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The Killzone Thread

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I cannot for the life of me do anything with the shotgun. Seriously, I see enemies running around killing me in one shotgun blast - and not to the head - but when I shoot someone it takes me 3 blasts to kill them. :@

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hahaha, I love maps with exploding barrels. I was playing on.. uhm, I think it was Salamun Market, and there's this alleyway behind one of the buildings, and at one end of the alley there's two exploding barrels. I just sat there and waited, and I see two red dots on my HUD coming down that alley, pop around the corner and sure enough, two Medics. Firing wildly at me. I backpedaled, waited.. they get right by the exploding barrels.. one shotgun blast and I just got 6 points for taking out two people, having only fired one shot. Hearing their reactions was awesome.

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I've been playing almost exclusively as a Saboteur/doing Body Count games to get my Disguise Specialist Medal. 5/8 right now. It sucks, earlier I played a game for about 20 minutes - 16 player max game - and I know I got enough disguised kills to earn another Disguise Specialist ribbon to bring me to 6/8, but I quit the game before it finished thinking it'd recognize the points & ribbons I'd gained. It didn't. Urgh.

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I like multiplayer more than single player. I've played through 3 1/2 missions in single player, but I've played enough multiplayer that last week I was in the top 6% of players online. >_>

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Alright, I'll give this another shot tomorrow some time during the day.

If anyone wants to add me, my PSN name is desiredtoe. I have the headset that came with SOCOM but find it uncomfortable, so I am going to try and find something better.

Edited by Toe
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