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I've stated The Defiant Ones, which is nice, easy watching. I think I'm always going to be intrigued by music docs and I'd heard enough good stuff to try this out. 

Also nice to have Silicon Valley back on UK TV. I definitely feel like it's peaked a bit in the past - I'm finding a little harder to feel fully involved in what's going on - but it's still entertaining and I'm hoping they find somewhere really interested to take Season 5 (I'm about the watch the 2nd ep, for what it's worth). 

So behind on TV stuff - still really wanna do Jessica Jones (without doing The Defenders) and really intrigued by Wild Wild Country and The Vietnam War. 

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On 11/04/2018 at 19:24, K said:

Anyone watched travellers? Is it good? I watched two episodes and I'm not really that into it, but if it gets super good I'll stick with it.

It's fun! I thought it was solid to start with and slowly grows into something really look forward to watching. 

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On 14/04/2018 at 10:31, million$$man said:

Catching up on the latest season of X-Files, and I am up to the episode called Rm9sbG93ZXKz (or, as I like to call it "Black Mirror Is Popular, Let's Copy That).... If you have seen it, you know exactly what I am talking about

Yeah, that was by far the worst episode since the revival for me. Did absolutely nothing for me. They were trying to be quirky and artsy and it just falls flat on its face and felt utterly like it was completely out of sync with the X-Files universe.

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I didn't enjoy the series much compared to the last one. There were a couple of decent monster of the weeks, but every attempt to be funny or quirky fell short. It's as if they saw the reaction to that brilliant Rhys Darby one last year and thought "we should do that again", and failed miserably. The Lone Gunmen/Matrix one was horrible. 

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Watched the first episode of the BBC adaptation of The City & The City. Was pleasantly surprised - I'd heard the trail on 6Music a few times last week but, aside from the Stranger Things knock-off music, had assumed it was a generic gritty police procedural, it took me a while to realise it was actually an adaptation of the book!

I enjoyed it - it takes a premise that, like most of China Mieville's work, could be either unfilmable or else come across as incredibly cheap and hokey, and (so far, at least) has made it work. I'm impressed that they haven't really played up the weirdness of the premise for weirdness' sake, and more or less just play it straight. It's visually and stylistically very interesting, and the only real downside is that David Morrissey plays the lead character as a very generic gruff cop with a past, though that might be necessary for the premise to work.

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Holy shit Roseanne and Jackie's mom. I thought she was like 90 in the old show. Though, oddly they've walked back on her being Gay or she opened her views a little cause she mentioned that having sex with men got her kicked out of the rest home.

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10 hours ago, Benjamin said:

Only just into the opening of the second episode of this week's B99, but ohmygawd, that was fucking spectacular. 

Wait....there were two episodes this week?!


Edit: Huh. Apparently I watched the second one, but not the first. 

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I was watching old Roseanne tonight and something from the new show retroactively made an old episode feel weird. In the episode where Becky breaks into the booze cabinet there's a bit where Darlene says she doesn't want a "boozer" for a sister. In the newest episode of the new show there's a bit that goes something like this...


Darlene: Well if you're so happy about it then why are you drinking before the date?

Becky: Because I have a drinking problem.


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13 hours ago, Lars Kuyt said:

Ash vs Evil Dead has been cancelled :(

That sucks, but at the same time it's amazing they got three seasons out of that show. It's such wacky zany show, and half-hour episodes at that too. Anyone who hasn't seen it but likes their horror to be dumb and out-there, that's a great show to pick up because you can fly through a season.

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