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UFC 2009: Undisputed


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I'm no MMA buff and only seen a few old UFC PPV's but are these guys real fighters?

Because I'd hate to see a fantastic game like this be ruined by some joke fighters, Like how NBA Street 3 had The Beastie Boys, Not crapping on the game or the Beastie Boys, But they just don't go together.

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The fact that you've never heard of Rua or Liddell, means that fake and real fighters shouldn't bother you.

Oh and yeah, they're real.

Hey, Don't twist my words now. I know most of the real fighters, I just didn't know if these Tapout guys actually fought for real.
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Whats the quickest win everyone has had? Last night I knocked Rua out at ten seconds on whatever the hell difficulty is next to expert. Ran at him and hit the spinning elbow, then hit the superman punch and he just seemed to pass out, landing on my shoulder then falling to the floor. Good stuff.

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Sounds like a flash knockout. I don't remember the time of the knockout, but I know it was the very first strike thrown, roundhouse kick to the side of the head knocked Liddell out.

Edited by Lj.
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The fact that you've never heard of Rua or Liddell, means that fake and real fighters shouldn't bother you.

Oh and yeah, they're real.

Hey, Don't twist my words now. I know most of the real fighters, I just didn't know if these Tapout guys actually fought for real.


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I don't mind the TapouT guys being it. Some people may want to play with them, personally I don't but will for the achievement you get for winning a fight with everyone.

As for quickest knockout, mine was 14 seconds. It took forever to get it.

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The fact that you've never heard of Rua or Liddell, means that fake and real fighters shouldn't bother you.

Oh and yeah, they're real.

Hey, Don't twist my words now. I know most of the real fighters, I just didn't know if these Tapout guys actually fought for real.

Sorry, misunderstood :)

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We have a blast playing it over here. In wrestling games it seems that there are people who can win pretty much every match and it's generally the same thing but with this, every fight really seems different and everyone has a puncher's chance.

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It's actually pretty great for playing with friends. A mate of mine came over a few nights ago and he's not really a fan of UFC and usually hates on even playing a 360, but he loved it. I think it's just a game that the majority can really enjoy and quickly become addicted to and that's just based on the demo, so god knows how fun and playable the actual game is :w00t:

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I brutalize Rua everytime on expert now so I've switch to playing as Rua, and not until now did I know how much of a beast Chuck is at stand up. Loves his superman punches, but I've taken Rua's step-punches to a whole new level, along with push kicks and spinning back kicks. Head kicks lead to dodges and Superman punch knockouts, so I've been avoiding them.

Chuck is a cocky son of a bitch though. After a brutal round one with Rua knocking Chuck to the mat right as the bell went, round two starts and Rua (me) meets Chuck in the middle and I do the touch gloves taunt. Surprisngly, he does it aswell at nearly perfect timing and we actually touched. Stepped back, started to circle, SPINNING BACK FIST MY GOD RUAS OUT COLD~!

I love it.

EDIT: I repeat. He's a fucking beast.

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