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I LIKE this online. Really do. Just had my first online game - got 24 kills or something and died maybe 10 times. True it was against guys of my own level but as it's chunkier and more "realistic" in feel to COD4 people are rushing to cover, advancing in squads etc and it's just more fun.

Also love the way that the map continues with new missions being thrown up throughout....We need to kill as many of the other team as possible....GREAT! Now we need to destroy a certain are of the map.....Okay now we need to defend one of our team.....Now we need to bring back the propaganda speaker.

True it's all pretty much standard missions but love how it's built into one continuing match.

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I'm not very far into the story either. The last thing I remember doing is the Salamun Bridge level, I've been playing almost exclusively online. I usually only play Body Count matches though.. and on the small maps like Tharsis Depot and Radec Academy. I love Radec, it's absolutely awesome as a Saboteur. Can't count the number of times I've been able to sneak around to the enemy base disguised, plant a bunch of proximity bombs and wait.

It's never old seeing a Heavy toting his rocket launcher run right into a cluster of proximity bombs. Never old.

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The only thing I find frustrating is once you rank up some and you get into games with those people who ONLY play Heavy, and just fucking spam rockets or grenades EVERYWHERE. That shit's annoying. I try to play in games where Heavies aren't selectable because of it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dunno if anyone's seen, but head to the store and download the free Bullet 4D Interactive Ad. It shows off the awesomeness of the GFX, and allows you to move around the scene, slow down time and view debug modes as you listen to the designer's commentary.

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Killzone 2 is set to be patched tomorrow -- May 28 -- with a collection of updates based on direct feedback from gamers. Version 1.27 will add quite a few new features, with the highlights including a new party system, Skirmish mode tweaks, new control options and overall improvements to the balance of the game.

The party system will allow you to join your friends from within the Join Game menu, as seen above, and factions and squads are now persistent throughout multiple games. The Skirmish mode tweaks include the unlocking of all badges within the mode, allowing everyone to "experience the full range of weapons and abilities available in the Warzone." Also, a new High Precision control method makes the analogue sticks far more sensitive to small movements.

The inclusion of a party system will no doubt delight many of you. It's nice to see Guerrilla continuing to shower us with new content and features. This patch should tide us over until the Flash and Thunder pack comes out next month.


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  • 1 month later...

Just playing through the single player campaign again and the bolt gun is awesome. So is the flamethrower. Glad they're getting patched into multiplayer; will be fun to roast Heavies.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Started playing this yesterday as I waited for Night of Champions. Got a couple of extra trophies: kill 5 Helghast with a grenade, kill 3 Helghast with in one continous shot of the electric gun and stick 20/25 Helghast to a wall with the bolt gun. Started the game on Elite to to try and get that trophy. Fuck me Elite is hard. I know it's meant to be, but bugger me timbers. Also had another one the second I went into online mode. :/ Fair enough.

Anyone know if with the platinum trophy saying "get all the other trophies". Does that mean all the DLC ones too, as I don't have nor am I planning to get them.

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Fuck Radec or Visari or whatever the boss guy's name is on Elite mode. Hell, fuck the whole game on Elite mode. It pretty damn hard on Normal as it was.

Especially when Rico stands in full view, gets shot to shit, gets injured in wide open space, meaning I have to run into no man's land to revive him, only for him to get shot to shit again BECAUSE HE'S IN NO MAN'S FUCKING LAND.

Edited by TheModernWay
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Yeah, AI partners are kind of HURRRRRR. I'm currently at the part with all the sand and shit and there's snipers everywhere, and my partner just stands out in the open trying to kill snipers. I have to run and revive him every few seconds it seems

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just beat the game and came away really enjoying it for the most part. As Cloudy mentioned though, the AI can be dumb as fuck sometimes and the difficulty level really made me excited as it wasn't a breeze to get through by any means. The campaign is pretty short though, got through it in 8 hours, but from what I played online that is where most people will get the most enjoyment/time of the game.

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