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UFC 2009: Undisputed


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I know what you guys mean about powering out of submissions, I got caught in an armbar and powered out of it Rampage style, It was so awesome, I wasn't expecting it.

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my wrestlings sound it's just the training camps as i've got a few ground and pound victories on my career as well as knock outs just focusing on Wrestling and Boxing knocking out Kendall Grove and Evan Tanner high points in the career as well as bitching Drew McFedreies early in my career as well...Only 2 losses came to Amir Sadollah cause 1st fight i forgot to rest 2 weeks before fight so went in with 50% stamina and he submitted me 2nd round and the 2nd time i came in short notice and got submitted 1st round with a never ending heel hook that went on for about 2 minutes.

I didn't have any quitters in the 1 or 2 games i had online today but if i had more would have cause had me weekly football game, revision for A levels grrr and Britains Got Talent :P but yeah they do need a patch badly. Also experienced my 1st draw online yesterday when he was Tito and i was Bisping 28-28, 29-28 (To him somehow) and 28-28 good fight

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I kinda don't get the point of sparring, because at the start it says what style you're partner's gonna use, but I just make sure I beat them up. :/

One thing that does kinda get on my nerves with this game as a whole is that the menu's take ages and are clunky. They look nice and everything, but they're just slow. Then again, it is THQ and exactly the same thing occurs with the Smackdown games.

Edited by TheModernWay
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I kinda don't get the point of sparring, because at the start it says what style you're partner's gonna use, but I just make sure I beat them up. :/

That's kind of the plan but your partner is using those styles because they are the styles your next opponent will be using so it gives you practice against that style. If you can beat them up with ease regardless then good for you, more points to spend on your abilities and you shouldn't have any trouble in your next fight.

One thing that does kinda get on my nerves with this game as a whole is that the menu's take ages and are clunky. They look nice and everything, but they're just slow. Then again, it is THQ and exactly the same thing occurs with the Smackdown games.

This I agree with. At first it's all 'ooh, pretty!' but then it gets a bit annoying.

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Is it wrong that I send mean messages to all the quitters? And then give them bad rep and report them?

No. I did that in Left 4 Dead to anyone that blocked the elevator.

Also, I cannot make the computer submit. I am now convinced that my ONE submission victory was a total fluke.

Edited by Toe
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Is it wrong that I send mean messages to all the quitters? And then give them bad rep and report them?

No. I did that in Left 4 Dead to anyone that blocked the elevator.

Also, I cannot make the computer submit. I am now convinced that my ONE submission victory was a total fluke.

Only one person replied to me, basically calling me an asshole <_<

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God, I keep getting my ass handed to me in career mode. I had it on expert to start off with, because that's how I was playing on the demo since it came out. Then, I had to lower it to advanced just to last more than a round, now I'm all the way down to experienced. I love the game, but I just can't seem to figure out how to stay consistent on expert.

I'm getting ready to create a new character in the lightweight division and I want to play on expert from the start, any suggestions on how to go about fighting on expert? My stand up skills are good, I counter quite a bit. My ground game has drastically improved, but no matter how many times I reverse some, or try to reverse something, the computer always ends up with the upper hand. I want to run through the career mode on expert like I said before, but I don't want every single fight to end up being a 1 to 2 minute brutalization of my character, lol.

Firstly: I've played on advanced since the beginning - it's tough in career mode, especially when your skills aren't really high enough and they feed you "name" fighters. I lost my first fight to relative no names just due to being overzealous with headkicks, then i got high enough to take on talented guys, and Tito, Jardine, Houston Alexander and Shogun tore me apart in the first round. My first suggestion would be avoid these guys like the plague at the beginning.

As far as the ground game goes - get to BJJ level two if that's your style. Once you have the rubber guard, you can shoot almost without fear, because 2 out of 3 outcomes has a way that you can transition to full mount and start to ground-n-pound. Once I hit Kickboxing Lvl 3/BJJ lvl 2, I don't really feel like I can lose anymore because I can hit big strikes from all ranges, I have the hang of timing my strikes, and now I have ways to finish fights on the ground. I'm going to start a different fighter soon, but that's how I've handled Grounded fights for my Light-Heavy Kickboxing/BJJ guy :)

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One thing that does kinda get on my nerves with this game as a whole is that the menu's take ages and are clunky. They look nice and everything, but they're just slow. Then again, it is THQ and exactly the same thing occurs with the Smackdown games.

I really don't like the presentation of the menus and the fact that they're very sticky (as I like to call them...the same sometimes happens in FIFA) is even more annoying. They didn't need to have everything on a slant. But meh, just a minor gripe I suppose. I'm sure in 2010 they'll make sure the menu looks a bit better.

How many tracks are on the game, btw? I tend to hear about 5 or 6, if that, on a loop all the time.

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I've reached rank 2 now in career with a still quite shite charater with an average stats in the 40s. So I decided to fight Rampage (the champ), and he beat me. I turned it off before his celebration was finished so hopefully I can just fight him again, as not only do I lose the title op, but also my 7/8 win streak, my highest to date, and I want to get that trophy in the trophy case for 10 fights in a row. :shifty:

Edited by TheModernWay
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I've reached rank 2 now in career with a still quite shite charater with an average stats in the 40s. So I decided to fight Rampage (the champ), and he beat me. I turned it off before his celebration was finished so hopefully I can just fight him again, as not only do I lose the title op, but also my 7/8 win streak, my highest to date, and I want to get that trophy in the trophy case for 10 fights in a row. :shifty:

You are a very very very bad man.

it's SO. FREAKING. HARD. to get out of full mount. I feel like my opp should just fall over KO'd when I manage to do it because of the sheer effort it requires :\

When you're a wrestler lv 2 it's easy. Clinch, LB/L1 and up/down, LB/L1 and Major Transition, and you're there!

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