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One Of My Magazines Was Printed.


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I love simple designs when they're done right, and this definitely looks great. I suppose the only critique I have would be on the front cover, not exactly a fan of the text at the bottom, but... other than that? Amazing stuff, really glad to hear you got it printed and I'm sure it will look great on your resume and portfolio.

Definitely show us this next magazine you'll be doing, too! I would love to see it myself, at least. I myself will probably wind up helping with my school's magazine when I need to have an internship up here in two quarters, but... hell, who knows, maybe I'll luck out and get an opportunity before then for something like this. I can hope at least :P

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My favorite part was when nufan all but said "If you really did that it's great, but if this is a fake then it's even better."

Apparently digital fakes are better than the real thing now :shifty:

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My favorite part was when nufan all but said "If you really did that it's great, but if this is a fake then it's even better."

Apparently digital fakes are better than the real thing now :shifty:

Lol, i meant good work on fooling everyone if it were a fake

It is a great looking magazine mate, i'd love to be able to do something like that

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