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UFC 2009: Undisputed


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Has anyone else played on expert yet? God, I must have played it last night at least a couple hundred times with a buddy of mine and between the two of us, we won a total of 3 matches. How did we do this you ask? I have no idea. First round, Rua goes for a right hook, misses, I deliver a roundhouse to the side of his neck and he's knocked out. The second victory, he was trying to shoot, as always, into me. I lifted my knee up and he knocked himself out.

The third one my friend got, he clocked Rua with a pretty good spinning back fist. Although he didn't win more matches than that, he did manage to German Suplex, Powerbomb, and slam Rua down quite a few times during various matches. This game is far to addicting, I have to keep playing on expert just so I know I'll have a small chance of winning online against all the rest of the Undisputed addicts, lol.

I play on expert and boy does it take some getting used to. I still lose more often than not but at least now it's more by flash KO's instead of submissions. You just need to get used to being smart, blocking a lot and waiting for the right opportunity to throw the big blows. On the mat get comfortable with the right stick turns and anytime you're on your back or in a bad spot, work them and nothing else until you're free. A good way to drain the CPU's stamina are lots and lots of body shots. If you really stick them good, by the second round their energy will be drained so you can move in for the kill.

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So, I made some observation

Kickboxing > Muao Thai , its harder to pull off good knee's and its much easier to do spinning kicks, punches and superman punches

I play on expert and I can win and KO' Shogun within two rounds but with Shogun I use Jiu Jistu to get mount and pound out chuck or get KTFO. Also, I realised rubber guard can switch you from the bottom on top in mount. Kinda should only go to Damian Maia or something :P

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Loving it still and finally put the difficulty right up, Shogun is a fucking beast with his hammer fists. Seriously, when he gets me down for that, I rarely reverse it. Sometimes I just panic and start going crazy on the RS, which results in me getting knocked the fuck out. It seems that's the only way Shogun usually beats me as Liddell, so I need to work on my ground game much more. However, when you do pull off reversals when being mounted, it looks bloody beautiful at times. Different story when I'm Shogun though, Liddell just has mad head kicks and I've failed to get near the decision with the difficulty right up. That said, that makes me happy. Turning the difficulty up has really helped me calm things more and take a different approch to the fight. Although when I got knocked out by Liddell three times in a row, I lost it and went all out in the next fight, looking to knock him out within seconds of the first round. Of course he hit me with a counter head kick and killed me, but yeah, I love this :w00t:

Also loving the leg kicks. Didn't use them as much at first, but I'm working them as often as possible now. I'm getting the stand up nailed fine, just to work on the ground game more now. I'm fine in all positions other than when the opponent is fully on top and throwing hammer fists.

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I'm getting pretty good at expert, giving Rua an asswhooping 95% of the time now, and as Rua against Chuck seems even easier for some reason, but it hasn't effected me loving this game at all.

I have YET to win by sub on expert though.

EDIT: And as I say that, me and Rua are heading to the third round after an intense first two. Chuck had the advantage in the first, avoiding Rua's ground game and successfully standing and slamming him from his guard multiple times. 2nd round was a lot closer, with Rua tightening up on his ground game, had Chuck mounted and delivered a few hammerfists to deal some damage but (thanks to finally learning some other transition movements), Chuck was able to escape and turning it around on him, locking him in an armbar as the 2nd round expired. 3rd round time. -edit- Chuck nails a successful backfist, dodges a headkick and delivers one of his own before being taken to the ground and mounted quickly, allowing Rua to exterminate him with hammerfists. Winner by KO 30 seconds into the 3rd round, Shogun Rua. :(

Paybacks a bitch. Chuck by KO in 2nd round. Superman Punch, BITCH~!

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My last fight I was Shogun on Experienced difficulty and knocked Liddell out with six seconds left in the third round. Closest I've come to a decision. I battered him with leg and torso kicks but he got in some good punches, opened cuts above both of my eyes and my left eye was pretty well swollen. With ten seconds to go I took him down and then one punch finished him off.

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I really think the problem a lot of times when playing this game on a harder setting is that myself, a I'm sure others, still play the game for the quick win. We're throwing a lot of heavy shots instead of using the basics to really ware the opponent down, maybe set them up for something, then go for the kill and hope it works. This game is going to be great in the full version just because you really have to pay attention to whom you're fighting and you must adjust your game plan accordingly.

I'm dying to play Diego Sanchez vs. Nick Diaz or even BJ Penn vs. anyone.

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