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You Make The Mafia Role

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For those of us in real countries that actually exist, Sunday at 10 PM is in about 25 hours and 45 minutes from right now. That's 10:00 AM EDT on Sunday for those of you in the States, or 3:00 PM BST on Sunday for those of you across the big pond on British summer time. Pip-pip cheerio.

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Sent mine in. I'm happier about this one that I was about the previous two. Though, sod's law will dictate that I won't do so well with this one now. lol.

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Typing as I go...

SDM - The delay effect of the conversion is the only difference to the normal cult. Meh. Score - 5

-Matt- - A bit more restrictive, and with countermeasures too. Score - 7

FD - Not too bad, couple of restrictions & drawbacks Score - 7

DFF - I like this one. Good restrictions. Score - 9

Marcos - Very unique, could lead to absolute chaos Score - 8

Norro - Interesting role with a nice dynamic Score - 8

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I'll do my best to get something in for you, Zan, in the next hour or so. Juggling various things at the moment, I'm trying to do some classwork and writing all at once, not working out for the best but damn it I'm at least getting somewhere with it.

Anyway, yeah, expect my Batman within the hour if that's still alright >_>

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Let's see:

SDM: Okay. So we've got a delayed Cult effect here. It's an interesting drawback, but one that really isn't too much of a drawback. Unless of course, you've got a bunch of players insisting they be killed in-between conversations, which would end up rather...weird. 6/10

Matt Limited number of possible conversations makes this a little dull, but balanced. Ability is quite powerful, and at least the game doesn't end in majority victory, which gives other players a chance to still win even after overwhelming odds. 8/10

FD: Interesting drawback, and I think watching whoever gets the Darbus role trying to figure out what's going on would be quite interesting. The downside is, once Darbus is eliminated, it becomes a pretty standard, overpowered cult. 7/10

DFS: Like Ruki, but since the delayed portion of the game is made public, becomes slightly better. Also they become vanilla, which always helps with the balancing act. 7/10

Marcos: I love this role. It'd be very interesting to play as, and since one Cult has to eliminated the other to win, it'd be great fun trying to play both sides against each other while keeping them strong. 10/10

Norro: Meh, after reading Marcos' role yours seems like a lot less fun. Oh well. Still pertty original though, and I like the concept of limited recruitment. I actually think it wouldn't be too bad if the Cult continues after the recruiter's death, but I guess that depends on how many other threats are in the game. 8/10

And now, scores: (Zan/RW/Pesci)

SDM: (6/5/3 - 14)

Matt: (9/7/8 - 24)

FD: (7/7/5 - 19)

DFS: (7/9/7 - 23)

Marcos: (10/8/7 - 25)

Norro: (8/8/7 - 23)

FD and SDM have been eliminated from the competition.

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Urrrrgh I've been battling random bouts of physical problems as well as all this piled work today, this sucks.

Zan, very very sorry that it's taken so long on this. Doing the role now, expect it probably in the next ten minutes or so. I've got an idea already, it's just putting it to role form.

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I was serious in my last post, I got mine in shortly after it. Don't know what's holding up the post right now though :huh:

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Round 5:

01. Sousa (The Legend of Zelda: A Mafia to the Past)

For a hypothetical Comic Book Convention Mafia...


You are The REAL Batman, ComicCon-Aligned Actually Batman. When you were invited to this convention, the promoter muttered something about Christian Bale wanting too much money... but of course he was just being coy. Everyone knows that you're the real Batman. Those other fakers? Bottom of the barrel hacks. And Michelle Pfeiffer? Ha! The only real Catwoman is Julie Newmar, Lee Meriwether, or Eartha Kitt. And you didn't need molded plastic to improve your physique! Pure... West. And why doesn't Batman dance anymore? Remember the Batusi?

The problem, of course, is just that these kids don't know what it means to be the real Batman. They don't know a master thespian and ingenious crime fighter when they see one. Christian Bale? He probably doesn't even have a Bat Sand Separator in his basement! What's he going to do when the major world leaders are turned into dust and the dust is spilled into a pile? He's going to stand there hitching up his pants... waiting for the real Batman to show up.

Each night, you must PM me the name of another player. You'll approach that player and explain that you are, indeed, the real Batman. You'll lecture them about the ineptitude of your successors, about how Batman was never meant to be a Dark Knight and was, instead, meant to be a Slightly Off Purple Knight. And you'll dance. Oh, how you'll dance.

At the end of the conversation, if your previous experience is any indication, one of two things will happen. Either you'll charge this person $50 for an autographed photo... or, much more likely, that person will back away slowly and never want to speak to--or target--you again.

You win if you can get one person to accept your autograph. Alternatively, you win when all threats to the ComicCon have been eliminated.

Mod Note: Of course, it should be obvious that no one ever accepts the real Batman's autograph. He's just a bit too... different.

02. Ruki (Video Games)


You are The Batman, Town Aligned, Hero Who Is Just Caring Less And Less

Ugh, you've been doing it for years, saving people and getting nothing for it. Really, it's kinda getting boring. You've fought The Joker, Two-Face, Riddler, Catwoman, and countless amounts of nameless thugs. Lately, you've just been finding it harder and harder to put on the suit, you want to spend your billions of dollars, be the playboy that you are supposed to be! Well, it's time for a closing out sale!

Each night you will PM the name of three players, and you will offer them one of your Bat-devices (including Robin!). Whoever offers to pay the most (You will control their votes for X Days that they pay) will get the gadget. You can offer up each only once: Investigation, Night Kill, Day Kill, Bomb, Role Block, Silencer, Protection, and a Bodyguard (Robin will be useful!).

Also, should you choose NOT to have a "Going Out Of Crimefighting Sale", you can protect somebody...assuming they use the spotlight (Posting "Protect me please" or something like that in thread), because really, you don't want to put that much effort into things.

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

03. Pleatherface (Cartoons)

You are The Dark Knight, Batmen Without Representation Aligned Crusty Badass Geezer

You revolutionized the concept of masked heroes, people adored you, feared you, but most importantly they respected you. Artists wished they could create something as breathtaking and envoking as you.

Filmmakers orgasmed just imagining the plethora of ways they could bring you into the world of the silverscreen.


Just look at you, dayuuuuum, that's badass. You got a whole hulk meets fat kid in pajamas thing going on that is somehow still very fit.

It was only a matter of time before this moment arrived, the moment some promising young director would step up to the plate and hammer your concept home, now you get to sit back and watch a sneak peek of Dark Knight before it's world preimere...

WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?! That's not you! This, is complete and utter bullshit! You've waited decades! This doesn't even have a clear basis in continuity, and it completely destroys any momentum you could ever have with an actual Dark Knight movie! NOLAN BLOWS!

Fortunately, this injustice, this abomination does not have to stand. You've been approached by a secret clandestine organization, individuals like yourself who have been fucked over by The Dark Knight, and the repeated failures of hollywood to capture the true spirit of Batman.

You'll have your day in the glow of the movie screen even if you have to resort to violence.

Each Night, you may pm me the name of a player, you'll then approach the player and use your incredible muscle mass to beat the crap out of them, rendering any action that they may have planned unfulfilled.

Be warned, you may be chosen to instead show force by taking a life, if you are chosen your action will be ignored.

You may speak outside the thread to your comrades in arms.

Bat-Mite (Don)

Batman Beyond

Batman With A Gun (Tim Drake)

Helena Kyle (Birds Of Prey)

You win when all that stand in your way are eliminated.

06. Matt (Bands/Artists) uses his skip this round.

07. MPH (MMAfia)


You are Bruce Wayne, WayneFight-Aligned Head Honcho.

The year is 1994, and you're going out of your mind. A brutal assault by Bane has left you paralyzed and forced you to give up the Batman game, at least for now. But Wayne Enterprises still needs to churn out profits, and your mind works in mysterious ways.

You've taken note of the grassroots Pay-Per-View phenomenon that is the Ultimate Fighting Championship, and you want in. There are a number of reasons for this - for one, you're concerned that some of your enemies might be pulling the strings behind the organization, using the fights as a way to test potential flunkies. Moreover, fighting skills are a big part of what makes you Batman - should you ever be healthy again, wouldn't it be great to have a group of top prizefighters to train with?

Each night, you may PM me with the name of another player. One of your agents will then approach that player, and ask him if he wants to start fighting for WayneFight - the shadow company you've set up to train and represent emerging fighters.

Be warned that your computer has a serious glitch due to recent time-travel, and many of the names you target might only be teenagers at the moment. If they're not old enough to enter a legal agreement - or just not interested in fighting at this point in time - they will not wish to join WayneFight.

You win when at least 50% of remaining players are WayneFight-Aligned.


Mod note: only the following roles will result in successful conversions:

Ken Shamrock

Royce Gracie

Kimo Leopoldo

Dan Severn

"Big" John McCarthy

10. FD (Disney Channel Originals)

You are Batman, City Aligned Dark Knight.

Things haven't been going so well around here for you, have they? You used to be the saviour of the city. You used to be the hero that was heralded every morning in the newspapers. Basically, you were THE MAN.

And now... you are a pest to the city. Everyone has turned on you and seemingly blamed you for the recent deaths around the city. People have been dropping, not by hands but try telling that to the general public. Through certain people's control of the media, everyone is convinced you are in fact Batman, Individually Aligned Vigilante and Pest to the City. And unless you make it through this "war" on the City, that's how you'll be remembered.

However, that isn't going to stop you. Each night, you are doing to do your bit to look after the White Knight of the City, Harvey Dent (TheGodComplex). He is the man that is leading the city through this dangerous time. You'd like it to be you again, but right now... this is where you are. Making sure the City doesn't lose hope.

You win when all threats to the City have been eliminated.


A death miller-bodyguard role... :)

11. DFF (Science Fiction)


You are Batman, town aligned dark knight of Gotham.

By day, you are millionaire Bruce Wayne. By night, you are the fearless caped crusader, Batman. A man who will strive to bring the criminal underbelly to justice.

One of the biggest problems in your home city is that the criminals are always one step ahead of the law. No matter how many warrants are served and raids completed, the villains just always seem to get away.

And this is where you come in.

Each night you may PM me with the name of one player to kidnap. They will be blocked from performing their night action. You will tie them up and drop them off at Commissioner Gordon's doorstep for him to decide how to proceed.

Also, should anyone try to attack the person you are kidnapping, then you will protect them, as you want to see justice served the right way.

Please note, if anyone roleblocks (or otherwise impedes you) then there is a % chance that you will actually arrest them instead.

You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

Mod notes:

Another player would get the Commissioner Gordon character. At the end of the night phase, he must decide whether to Release, Question or Charge the player.

If Released, the player would be free to vote the next day.

If Questioned, Gordon investigates the player, and blocks them from voting - releasing them for the following night phase.

If Charging the player, Gordon effectively eliminates the player from the game.

The Gordon character can only do this with players that Batman brings in for him.

Also, Batman's % chance ability includes nightkills directed at him.

14. Marcos (The Cube's Greatest Characters)

You are Batman, Comic Aligned Dark Knight

The cities are growing darker and darker each night, with an impending doom seemingly making its presence known across the lands. However, is The Batman the man that the people need to help them? You have been outcast as a criminal, a vigilante with no remorse. Yet you still come back to defend your land, even though the vast majority want to see you imprisoned.

Therefore, you require one fewer vote to be lynched throughout the game, as both the majority of the town and the scum want to see you disappear. You will also appear if investigated as Batman, Individual Aligned Dark Knight if investigated. However, you also have a vast range of techniques and alongside Alfred and Lucius Fox you have the skills to win this battle for the town. Each night you may PM me to use one of the following (You may not choose the same action on consecutive nights).

1. Sonar Mobile Tracer. You may select a member to watch throughout the night as you spy on them. You will then see what actions they perform at night, if any.

2. Get The Bad Guy. You may select a member to kill during the night, make sure this is a criminal though, as if you kill a town member then your voting lynch requirement will decrease by one.

3. Dark Knight. You may select a member to protect throughout the entire night phase, keeping them safe from attack.

15. Norro (Famous Websites)

You are The Goddamn Batman, Internet Meme Mafia Aligned Do You Know Who I Am? Are You Retarded Or Something? I'm The Goddamn Batman.. The internet is putting up a resistance to the efforts of the memes, with random major websites banning their useage left and right. Rickrolling has become a thing of the past, Epic Fail Guy has become way overdone thanks to that stupid thing with the fat kids and Scientology, and you?

Well, you're still the Goddamn Batman.

Truth be told, you've still got some life in you as a meme. The respect people have for you is well beyond what they have for some of your allies, such as LEEEEEEROOOYYY JEEEEENKINNNSSSS (), Tay Zonday (), LOLCATS () and Chris Crocker (). By and large you're actually the most respected of your meme freedom fighting brothers, and you're also the strongest source of strength and stability this group of ragtag memes of insanity have. Leading the effort to restore the memes to their rightful place in the internet, you've taken on a massive responsibility... but hey, you can handle it, you're the Goddamn Batman.

Once every night, you may send LEEEEEEROOOYYY JEEEEENKINNNSSSS off to bumrush and destroy another player, eliminating them from the game. Furthermore, to the best of your knowledge, Leeroy has a one-off daykill ability where he'll stop a lynch and take out a player of his choice, revealing himself in the process with the call line "Alright time's up, let's do this!". You are aware of this so you can prepare accordingly for a time you may prefer him to use it.

Being the leader of the effort of the memes, you are immune to all night actions (nevermind the fact that, once again, you're the Goddamn Batman). Furthermore, so long as your allies stay alive, you will not be able to be lynched.

You win when the Internet Meme Mafia is equal to 50% of, or outnumbers, all remaining groups, including the town, in the game.


- Has a static night ability detraction (unknown to the player) of only partial investigation protection, rather than full immunity. Player is only 50% able to avoid investigation attempts, however there is still some protection from the investigation should the player be caught. If the player fails to avoid it, the investigator will be given a hint in their role response PM-- "Are you retarded or something?"-- rather than an actual role. Otherwise, the player will completely avoid investigation.

- Remains unlynchable until all lackies are dead. Remains bulletproof for entirety of game.

Edited by Zan and Max
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