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I'm going to see The Artist within the next two weeks. Looking forward to it! Jean Dujardin has been awesome in every public appearance I've seen him in, just incredibly charming.

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Fuck The Artist, and fuck everyone who likes it.

I figured an old man like yourself would appreciate such a fine piece of cinema. Fuck you, man!

Let me make a silent film in 2012 and people will jizz all over it. Fuck off you pretentious fucks. When the ability to make talkies came into being they did it. Maybe next they can make a movie that is all sound and no picture, because hey, radio dramas were popular 60 years ago too! Fuck them, fuck the movie, and fuck everyone who praises it!

That said I might Redbox it shifty.gif

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Anybody seen Damages? I finished Season 1 and I need to know if it's even worth watching any more seasons. It seemed they really burnt out near the end and it became a convoluted and confusing mess. Thoughts, opinions, musings?

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Watching Angel Season 3. Spoilered because, you never know, other people besides me may not have watched it before.

The fact none of the team understands and has sympathy for Wesley after he kidnapped Connor is ridiculous. Hating this right now.

Wesley didn't help his own case by refusing to talk to any of them before kidnapping Connor. AND he attacked Lorne as well.

That said, Season 3 isn't even as bad as it gets. Skip Season 4 :P

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Okay, The Office really did pick up during Season 3. I've only got a couple of episodes left, but it's gone from amusing to laugh out loud funny, on a consistant basis. It's just something as small as facial expressions; Dwight and Stanley's specifically constant get me laughing. And through the introduction of Andy, they made Michael a lot more likeable, which is always good. I'm impressed that the show does some of the best serious stuff, too. There are little moments between characters, or some storylines about love, which aren't funny, but just heartwarming or quite upsetting. It's getting pretty good.

When does it dip in quality?

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Guest mr. potato head

I think Season 3 is the pinnacle of the show, although Season 4 is very strong as well. Season 5 gets sort of uneven, but finishes with a very strong arc. Season 6 is where things begin a marked descent IMO.

Actually this has reminded me of what I, in my infinite wisdom, have decided must be the problem with The Office of the last couple years. To the NBC thread I go! :shifty:

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