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How does Mad Men do in the raings, GoGo? Now 6 episodes in and it's quality television. I know the emmey's love it. But how does it fare in the ratings war? And does it look like it's going to keep on going? I only say this because a lot of the stars seem to be landing bigger roles in feature films. Which is great news, too.

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How does Mad Men do in the raings, GoGo? Now 6 episodes in and it's quality television. I know the emmey's love it. But how does it fare in the ratings war? And does it look like it's going to keep on going? I only say this because a lot of the stars seem to be landing bigger roles in feature films. Which is great news, too.

Strong enough, considering it's AMC. Like, what you have to keep in mind is that before Mad Men, AMC was just a channel that aired old movies and Three Stooges shorts and then a channel that just aired movies in general (not all of them worth airing) and now it's one of the strongest networks on cable for original programming (Rubicon is its worst show and the first that looks like it's in danger of cancellation, but I've watched six episodes of that and it's a pretty solid show for what it is), to the point where it's basically stolen HBO's thunder ever since The Sopranos came to a close (The Wire is one of the most critically adored shows of all-time but the Emmys paid no attention to it for god knows what reason, and True Blood is a very popular show but it's not the force of nature The Sopranos was). Mad Men draws a strong enough rating that it will never, ever be in danger of cancellation, and moreover it's a powerhouse at the Emmys/with critics and advertisers are drawn to it because a very upscale audience watches Mad Men. I believe Matthew Weiner's intent is to run six or seven seasons total, and I have no doubt in my mind that he'll be allowed to get there.

And yeah, Jared Harris landing Moriarty for Sherlock Holmes 2 was awesome news. The stars are pretty much good to film whatever in the off-season (this year you've had Jon Hamm in The Town, Elizabeth Moss in Get Him to the Greek, and John Slattery's minor-but-crucial role in Iron Man 2), so since Mad Men films for like... three or four months out of the calendar year, I think, they have more than enough time to pursue filming elsewhere.

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As of right now - Thursday is a busy night for me.

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

The Office

Big Bang Theory

Along with The Simpsons on Sunday and now Running Wilde on Tuesdays - damn, this is the most television that I have been keeping up on in a while. I'm also excited for David Cross's new television show to start tonight I believe, even though I am not sure if I'll have a chance to watch it - seems to be a smaller project than most, but then again everything tends to find its way online somehow I guess, eventually. Heavily enjoying him and Will Arnett working together on two shows - GOBIAS INDUSTRIES!

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Outsource was less offensive and more just plain really bad sitcom this week.

That's disappointing. Might as well just go all out offensive.

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The more Smallville features Michael Shanks, the more I wish he'd either start getting some film roles or be given his own TV show (that isn't Stargate or one of it's billion spin offs). The man bleeds awesome. Also I really hope Smallville knows what it's doing. They're kind of half going the route of Buffy Season 7 apparently, with a villain similar to The First. (no real corporeal form, uses bodies of others to portray itself and works through others.) The only problem is that the only way I can really see a villain like that working is the way it was done in Buffy... which wouldn't work quite as well in Smallville, seeing as Clark is Superman and all. He needs to have a big fight at the end really, it'll be disappointing if he doesn't. It's nice that they're trying something different by not having the villain known right off the bat... but I'm not sure if the Final Season is the time to be trying that.


Can anyone tell me a little about Darkseid? Like... what're you expecting his motivations to be and what're his powers?

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OK, having just watched the first episode of season 2 NCIS:LA last night, the episode itself was meh, but that little smile and nod Sam gave Deakes, giving him permission to lay into a suspect was awesome :D

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BBC America aired the first episode of Law & Order: UK last night.

I thought it was pretty good, except for two things:

1. Why a theme that doesn't sound anything like the other Law & Order themes?

2. The Director of CPS came off like a big dick.

I've read that every episode is adapted from the original series. Hope they adapt/have adapted some of my favorite episodes.

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So, has anyone ever checked out Bored to Death? Is it any good? I'm tempted because of Zach Galifianakis, but I'm not sure about what I've read on it.

It's one of my favorites. I'm finding it hard to describe what to expect, but I would say it has the situational comedy of Seinfeld with the dark vibe of Louie on HBO.

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