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Sean, just use the list I sent you in a PM for the live draft, as I won't be around for it.

Here's to a threepeat!

..for the 'live' draft? Don't tell me you actually thought that was SDM compromising <_<

I won't be around much until Sunday. I have company, so no time for internet ridiculousness. I trust I will end up with a decent team.

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They fired 50 shots, it's not like they were asleep the entire game. They just ran into some hot goaltending.

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Wow Sergei...

Another case of a talented and potentially very talented player having a superstar ego and throwing a tantrum when he doesn't get his way. Sergei has now asked for a trade. Not as bad as Grabovski leaving the team on a road trip because he wasn't flying first class but still a childish move.

Obviously if we ship him to a no-offense team like we did with Grabs he'll get his minutes and reasonable points, but in training camp otheer players just out performed him for a spot.

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It's really a win for the NHL, since they can now adjust their bid to meet the Judge's needs. I don't think the team belongs in Glendale, Arizona. I do think that anyone that wants to own a team needs to go through the proper channels to do it. Balsille has tried three times now and failed because he did not.

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Wow Sergei...

Another case of a talented and potentially very talented player having a superstar ego and throwing a tantrum when he doesn't get his way. Sergei has now asked for a trade. Not as bad as Grabovski leaving the team on a road trip because he wasn't flying first class but still a childish move.

Obviously if we ship him to a no-offense team like we did with Grabs he'll get his minutes and reasonable points, but in training camp otheer players just out performed him for a spot.

We were 10th in scoring last year! 10th! 10th! 10th!

Grabovski would have been your third highest scoring forward last year! Fuck. I'm sick of this Leafs can't score shit.

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It's really a win for the NHL, since they can now adjust their bid to meet the Judge's needs. I don't think the team belongs in Glendale, Arizona. I do think that anyone that wants to own a team needs to go through the proper channels to do it. Balsille has tried three times now and failed because he did not.

Ballsille went to the owners of the teams and offered to buy them. What more proper channels did you want him to go through than that?

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How is giving Gary Bettman oral sex in any way proper? It's one of the most improper things I can think of. Do you know where Gary Bettman has been?

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Good game. Carey Price was hot as shit. The Habs still need to jell... obviously haha. Toronto played well. Refs were shit all around. They gave a penalty to some Leaf when Lapierre clearly was the offender. Komisarek clipped Gomez in the face 3 times and Andrei once and got only one penalty for his trouble. Komisarek also got away with a blatant cross check from behind on Gionta. Most of the penalties that were called were marginal and a lot of penalties that should have been called on both teams simply weren't.

In any case it only messed with the flow of the game a few times. Toronto looked real good, Price looked better Montreal alternated between being dominated like an AHL team and then waking up and dominating like the leafs were an AHL team... It was strange to watch.

I love... love Gomez and Gionta. Dangerous. Mara was great. Markov apparently got a bad gash on a freak play... maybe he should just stop playing at the ACC for a while.

Gill did a few things well but caused one of the goals against us and I forgot how slow a human being could actually be... ugh.

Favourite player on the ice tonight...


I think Toronto may have finally drafted one of these gems we hear about... Schenn doesn't count. When you draft #5 you can't really fuck up...

I hope Komisarek calms down on Toronto for Toronto's sake. I know it's a rivalry game against his old team but man, the amount of PIMS he had plus what he should have gotten... He was still solid though... except in the last 5 min.

I think Montreal will take a good 5-10 games to really jell as a team. Which concerns me when they're going on a western Canada road trip next week. It could get a bit ugly if they play like tonight.

All in all, Entertaining. Toronto out worked Montreal for a good... 60-65% of the game. I'd say that a good 10-15% was even or listless and 20% or so Montreal out worked Toronto. The difference tonight was Montreal out worked Toronto at the end of periods in the 2nd and 3rd and in OT, but mostly Price making some great saves.

Can't wait for saturday. I love hockey!!!

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Well when the opposing team runs your goalie 5 times and they only get 1 penalty then you know the game is a joke. Sure, Komikazi should have gotten a penalty on the Gionta hit but that was over-ruled by the complete joke that was the elbowing call. I almost punched something at the end of this game. The Habs didn't even deserve to sniff our jock straps and now we get to hear about how small beats large tomorrow. Ugh...

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I wonder how long we can channel Joe for. Because surely that’s the only way we could possibly have run over San Jose like that. A great way to send Joe off, and it was an awesome touch to retire his locker room stall too :D That’s just awesome.

I’ll have to watch the highlights show, but Anderson stopping 38 of 40, and all 20 in the third is a great start for him. Not a good sign for our D though, which I actually thought was our strength :\

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Colorado is on pace for an 82-0 season. I fear for every other team in that division.

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