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Game/Game Tech Review Webshows

Farmer Reil

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So we all know about Yahtzee, but what about the rest of them? I've found a few on Youtube, but they were mostly boring. This guy, however, is awesome:


The best bit about this channel is that he's not ALWAYS sarcastic about everything. If something is actually useful or good, he'll review it 'properly', instead of only bothering to review things that he knows will be shit so he can take the piss. He does mainly stick to crap stuff, though, and is on a crusade to rid the world of shitty Chinese fakes of popular products.

So yeah, any recommendations from the EWB viewing public?

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Been watching Ashens for a few months now. It's pretty hilarious what these companies will try and rip off. You can understand making a mock PSP or DS but a freaking laptop?

I tend to watch GameTrailers for general reviews. I also watch a bit of ScrewAttack stuff.

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Been watching Ashens for a few months now. It's pretty hilarious what these companies will try and rip off. You can understand making a mock PSP or DS but a freaking laptop?

I tend to watch GameTrailers for general reviews. I also watch a bit of ScrewAttack stuff.

Same here. I go to Gametrailers and sometimes ScrewAttack. I also will watch some stuff on IGN.com.

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