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Academy Awards Expand Best Picture Category to 10 Films


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Oscars doubling best-picture nominees to 10 By DAVID GERMAIN – 25 minutes ago

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — The Academy Awards are doubling the number of best-picture nominees from five to 10.

Academy President Sid Ganis said at a news conference that the academy's board of governors made the decision to expand the slate. Ganis said the decision will open the field up to more worthy films for the top prize at Hollywood's biggest party.

The change takes effect with next year' Oscars on March 7.

The move is a return to Oscar traditions of the 1930s and '40s, when 10 nominees were common.


I don't mind this decision on the grounds that it allows for some more inventive films to creep into the category. You look at years like 2004 where Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind couldn't find a spot because of the agressive campaigns put on by the major studios and wonder if something like this would have made a difference.

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Probably not 'cause Eternal Sunshine was shit <_< imo anyway.

But it definitely will make things more interesting, making it less obvious I hope who the favorite will be.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

This is a dumb move. Lowers the bar and ensures that more undeserving films will get nominations, while any deserving movie that's left off will make the Academy look that much worse.

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I really doubt that. The more likely result is that after the studios take the first 5 nods with their 20 million dollar Oscar campaigns, voters will actually have to think for themselves with deciding upon who to champion for Best Picture. And that could lead to some interesting results.

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It's an interesting decision. I joked it means MOAR AWARDS BAIT GITS IN, OH NO SEVEN POUNDS WITH AN OSCAR NOD, but with the strict voting there, I seriously doubt that would happen. It's a "wait-and-see" decision.

Also, I predict Sorority Row's getting a nod now, by the way. :shifty:

Also, ignoring EddieG's hate for Eternal Sunshine before my seething anger turns deadly. <_<

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I presume this means we'll get a token animated and documentary nod every year then? Hopefully it means they're in with a legitimate shot too, I agree that Wall-E should've been in there last year. Heck, I loved that film far more than I think I'm allowed to and would ever let on in conversation. :P

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Why Wall-E was quite excellent and was for an older animation audience anyway. I heard a mass of kids say, "I wish there were more talking" and the like. Add that in with the social storyline, it was moreso an older audience - in my opinion.

I won't argue with this until after we see what kind of films make up the next five.

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Also, ignoring EddieG's hate for Eternal Sunshine before my seething anger turns deadly. <_<

It sucked. Accept it.

Let me guess, you couldn't follow the wacky mind adventures of it or the fact that Jim Carrey didn't have a rubbery face for the duration of the film? Don't take this as a pissy move. I really want to know what your reasons for this dislike is. Unless it's "it's not a Jim Carrey comedy like the others," in which keep it to yourself and just avoid any fare classified as arthouse or whatever.

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I'll be fair, I got into the movie, and found it quite interesting, but maybe it is indeed the fact I personally can't get into Jim Carrey as a serious actor and after about an hour (so don't say I didn't give it enough time <_<) I gave up on it and switched it off.

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Honestly, aside from one moment where he verged into overacting (the bit where... I think he tried to slit his own throat or something?) I thought it was the best performance he's ever given in anything. The only movie where he was anywhere near as good was Man on the Moon.

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Oh yes, no doubt his acting was amazing, but I personally couldn't get into it what so ever. To be fair, if you asked me now what the movie was about, I honestly couldn't tell you anymore.

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... really, that's kind of to be expected from Charlie Kaufman movies. I saw it in theatres with my dad, my aunt, and my mom and of the three I think only my dad really got what it was about.

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... really, that's kind of to be expected from Charlie Kaufman movies. I saw it in theatres with my dad, my aunt, and my mom and of the three I think only my dad really got what it was about.

I admit that I secretly want Charlie Kaufman's brain, but nothing else. I also just admitted that I want to be a cynical, self-depreciating bastard who makes movies about cynical, self-depreciating bastards...WHICH ARE GREAT!

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Except for Being John Malkovich, which was just about a bunch of assholes and also John Malkovich. It was also my least favorite Kaufman movie I've ever seen (I've never seen... what's the name of the caveman one? Human Nature?), so maybe he should stick to that.

Edited by GoGolina Love
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