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2009/2010 NBA Thread


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If LeBron doesn't win the title this season, I have to wonder what it would take for him to actually get it done. His team has recent all-stars in Williams and Jamison, two more than serviceable guys at the 5, good to great spot up shooters in West and Parker and high energy guys who rebound in Sideshow Bob and Hickson. FFS, does he need to go all New York Yankees and head to LA to team up with Kobe and Gasol to get a ring?

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Fuck that, naiwf. LeBron doesn't deserve to be a Laker. No heart, no class. I hope the Celtics put the crownless 'king' out of his misery and send him packing to New York, were he'll continue to do nothing.

The Cavs habit of celebrating meaningless wins and acting like children has come back to bite them. Even if they manage to get past Boston, Orlando will smash them.

I don't want to count my chickens, but LA should beat Phoenix in no more than 6, and even though it won't happen, I want Boston. Revenge would be sweet.

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Guest JukeboxHero

As a Cavs fan, I'd like to come out and explain why the Cavs lost, offering tons of excuses. Well, you see...

Just kidding. We played awful last night. No excuses, that was pitiful. No one can defend how they played last night.

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Fuck that, naiwf. LeBron doesn't deserve to be a Laker. No heart, no class. I hope the Celtics put the crownless 'king' out of his misery and send him packing to New York, were he'll continue to do nothing.

The Cavs habit of celebrating meaningless wins and acting like children has come back to bite them. Even if they manage to get past Boston, Orlando will smash them.

I don't want to count my chickens, but LA should beat Phoenix in no more than 6, and even though it won't happen, I want Boston. Revenge would be sweet.

I don't want LeBron either! If we can get Wade and Bosh that would be awesome, if not some combo of one of those two and either Melo or Paul next season would be just as good. The guy I'd really love to see in a Knicks jersey is #12 in Orlando and learning how to play the post from Pa-Trick Ew-ing :(

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Fuck that, naiwf. LeBron doesn't deserve to be a Laker. No heart, no class. I hope the Celtics put the crownless 'king' out of his misery and send him packing to New York, were he'll continue to do nothing.

The Cavs habit of celebrating meaningless wins and acting like children has come back to bite them. Even if they manage to get past Boston, Orlando will smash them.

I don't want to count my chickens, but LA should beat Phoenix in no more than 6, and even though it won't happen, I want Boston. Revenge would be sweet.

I don't want LeBron either! If we can get Wade and Bosh that would be awesome, if not some combo of one of those two and either Melo or Paul next season would be just as good. The guy I'd really love to see in a Knicks jersey is #12 in Orlando and learning how to play the post from Pa-Trick Ew-ing :(

Though Ewing is Assistant Coach in Orlando :shifty:

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Sometimes I actually feel sorry for Cleveland sports fans.

I actually put that on twitter last night, it can't get worse than them now, can it?

I don't see LeBron ever winning a title. Not only can he not do it by himself (like anyone else, and he will have to in order to win one), I have only seen him put his team on his back and not allow them to lose once, while Kobe and D. Wade for example have done it multiple times

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So, LeBron has to leave Cleveland if they lose, right?

So, Chicago is the best fit for him, You have a team that had no business going into the Playoffs, with a bad coach, with injuries, and they gave it all in their series, and never once you saw Rose and Noah quitting on the game. The problme then would be the 2, but a sign and trade with Atlanta would solve those problems...

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Though Ewing is Assistant Coach in Orlando :shifty:

He is. That's why the Knicks would be best served to get Howard if they could, and they could also make amends to the fans by bringing Ewing back as a coach.

Edited by naiwf
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Though Ewing is Assistant Coach in Orlando :shifty:

He is. That's why the Knicks would be best served to get Howard if they could, and they could also make amends to the fans by bringing Ewing back as a coach.

Just saying, I would rather have Hakeem or Kareem teaching my center how to play the post

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Though Ewing is Assistant Coach in Orlando :shifty:

He is. That's why the Knicks would be best served to get Howard if they could, and they could also make amends to the fans by bringing Ewing back as a coach.

Just saying, I would rather have Hakeem or Kareem teaching my center how to play the post

Neither one of those guys has any ties to the Knicks even though Kareem is from New York. Ewing is arguably the greatest Knick ever and the team has been the drizzles ever since he was let go. It doesn't matter since Howard's not coming unless Orlando wants to lose the best center in the game for the second time in ~15 years.

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The problem with that though is Danny Ferry and company went all-in for this season. LeBron has been there seven years and this is the pinnacle of the teams he's had. Orlando has Howard, Nelson, Carter, and Lewis. LA has Kobe, Gasol, Odom, and Bynum. The Celtics have Pierce, Rondo, Perkins, possibly Allen and a hobbled but playoff effective Garnett. If this is the best team LeBron is ever going to be surrounded with, why would he stick around and risk losing another three years at the minimum?

As a Bulls fan I'm obviously biased, but I think Chicago is the best fit for him. Rose is going to be a top 5 PG for the next ten years, Noah is finally getting the respect he deserves (even though I still don't think it's enough unless you watch him on a night-to-night basis. His effort is amazing.) The rest of the roster would all benefit from having LeBron around them and would have a lot of the same versatility that the Cavs have this year. Rose-Hinrich-James-Gibson-Noah could start, Rose-James-Deng-Noah-Miller would be a great big line-up, Rose-Hinrich-Deng-James-Noah would play great small-ball.

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Part of me wonders if LeBron purposely did nothing last night to see if anybody else would step up and ultimately, if he should stay or not. I know, it probably didn't happen but still.

And Ric Bucher was on ESPN Radio last night and pretty much went on a tangent about that idea and that people have been giving the excuse that he's going to develop his killer instinct soon for years now and it still hasn't happened. When does everybody finally admit that he just doesn't have it?

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Part of me wonders if LeBron purposely did nothing last night to see if anybody else would step up and ultimately, if he should stay or not. I know, it probably didn't happen but still.

And Ric Bucher was on ESPN Radio last night and pretty much went on a tangent about that idea and that people have been giving the excuse that he's going to develop his killer instinct soon for years now and it still hasn't happened. When does everybody finally admit that he just doesn't have it?

Yeah, LeBron James tanked a playoff basketball. :rolleyes: Seriously....how absurd is that? It took Jordan forever to win. Kobe won early because he had Shaq. LeBron will be just fine......just as long as he doesn't go to the Knicks.

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The thing with LeBron is if the Cavs are up 5 with about 4 minutes to go he has it, but when it's win-or-lose it seems he cowers from the moment when other guys cherish it. Kobe has the reputation for being a great closer and that has more to do with his demeanor then his actual statistics in crunch time (which aren't nearly as high as most people used to think). Some people step up in big moments, others don't. I used to hear people say that was what Manny had that kept him in Boston for so long; you knew he was coming through when it mattered the most.

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Part of me wonders if LeBron purposely did nothing last night to see if anybody else would step up and ultimately, if he should stay or not. I know, it probably didn't happen but still.

And Ric Bucher was on ESPN Radio last night and pretty much went on a tangent about that idea and that people have been giving the excuse that he's going to develop his killer instinct soon for years now and it still hasn't happened. When does everybody finally admit that he just doesn't have it?

Yeah, LeBron James tanked a playoff basketball. :rolleyes: Seriously....how absurd is that? It took Jordan forever to win. Kobe won early because he had Shaq. LeBron will be just fine......just as long as he doesn't go to the Knicks.

First of all, it's not my words, it's Bucher's.

And secondly, it's not THAT absurd. I mean, we've already reached the Jordan years mark and surpassed it. That being said, I don't buy into the Cavs having that much talent around him to begin with since I think they have a bunch of #3 options but no true #2 (that can take some of the pressure off of him) but at some point people need stop making excuses for him because before you know it, he's going to be in Garnett/Kobe territory with his body breaking down. I'm not saying he won't win a title or anything but come on now, people have been giving the same excuses for the past 3-4 years now.

Oh and I wasn't really being serious about LeBron tanking, Jesus Christ.

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Part of me wonders if LeBron purposely did nothing last night to see if anybody else would step up and ultimately, if he should stay or not. I know, it probably didn't happen but still.

And Ric Bucher was on ESPN Radio last night and pretty much went on a tangent about that idea and that people have been giving the excuse that he's going to develop his killer instinct soon for years now and it still hasn't happened. When does everybody finally admit that he just doesn't have it?

Yeah, LeBron James tanked a playoff basketball. :rolleyes: Seriously....how absurd is that? It took Jordan forever to win. Kobe won early because he had Shaq. LeBron will be just fine......just as long as he doesn't go to the Knicks.

First of all, it's not my words, it's Bucher's.

That bolded part isn't what you said?

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Read my edit. I didn't ACTUALLY mean that, I even said "I know, it probably didn't happen, but still". I thought that would've conveyed my lack of seriousness about that statement but I guess not. :/

Oh and for the record, a lot of people are questioning if he was really giving all of his effort into the game. Not saying that it's right or anything, just saying it's apparently not that uncommon.

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