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I just love how you guys are taking his lip service as HIS PERSONAL PLEDGE ON HIS FAMILIES' HONOR that he makes movies so that comic canon can be upheld, and money doesn't enter into the equation at all.

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I just love how you guys are taking his lip service as HIS PERSONAL PLEDGE ON HIS FAMILIES' HONOR that he makes movies so that comic canon can be upheld, and money doesn't enter into the equation at all.

Of course money is a factor... but we're excited that he's a fan of the character, and knows his shit. They could have brought in any asshole to play the part, but they brought in a guy passionate about the project.

Did you get seriously scarred early on in life or something? You're the most pessimistic guy I think I've ever met.

Besides... take a look at Reynolds' screen history. There are projects he does for the money and exposure, and there are projects he does because he genuinely cares about them. The Nines was an absolutely fantastic film, but I'm damn sure it wasn't a mainstream success.

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I just love how you guys are taking his lip service as HIS PERSONAL PLEDGE ON HIS FAMILIES' HONOR that he makes movies so that comic canon can be upheld, and money doesn't enter into the equation at all.

Of course money is a factor... but we're excited that he's a fan of the character, and knows his shit. They could have brought in any asshole to play the part, but they brought in a guy passionate about the project.

And it's not the actor who writes the film. Not to mention that, as was mentioned before, Nicolas Cage was a fan of Ghost Rider and look how that turned out. I'm a fan of Malcolm X, but it doesn't mean that me playing him would make for a good film. Not to mention that an actor's not likely to do an interview promoting a new film by saying he hates the character, is he?

Edited by Magskum TA
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I just love how you guys are taking his lip service as HIS PERSONAL PLEDGE ON HIS FAMILIES' HONOR that he makes movies so that comic canon can be upheld, and money doesn't enter into the equation at all.

The difference here? Reynolds would be fairly unlikely to enter into the project, as he has openly said, if they don't at least stay as true as possible. If Reynolds isn't signed on board, chances are things didn't work out the way he'd wanted. If he is, granted, there's still a chance things won't work out. No-one is blind enough to assume everything will be perfect, we're just hoping for this best out of this whole thing.

And on that note, fuck off. Let those of us who want to be optimistic about something in the face of a series of shit movies that have came out as of late be optimistic about this. We're not believing everything will work out perfect, we're just hoping things go as well as possible. You're just sitting around there trying to be a dick about the whole thing, will probably claim to be thinking realistically, and to be completely honest? No-one gives a shit.

We get it, things can go wrong, people can be greedy. If we're gonna choose to take the guy at his word on this project, something he's wanted to do for many, many years now and something that he's talked about openly as doing before, then fuck, we're going to hope for the best.

You can try and project another scenario in here all you want, but it's not like we're so naive that we don't see that as a possibility, we're just seeing that, for once, the cards are stacked in favor of a movie being true to source here. If things don't work out, they don't work out, but there's no reason for you to come in here and go "LOL YOU'RE ALL RETARDED YOU REALLY THINK AN ACTOR WILL KEEP HIS WORD" in the face of all that, because really, all I'm seeing in your posts are "LOOKIT ME! I HAVE A DIFFERING OPINION AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD FOR IT!" rather than "I disagree, and here's why."

I just love how you guys are taking his lip service as HIS PERSONAL PLEDGE ON HIS FAMILIES' HONOR that he makes movies so that comic canon can be upheld, and money doesn't enter into the equation at all.

Of course money is a factor... but we're excited that he's a fan of the character, and knows his shit. They could have brought in any asshole to play the part, but they brought in a guy passionate about the project.

And it's not the actor who writes the film. Not to mention that, as was mentioned before, Nicolas Cage was a fan of Ghost Rider and look how that turned out. I'm a fan of Malcolm X, but it doesn't mean that me playing him would make for a good film. Not to mention that an actor's not likely to do an interview promoting a new film by saying he hates the character, is he?

The difference between Cage and Reynolds is that, to be honest, Cage never seemed like a good fit for Ghost Rider for me. Reynolds, on the other hand, has always been considered as being one of the best fits for the Deadpool character if it's ever adapted onto the big screen. Huge difference.

The actor won't write the film, but he has enough weight to push for things if he's the lead actor for the film. He doesn't have complete authority, obviously, but he can hold his ground on things and try to get some parts changed at least. Nevermind the fact that Reynolds has all-but came out and shown that he didn't like what they did to the character in this movie to begin with, so it's not like he'd be object to doing the same if the solo film didn't work out as he'd hoped.

Again, it just falls on what people choose to believe in this instance. I'm glad you at least explained yourself rather than go against opinion just for the sake of going against it, by the by. Makes discussion a whole lot easier than someone just going "lolno" at everything.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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I just love how you guys are taking his lip service as HIS PERSONAL PLEDGE ON HIS FAMILIES' HONOR that he makes movies so that comic canon can be upheld, and money doesn't enter into the equation at all.

The difference here? Reynolds would be fairly unlikely to enter into the project, as he has openly said, if they don't at least stay as true as possible. If Reynolds isn't signed on board, chances are things didn't work out the way he'd wanted. If he is, granted, there's still a chance things won't work out. No-one is blind enough to assume everything will be perfect, we're just hoping for this best out of this whole thing.

And on that note, fuck off. Let those of us who want to be optimistic about something in the face of a series of shit movies that have came out as of late be optimistic about this. We're not believing everything will work out perfect, we're just hoping things go as well as possible. You're just sitting around there trying to be a dick about the whole thing, will probably claim to be thinking realistically, and to be completely honest? No-one gives a shit.

We get it, things can go wrong, people can be greedy. If we're gonna choose to take the guy at his word on this project, something he's wanted to do for many, many years now and something that he's talked about openly as doing before, then fuck, we're going to hope for the best.

You can try and project another scenario in here all you want, but it's not like we're so naive that we don't see that as a possibility, we're just seeing that, for once, the cards are stacked in favor of a movie being true to source here. If things don't work out, they don't work out, but there's no reason for you to come in here and go "LOL YOU'RE ALL RETARDED YOU REALLY THINK AN ACTOR WILL KEEP HIS WORD" in the face of all that, because really, all I'm seeing in your posts are "LOOKIT ME! I HAVE A DIFFERING OPINION AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD FOR IT!" rather than "I disagree, and here's why."


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I'll be honest with you, I know sod-all about Ryan Reynolds. As far as I know, I've only seen him in Wolverine, which I thought was absolute dross, so any idea of him being a "perfect fit" for the Deadpool character is a little tainted for me, as my only immediate knowledge of him is playing Deadpool in a manner entirely unlike what I'd expect of the Deadpool character.

Maybe I'm just jaded by Watchmen and X-Men Origins, but I'm not looking to get my hopes up too high about a comic book movie any time soon, especially when the only indication as to its quality is that the previous film was shit - even if the lead actor's the biggest fan in the world, it's not going to polish a turd.

Edited by Magskum TA
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I'll be honest with you, I know sod-all about Ryan Reynolds. As far as I know, I've only seen him in Wolverine, which I thought was absolute dross, so any idea of him being a "perfect fit" for the Deadpool character is a little tainted for me, as my only immediate knowledge of him is playing Deadpool in a manner entirely unlike what I'd expect of the Deadpool character.

Maybe I'm just jaded by Watchmen and X-Men Origins, but I'm not looking to get my hopes up too high about a comic book movie any time soon, especially when the only indication as to its quality is that the previous film was shit - even if the lead actor's the biggest fan in the world, it's not going to polish a turd.

Well, to be fair on that front, Reynolds only played the role of Wade Wilson, and he did a damn good job at that. After Wilson disappears though, we don't have Reynolds anymore, we have some other actor playing Weapon XI.

But the fact is, when Reynolds played Wade Wilson in the movie, he did a damn good job of it. Wade was always supposed to be a pretty boy before he got scarred up, and he basically acted exactly as he did in the film, just a wise-ass with enormous skill. Beyond Wilson, though, Reynolds didn't touch the character.

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Here's something to consider: will Marvel be making the movie? If so, you've got to believe that sticking to the original continuity will come about a lot easier.

And yes, Sean, stop being a dick.

And Skummy, what was wrong with Watchmen? I quite thoroughly enjoyed it.

Edited by Dr. HorribWill
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This is what I don't get, if Wade Wilson was in Wolverine, supposedly Fox has the rights to the character, right? If so, how can Marvel be the ones to produce the movie, and not Fox?

Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather Marvel to produce it, but I really don't get it, I don't really know how all this copyright mumbo-jumbo works.

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This is what I don't get, if Wade Wilson was in Wolverine, supposedly Fox has the rights to the character, right? If so, how can Marvel be the ones to produce the movie, and not Fox?

Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather Marvel to produce it, but I really don't get it, I don't really know how all this copyright mumbo-jumbo works.

It will be a Fox film.

It may be made in conjunction with Marvel Studios, but it will be a Fox film.

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And Skummy, what was wrong with Watchmen? I quite thoroughly enjoyed it.

It was stale and lifeless - it stuck too much to the source material, and because of that it felt horribly un-natural; in a comic book it's fine for characters to speak in such a disjointed manner, because the format necessitates it, but in a more living, breathing medium it just doesn't flow, and comes off jerky and starchy, and makes a lot of the dialogue sound horribly forced - Rorschach's voiceovers being far and away the worst victim of the lot. Nothing about it ever seems to come alive, it just attempts to replicate the comic frame-by-frame - which is completely impossible and inadvisable with any comic book film, or with any adaptation from one medium to another - but is especially so with a story as essentially unfilmable as Watchmen is. Not to mention that Watchmen was a crucial part of a movement towards comic books being taken seriously as a legitimate medium in their own right, with Alan Moore especially making a conscious effort to showcase things that could be achieved within that medium and not in any other; one of the highlights of Watchmen, the comic, is the sheer amount of background material and "supplements" contained within, the excerpts from magazines, newspapers, letters, etc., that really build up the backstories of characters, and help to flesh out the entire world that Watchmen exists within - in the film you don't get that sense of emmersion, and you're left not giving a fuck about any of the characters, because you have such a limited understanding of why things exist the way they are - not to mention a complete loss of several subplots, but which just makes it even more bizarre how much the rest of the film attempts to stick so rigidly to the original story.

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Here's something to consider: will Marvel be making the movie? If so, you've got to believe that sticking to the original continuity will come about a lot easier.

And yes, Sean, stop being a dick.

And Skummy, what was wrong with Watchmen? I quite thoroughly enjoyed it.

I heard that Marvel was making the movie. But I definately could be wrong.

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I was hoping Marvel would get rights to the Deadpool character, and that they'd have him appear randomly during other Marvel movies... just have him walk into the frame and make a wisecrack about something, or explain something to the audience that they didn't want to spend time filming explanation scenes for.

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In Deadpool's franchise movie, I have to say, moreso than him breaking the 4th wall I'd love to have them have him kind-of narrating the thing in an ode to the yellow boxes. I'm not entirely certain how they'd pull off him referring to the narration as he does the yellow boxes, but damn it, something akin to that would be awesome.

I say this because while Deadpool breaking the 4th wall has to happen for the movie to work right, by that same token it happening in excess would honestly take a bit of the feeling away from the movie. I'd love to see him do it, just... not once every twenty minutes or something. Have him do it from time to time n'all that.

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The fourth wall refers to the imaginary "wall" at the front of the stage in a proscenium theatre, through which the audience sees the action in the world of the play.[1][2] The term also applies to the boundary between any fictional setting and its audience. When this boundary is "broken" (for example by an actor speaking to the audience directly through the camera in a television program or film), it is called "breaking the fourth wall."[1][3]
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Deadpool is the only Marvel character, I believe, who is aware that he is in a Comic Book.

Therefore, it can be assumed, that he would be fully aware that he was in a film, should this Deadpool movie actually end up happening.

Sometimes, he talks to the readers while something is happening, and the other characters around him just think he's nuts.

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