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UFC 2009: Undisputed


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Just finished my career, awesome stuff. Finished 29-5 (guessing you can go longer than this?) and went 12 fights undefeated and bowed out with the title. Took on GSP in my final fight and it was a cracker, it seemed like the difficulty shot up a hundred notches in this final match. Crazy ground work and mad brawling and combos in the stand up. Killed him in the third round with probably the best knock out of my career, great way to bow out. I also love the little finishing career moment in the octagon, nice touch. Hopefully if we get another addition of this, they can maybe even add in a part where they do this after most big matches and have Rogan say a few things to you.

Just finished mine as well. 29-7 (I took a few fights at short notice). After getting the title from Rampage I lost it to Wanderlai Silva, then beat him for it a couple of fights later but then lost it to Forrest Griffin by submission after five successful title defenses. Then I had a rematch with Griffin but he knocked me out. Finished out my career with a third match against Thiago Silva (series tied 1-1). Decent fight that went all three rounds, both of us with multiple cuts and him with a massively swollen right eye. All judges scored it 29-28 in my favour.

The post-fight interview is a good idea. I'd like to be able to choose responses as well, so you can build up your fighter's character a bit and perhaps they could build on it and do interviews and stuff.

Didn't make the HOF, finished on like 80.000+ CRED and from what people have said here, I'm guessing you need 100,000. Not really bothered though, would of been nice, but I'm damn happy with that first career and the finishing result after messing up a little at the start of it all. Managed to claim all of the awards, although only managed one SOTN in my entire career. It seems if you don't get the win in the first round, you rarely get any of those trophies for some weird reason. If I win with any submission or KO in the first round, it seems to be an auto trophy.

I didn't make the HOF either, had a similar amount of cred. I didn't however, get ANY awards. Not even one. The only trophies I had were for upgrading my kickboxing and wrestling to level 3 and ones for a 3- and 6-fight winning streak. Maybe I just have a boring fight style :shifty:

How do I improve my ability to reverse on the ground? No matter what I do it seems like I get stuck on my back unless I reverse a submission or they just let me up.

Upgrade your ground grapple defense with points you get from sparring.

Edited by dwsnuk
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Wouldn't think of your style as boring, it just seems to refuse to give you the awards at times. As I said before, I've had amazing three round fights yet still don't win FOTN. It seems if you win in the first round, you get the award whatever else happens on the night. I think I've had one KOTN award in the second round and that's all. KOTN didn't come across too hard, submission did though.

And yeah, I love the idea of being able to respond to the aftermath talk and stuff. I'd be happy even if it was just text based for your actual character, although I'm sure they could work it in so you can choose a character voice like some previous similar games have done. Has there been any talk of another addition next year? I know it's early days, but I cant see why they wouldn't after the great success this one has had.

Any clue on how to get the superman punch for your character as well? Couldn't get it at Welterweight and I'm wondering if you can at a different division. Why I'm asking I really don't know, because I hate the fucking punch.

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You will get the superman punch if you choose to be a kickboxer.

Oh cool! I am working toward level 3 of that. I got spinning back fist but I haven't figured out how to do it yet :(

You have to be really far away, and press LB + X. On the 360, at least.

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Yeah I think they could've done something cooler for retirement, if not a small career extension or have the penultimate match be a contendership bout, then at least make it a bout between you and your most commonly fought foe, just something small and fitting to end it.

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My first fighter just retired. Lightweight, and he ended on 37 - 0. My last fight was against KenFlo, solely because I like KenFlo the best IRL. BJ Penn got the second last fight, because the second-to-last time I fought him, he called me garbage despite being TKO'd at 4:22 of RD1.

Funny thing is, I'm back on my LightHeavy career, and despite HATING being in the clinch, its become one of my moe effective weapons with this guy. Clinch, Knee, Knee, Knee, Knee, Knee, Unclinch, Head Kick KO. Lyoto and Forest have beaten me, but thats it so far.

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Out of interest does anyone find they play completely differently depending who they are fighting?

Yes. I'm able to win when I can stand up against a guy, but lose nearly every time when it's somebody who goes for takedowns all the time. There's only so many of them I can block. I'm getting better at the transitions, but there are times when it's all for nothing, because the opponent ends up on top, the camera goes above us both and that's pretty much goodnight.

Is there an effective way of holding the guy down when he's on top of me? The AI seems to do it quite well against me, but I can hold their head for a second when they're in full guard and then they just push me back down, usually resulting in a full mount.

Also, how do people defend against the full mount? Obviously, you can't always, but what gets people the most success? Trying for a submission never works for me, as I either get knocked out before I can time it to lock one in, and if I manage to do so, he just doesn't tap out and we end up where we started...him on top of me. Any up/angled movement of the R analog once I'm defending the full mount doesn't do anything.

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Think it's the just more than a quarter turn. I seem to do very well at defending them against the AI, not been fully mounted yet though. I've started letting people run out of steam and blocking before tapping them out.

EDIT: It's ridiculous how often people go the same guy, although it makes it easier seeing as most fighters have a weakness. BJ Penn seems to run out of stamina quickly so you can tap him.

Edited by Captain Kirk
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For transitions, go through the tutorial It clearly shows the angles you need to do on the right stick and I can't imagine it being much simpler to follow :/

As for blocking transitions, as I said before just hold the right stick back. If the opponent doesn't advance his position after a while the referee will stand you up, I did it last night against Dragsy.

Defending in the mount can be difficult. Your best bet is probably to just keep doing transitions until one is successful. Minor transition to hold their head down so they can't get any clean punches in or major transition to get out of it. Also if you have their head down in mount and they try to posture up, flick the right stick as they go for the transition and you might be able to flip them over into offensive guard.

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You will get the superman punch if you choose to be a kickboxer.

So you HAVE to get that punch if you're a kickboxer and want level 3? I'm not a huge fan of that punch, it's started to annoy the shit out of me. My idea was to do my next career as part kickboxer though, but this puts me off.

And exactly what AD said. Watch the tutorial over and over again. If not use the wrestling training camp once it gets to level 2 and 3 and they show you more examples of the main transitions. When someone has you in mount, it's actually not too hard to get out, unless you're playing online against someone who's pretty damn good and stopping you from doing any transitions. The only time I've now found it hard to reverse the mount is when my stamina is running low, because one punch can then end the fight, so it's hard to reverse the situation while also keeping an eye out for any big punches flying in. Your best best is certainly watch all of the transition tutorials and then try every single one of them. It might seem hard to remember them all at first, but most of them use the same technique and same angles, so I'm sure you'll pick it up if you put your mind to it.

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For the first time since losing my first 3 fights online, I've slipped below more wins than losses at 24-26-0 :(.

Had a really boring fight yesterday. EVERYFUCKINGTIME this guy just went for a takedown then locked in the submission straight away. For 3 rounds.

Though against someone else who had like 70% losses, I knew he wasn't gonna be that good, so when we started, he just came charging at me. So as Lesnar as usual, I thought "right, nail this bitch" and BAM! ran straight into an overhand right, and a followed it up with a few more strong punches and rocked him within about 15 seconds. He went down and somehow survived me standing above him beating his face in to deny me a win in under 30 seconds, the ref stood us back up, threw in the punches again, rocked him, knocked him down, beat his face in, semi-survived so that as he was on the ground out of it I rocked him again, and carried on with the punches to get the win in 54 seconds. Think he may've only hit me with 1 right kick :P Was glorious.

Also, I've won 15 matches by KO... where's my fucking trophy? :angry:

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Think there are a few bugs with the trophies I never for my Hall of Fame one even though I got there with my CAF.

Getting seriously hacked off with how many people continually quit just before the result comes through. Came back from getting rocked in the first and saved by the bell to make him tap at the start of the 2nd.

EDIT: That's 3 in a fucking row!!!! :angry:

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there does seem to be mixed views by people i've noticied online. Theres the guys who moan when people takedown and try to submit and the guys who like both. I mean i had a great technical fight withsomeone when i was Franklin and he was Gouveia and he won by KO end of 1st round great technical fight on the ground. Then next fight guy sends me a message when i submit him within a minute cause he kept going for headkick so just caught it and tapped him.

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