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I'm hoping Fox keeps the faith. After Firefly, and with a Friday night slot, they can't have been expecting a huge ratings winner, surely?

Not when CBS is pulling in huge ratings on Friday nights. Fox can easily put something much cheaper in that timeslot like Don't Forget the Lyrics and call it day.

Exactly, Supernanny is outdrawing this show by a million viewers a week and can't cost much of anything to make.

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3rd episode was... eh, I'm not sure how I felt about it. It was a decent hour of television but nothing really stood out. I continue to not really care about the FBI guy nor understand what the russian bloke has to do with anything. Echo was pretty much Faith this episode, so I have no complaints about that. I really want them to start picking up on the main storyline by atleast... episode 5ish considering there's only 13 episodes for the season, which with the way things are going... will probally mean 13 episodes total.

I really don't like the lack of humour, it's part of what makes Joss' shows so enjoyable and I think the lack of it is really dragging the show down.

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read a post on another forum that said Fox told Joss that they'd give the show 13-16 episodes to "find its feet"..so since the first seasno is 13 episodes, that means it'll possibly last until the 2nd season

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Third episode was really boring aside from the scenes with the FBI agent and the Russian guy (who was by far the most entertaining character in the entire episode). The claim is that the show gets much better from the sixth episode onwards and that's pretty much the main thing keeping me watching at this point, because right now the show's had one good episode and two mediocre to bad ones.

I really don't like the lack of humour, it's part of what makes Joss' shows so enjoyable and I think the lack of it is really dragging the show down.

Agreed. It's why Topher is my favorite character on the main cast, he's the only one who really sounds like a Joss Whedon character.

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That last episodes could be one of the biggest piles of shit I've ever forced myself to sit throughs. It was more than a chore to watch it, it was just plain torture. Are we sure Joss is involved in this show? Or is it an experiment on his part to see if his fans really would watch him take a shit for 45 minutes? I'm trying to stay positive since it took Buffy awhile to get going, but this show has none of the charm of Buffy either. I'm giving this show until episode six as Dushku said, but if it's not better by then, I'm done.

Edited by Zero
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Latest epsiode was a massive improvement over the others I felt. Some of the main story arc progressed, the episodes own little story was interesting and I was actually enjoying watching, as opposed to the other eps where I was almost bored to tears at points.

If they can keep this up, then there may be hope for the show yet. Though, I don't really see where they can go with it once the whole 'Alpha' thing is sorted, but I suppose that depends on how they play the character. If he's just a bad guy, then yeah, I can't see the rest of the series being so interesting, but if he turns out to be Echo's savior, then there's unlimited potential for where they can go.

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Yeah, I couldn't even watch half of episode 3.

I was optimistic about the show and was going to give it a chance and still might but I don't know if I should just skip over the rest of that show or what but I'm not quite sure I want to go back and watch it, either.

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I have been whatching this show... i can´t call it bad but it´s defenetly not good... Consumer Television, some fun stuff, some stuppid stuff... i am only sticking with this because Josh Wehdon only wrote the show from Episode 6 onwards (so it´s not realy his show yet, and the networks usualy order the first cupple of episodes to be pritty much the same over and over again, so people that come in late can still join without confusion) - To Bad that Episode 6 will fail because of the BSG Final.

If you can´t wait, here is a clip from Episode 6... something is hapening.


I am gussing Alpha is the Guy she was Dateing in Episode one. (he had mad bike skills and he portraied the perfect guy for her) He should at least care about what happend to her... and we don´t see him doing it, wich only leafs the person that is sending pictures, videos and did the magic phonecall to be him. (wich i asume is suposed to be alpha)

Also, the ratings are not to bad from what i heared. They have like 30%+ viewers to the live airing that are whatching from DVR (that saved Heros ass aswell). So it might jus stick around at least for the full season.

Also live ratings have been back up after watchmen drew people away from the tv.

Episode 1 - 4.8 million, 2.0 in 18-49 demo.

Episode 2 - 4.3 million, 1.7 in 18-49 demo. 5% share

Episode 3 - 4.2 million, 1.6 in 18-49 demo. 5% share

Episode 4 - 3.5 million, 1.5 in 18-49 demo, 5% share

Episode 5 - 4.3 million, 1.6 in 18-49 demo, 5% share

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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As I said, Episode 4 was really good I thought, and episode 5 (the latest) was another quality piece of television. I had to force myself to carry on watching after episode 3, but honestly the show has really picked up rather well. I suggest anyone that thought the first episode was half decent to keep giving it a try from episode 4 and onwards, because the quality has picked up.

The whole cult thing was a quality side story, but the best part of episode 4 was the fact that they're noticing the bloke doll has started to react to the blonde one. It'll be interesting to see what happens in the next episode, if it really is going to pick up that much.
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The whole cult thing was a quality side story, but the best part of episode 4 was the fact that they're noticing the bloke doll has started to react to the blonde one. It'll be interesting to see what happens in the next episode, if it really is going to pick up that much.

I actualy found that quit silly, he is a man, he breath, he eats, he produces sperm and will end up impotend if he dos not get it out every now and than (if you do not ejaculate you balls already start to hurt after a cupple of days)... i also found it very strange that the FBI guys neighbure can just walk into the FBI to bring Lasange.
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Yeah, it seems like the heart of the story's coming into play now which is a good thing because I couldn't see the show lasting very long with the way it was going with the first few episodes. The stuff in this one opens it up for a lot more to happen.

Edited by Livid
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Not as good this week, but I'm willing to give it a pass because DeWitt wigging out was fantastic and a nice sign that the show's starting to incorporate Whedon humor more.

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Not as good this week, but I'm willing to give it a pass because DeWitt wigging out was fantastic and a nice sign that the show's starting to incorporate Whedon humor more.

yeah, wassent good, but this weeks ep was not send to the cretics... next weeks was and that is suposed to be better again.

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