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What Do You Want To Forget?


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Don't you ever wish you could forget a game, so that you could play it again for the first time? The first time is ALWAYS the best....

The games I wish I could experience for the first time again are: Final Fantasy VII-X, the Metal Gear Solid franchise, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and I am sure there are a bunch more.

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I also want to forger WWE Crush Hour, for very different reasons. <_<


Ha, yeah, I bet JR never thought he'd be saying "Kane. Has the. TWISTYROCKETS~!"

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The Ocarina of Time.

I still remember the feeling when I finally got past the third dungeon and went to the temple of time to pull out the master sword. If only I could appreciate stuff like that now, before the internet ruined my life.

Edited by Zan and Max
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Probably most of the Final Fantasy series. Mainly 8, X, 7 and X-2 as those were the one's I enjoyed the most (Yeah, I said it, I didn't find FFIX to be anything special, yet I did enjoy X-2). I'd also say MGS 3 and 4 as opposed to 1 and 2. 1 feel's a little bit dated now and 2 was never my favourite. Kingdom Heart's as well, maybe.

Oh and Marvel Ultimate Alliance. That game was insanely fun to play through the first time, but it got a bit tiresome once I was just doing the same thing with a different party. Possibly Force Unleashed so that I have a reason to go back to it beyond spending hours lifting Storm Troopers into the hallway with the massive beam cannon's.

Knight's of the Old Republic would be a good laugh to go through again, and last of all I quite enjoyed Tomb Raider Anniversary.

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Playing Guitar Hero and Rock Band for the first time, just so that I can experience feeling like a rock star through this game for the first time.

Playing Goldeneye for the first time might also fit the bill, oh and also Kingdom Hearts for the first time would work.

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