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Favourite wrestlers in games?


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Test was the man for me from Smackdown 1 up to Here Comes The Pain.

I still remember this EPIC 6 man battle royal I had with my friends where they all took Lesnar,Goldberg and the like and I was Test, I got owned pretty early on and just lay around with my health all in red but I had 4 finishers saved up and then exploded out of the corner hitting the running big boot on everyone!

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Recently I've been playing as Edge or Orton, just because they're all sorts of awesome.

I've also always played a lot as Jericho, RVD or Jeff Hardy, because they always seem to have the coolest movesets.

In some of the "middle" SD! games (say, JBI-SDvR 06), I would always go for Benoit or Angle when I wanted to just suplex the hell out of guys, but the all time crown has to go to Tazz. I loved hitting every variation of the Tazzplex before locking in the Tazzmission.

As far as old school games go, in Attitude I was always either Billy Gunn or D'Lo. And me and my friends would always have hardcore handicap matches against Christian, where we would beat down on him for a good 20 minutes.

But, I'll never forget when SD!2 came out me and my friend went through a 2-player season, where he played as HHH and I was the incomparable.......Crash Holly.

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