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Player sues Sony after being banned from PlayStation Network

Herr Matzat

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But... couldn't he just create a new psn account meaning he doesn't have to spend $1500 on new things?

I'm sure they've thought of that. You know, they did create the system. :shifty:

The idea of Sony giving him a refund is preposterous. Why should he get compensation for something brought about by his own misconduct?

I could see a ban if he tried to hack into the PSN network, or tried to steal people's accounts or information, stuff along those lines that would put people's information and more at risk.

But if he was banned for being a dick/talking shit/anything on the mic or in messages, things like that, it seems a bit ridiculous to cut him off from going online when a message ban/voice ban would have the same effect, with less losses for both parties (guy still gets to play online, Sony still gets his sales most likely).

There's no way in hell that the guy is going to win that case when he's asking for that much money, the amount he's asking for is outrageous, unless of course he's spent an insane amount of money on PS3 supplies. Had he taken it to court, asking for a refund for the products he purchased which he is no longer able to use to their full potential, I could possibly see a Judge giving him it. $55,000 though? Pushing it, big time.

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You never ask for a reasonable amount, you ask for an unreasonable amount and then get a reasonable amount on appeal.

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I'm sorry, but I fail to see how anyone could even think he should get any type of refund at all. Getting a refund on games you bought then being a douchebag who gets banned when you know better makes about as much sense as a criminal getting a refund from the gun store or pawn shop on the gun he bought he used from on the gun or the bullets he has because he's going to be locked up in jail for the rest of his life and won't be able to shoot anyone.

No sympathy from me. If he's that damn stupid and that much of an asshole online, he got what he deserved.

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Reword your analogy so that it flows as a proper thought plz.

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I can think of a dozen instances where I'd wished a loud mouthed little kid would just be banned while I was playing online. Really annoys me and messes with the playing experience.

I also hate those that take their headset and put it right up next to a speaker blaring out some hip hop music loud which ruins any chance of proper conversation or game based discussion with anyone else.

They may have got their parents to shell out for the game and the console so that they can do it, but there's loads of guys like me who worked and bought everything else and OUR online experience is being ruined. Perhaps I should sue those little gits.

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I couldn't see a judge giving him it in either circumstance.

Maybe so, but my point was that a judge would probably consider a refund more fair than asking for $55,000.

I'm sorry, but I fail to see how anyone could even think he should get any type of refund at all. Getting a refund on games you bought then being a douchebag who gets banned when you know better makes about as much sense as a criminal getting a refund from the gun store or pawn shop on the gun he bought he used from on the gun or the bullets he has because he's going to be locked up in jail for the rest of his life and won't be able to shoot anyone.

No sympathy from me. If he's that damn stupid and that much of an asshole online, he got what he deserved.

I fail to see how being a douchebag online compares to shooting someone. Bad comparison, in my opinion.

I can think of a dozen instances where I'd wished a loud mouthed little kid would just be banned while I was playing online. Really annoys me and messes with the playing experience.

I also hate those that take their headset and put it right up next to a speaker blaring out some hip hop music loud which ruins any chance of proper conversation or game based discussion with anyone else.

They may have got their parents to shell out for the game and the console so that they can do it, but there's loads of guys like me who worked and bought everything else and OUR online experience is being ruined. Perhaps I should sue those little gits.

I know how annoying those people can be too, there's plenty to come across. But should they all really lose their access to the online part of the game? Wouldn't them not being able to use their mic or send messages (voice/chat ban) have the same effect, and give you the same results (that person no longer being able to blare music, or even speak)?

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