it's slipping below fourth. Breaking Bad will probably gain some points on last year but I think it'll mostly just stay solid in fifth; I think most of the people on EWB who would watch Breaking Bad already are. Sons of Anarchy has been the most consistent show on EWB's Favorite TV Show over the years and I doubt that'll slip this year.

Then it gets messy. The other four shows from last year's ten (HIMYM, Modern Family, Dexter, Always Sunny) have basically all been in decline and it's hard to tell which ones are going to stay solid and which ones aren't. I think most likely Dexter will drop out because it would be stunning if season seven were actually a return to form. Then, Jesus, who knows. I'm anticipating Mad Men to sneak into the top ten again this year like it did in 2010, because those of us who watch Mad Men tend to really really love it and there are probably a few more viewers this year. And Louie went from not making the top 50 in 2010 to finishing 12th in 2011. Hard to tell if it's a show that's really going to have viewership growth in year three, but it might. I could see The Daily Show cracking the top ten this year too, and I'd be very surrpised if anything not mentioned here makes the top ten.

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I think most of the people on EWB who would watch Breaking Bad already are.

It's high on my list to catch, but acquisition issues bumped it below Sons Of Anarchy.

Which itself then got bumped for Arrested Development because I prefer comedies.

So this might be right...

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For funsies I'm going to do what I did last year again and try to predict what the top ten shows in EWB's Favorite Show 2012 are going to be. Spoiler-cutting it because it's a lot of self-induglent rambling really.

1. Community

2. Parks and Recreation

3. Game of Thrones

4. The Walking Dead

5. Breaking Bad

6. Sons of Anarchy

7. How I Met Your Mother

8. Mad Men

9. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

10. Louie

The top six are pretty solid, I think. Community's spot is entirely dependent on a) how good season four turns out to be, b) whether EWB cares deeply about that or not. If season four isn't good it might be second or third. Parks is going to stay steady because it's been steadily good to great all year thusfar and that's surely not going to change in the fall. I think Game of Thrones is going to overtake TWD because it's gaining viewership in the way Community and Parks did last year and it's just a better show. TWD is highly watched, though, so it could hold on to third and I highly doubt it's slipping below fourth. Breaking Bad will probably gain some points on last year but I think it'll mostly just stay solid in fifth; I think most of the people on EWB who would watch Breaking Bad already are. Sons of Anarchy has been the most consistent show on EWB's Favorite TV Show over the years and I doubt that'll slip this year.

Then it gets messy. The other four shows from last year's ten (HIMYM, Modern Family, Dexter, Always Sunny) have basically all been in decline and it's hard to tell which ones are going to stay solid and which ones aren't. I think most likely Dexter will drop out because it would be stunning if season seven were actually a return to form. Then, Jesus, who knows. I'm anticipating Mad Men to sneak into the top ten again this year like it did in 2010, because those of us who watch Mad Men tend to really really love it and there are probably a few more viewers this year. And Louie went from not making the top 50 in 2010 to finishing 12th in 2011. Hard to tell if it's a show that's really going to have viewership growth in year three, but it might. I could see The Daily Show cracking the top ten this year too, and I'd be very surrpised if anything not mentioned here makes the top ten.

It will be my goddamned crusade to get Justified or Fringe into the Top Ten!

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For funsies I'm going to do what I did last year again and try to predict what the top ten shows in EWB's Favorite Show 2012 are going to be. Spoiler-cutting it because it's a lot of self-induglent rambling really.

1. Community

2. Parks and Recreation

3. Game of Thrones

4. The Walking Dead

5. Breaking Bad

6. Sons of Anarchy

7. How I Met Your Mother

8. Mad Men

9. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

10. Louie

The top six are pretty solid, I think. Community's spot is entirely dependent on a) how good season four turns out to be, b) whether EWB cares deeply about that or not. If season four isn't good it might be second or third. Parks is going to stay steady because it's been steadily good to great all year thusfar and that's surely not going to change in the fall. I think Game of Thrones is going to overtake TWD because it's gaining viewership in the way Community and Parks did last year and it's just a better show. TWD is highly watched, though, so it could hold on to third and I highly doubt it's slipping below fourth. Breaking Bad will probably gain some points on last year but I think it'll mostly just stay solid in fifth; I think most of the people on EWB who would watch Breaking Bad already are. Sons of Anarchy has been the most consistent show on EWB's Favorite TV Show over the years and I doubt that'll slip this year.

Then it gets messy. The other four shows from last year's ten (HIMYM, Modern Family, Dexter, Always Sunny) have basically all been in decline and it's hard to tell which ones are going to stay solid and which ones aren't. I think most likely Dexter will drop out because it would be stunning if season seven were actually a return to form. Then, Jesus, who knows. I'm anticipating Mad Men to sneak into the top ten again this year like it did in 2010, because those of us who watch Mad Men tend to really really love it and there are probably a few more viewers this year. And Louie went from not making the top 50 in 2010 to finishing 12th in 2011. Hard to tell if it's a show that's really going to have viewership growth in year three, but it might. I could see The Daily Show cracking the top ten this year too, and I'd be very surrpised if anything not mentioned here makes the top ten.

It will be my goddamned crusade to get Justified or Fringe into the Top Ten!

Your's and mine both.

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He's basically 1 for 5. 6, if you count NCIS: Other People. It makes Quantum Leap this odd anomaly that defies explanation.

3 for 6. Just because you don't like military crime dramas (or regular ones, apparently) by the guy doesn't mean that they're all poor. I would say 4 for 6, but I never watched a full season of JAG (albeit I did like episodes I have seen), so I'm only counting QL, Magnum, and NCIS. However, NCIS: LA isn't my cup of tea - though that might be more that practically every character had past events that really messed with them (although some of those have been resolved).

Either way, I will admit that I would have loved to see another season of Quantum Leap - if they had continued it, it seemed like they were going to go with each episode having a little more continuity between each other, possibly with Sam leaping in to somebody's life, only to discover that he has to solve so many issues to make things right that he has to stay that same person for months. Six episode arcs... now that would have been an interesting change.

It's still 1.5 for 6. Quantum Leap isn't flawless, but NCISJAG: LA has been profoundly horrible every time I've attempted to watch. And I do like crime dramas, when they're actually good. Certain seasons of Law & Order were good, as is what I've seen of Hill Street Blues. Bellisario's entries in the genre are poorly thought-out, two-dimensional schlock for anyone who'll take any level of mystery or crime procedural, quality be damned.

And no, you leave QL right where it ended. Perfect ending, after a largely lackluster final season. Anything further would just keep bastardizing the good work done in the first 3-4 seasons.

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Guest mr. potato head

For funsies I'm going to do what I did last year again and try to predict what the top ten shows in EWB's Favorite Show 2012 are going to be. Spoiler-cutting it because it's a lot of self-induglent rambling really.

1. Community

2. Parks and Recreation

3. Game of Thrones

4. The Walking Dead

5. Breaking Bad

6. Sons of Anarchy

7. How I Met Your Mother

8. Mad Men

9. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

10. Louie

The top six are pretty solid, I think. Community's spot is entirely dependent on a) how good season four turns out to be, b) whether EWB cares deeply about that or not. If season four isn't good it might be second or third. Parks is going to stay steady because it's been steadily good to great all year thusfar and that's surely not going to change in the fall. I think Game of Thrones is going to overtake TWD because it's gaining viewership in the way Community and Parks did last year and it's just a better show. TWD is highly watched, though, so it could hold on to third and I highly doubt it's slipping below fourth. Breaking Bad will probably gain some points on last year but I think it'll mostly just stay solid in fifth; I think most of the people on EWB who would watch Breaking Bad already are. Sons of Anarchy has been the most consistent show on EWB's Favorite TV Show over the years and I doubt that'll slip this year.

Then it gets messy. The other four shows from last year's ten (HIMYM, Modern Family, Dexter, Always Sunny) have basically all been in decline and it's hard to tell which ones are going to stay solid and which ones aren't. I think most likely Dexter will drop out because it would be stunning if season seven were actually a return to form. Then, Jesus, who knows. I'm anticipating Mad Men to sneak into the top ten again this year like it did in 2010, because those of us who watch Mad Men tend to really really love it and there are probably a few more viewers this year. And Louie went from not making the top 50 in 2010 to finishing 12th in 2011. Hard to tell if it's a show that's really going to have viewership growth in year three, but it might. I could see The Daily Show cracking the top ten this year too, and I'd be very surrpised if anything not mentioned here makes the top ten.

No Revolution? You might be underestimating EWB's collective scifi nerdery.

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House just restarted on Sky Atlantic a couple of weeks back, so I figured I'd try and get into it (tried once before, but really didn't hold my attention). Liking it, but it's a tad repetitive. It's basically the exact same formula as procedural cop shows, only with diseases. Halfway through season one, so I figure I'll finish that up and then make a decision as to whether to continue.

Also, I find it weird that Billy Kennedy is in this.

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For funsies I'm going to do what I did last year again and try to predict what the top ten shows in EWB's Favorite Show 2012 are going to be. Spoiler-cutting it because it's a lot of self-induglent rambling really.

1. Community

2. Parks and Recreation

3. Game of Thrones

4. The Walking Dead

5. Breaking Bad

6. Sons of Anarchy

7. How I Met Your Mother

8. Mad Men

9. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

10. Louie

The top six are pretty solid, I think. Community's spot is entirely dependent on a) how good season four turns out to be, b) whether EWB cares deeply about that or not. If season four isn't good it might be second or third. Parks is going to stay steady because it's been steadily good to great all year thusfar and that's surely not going to change in the fall. I think Game of Thrones is going to overtake TWD because it's gaining viewership in the way Community and Parks did last year and it's just a better show. TWD is highly watched, though, so it could hold on to third and I highly doubt it's slipping below fourth. Breaking Bad will probably gain some points on last year but I think it'll mostly just stay solid in fifth; I think most of the people on EWB who would watch Breaking Bad already are. Sons of Anarchy has been the most consistent show on EWB's Favorite TV Show over the years and I doubt that'll slip this year.

Then it gets messy. The other four shows from last year's ten (HIMYM, Modern Family, Dexter, Always Sunny) have basically all been in decline and it's hard to tell which ones are going to stay solid and which ones aren't. I think most likely Dexter will drop out because it would be stunning if season seven were actually a return to form. Then, Jesus, who knows. I'm anticipating Mad Men to sneak into the top ten again this year like it did in 2010, because those of us who watch Mad Men tend to really really love it and there are probably a few more viewers this year. And Louie went from not making the top 50 in 2010 to finishing 12th in 2011. Hard to tell if it's a show that's really going to have viewership growth in year three, but it might. I could see The Daily Show cracking the top ten this year too, and I'd be very surrpised if anything not mentioned here makes the top ten.

No Revolution? You might be underestimating EWB's collective scifi nerdery.

Fringe didn't crack the top 40 and Revolution won't be out long enough or hyped up enough to have the kind of debut that Game of Thrones or Walking Dead did. If Revolution is solidly good it'll probably be top 30. If it's amazing then I'd consider top 10, but I don't think it's going to be amazing.

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Last Resort will the amazing show, and it will likely not make it to November Sweeps.

A Shawn Ryan-helmed network show about a submarine crew? Yeah, no chance. I'll give it a shot, though. I stuck with Chicago Code for a while but could never really get into it beyond Delroy Lindo being fantastic.

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Fringe didn't crack the top 40 and Revolution won't be out long enough or hyped up enough to have the kind of debut that Game of Thrones or Walking Dead did. If Revolution is solidly good it'll probably be top 30. If it's amazing then I'd consider top 10, but I don't think it's going to be amazing.

Glad I'm not the only one thinking this about Revolution, looked incredibly average from the trailer and will likely become quickly ridiculous.

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