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  • 2 weeks later...

Slowly but surely catching up on this, and good god Enver Gjokaj is a fucking amazing actor. His Topher impression was hysterically dead-on and they milked that uncanny impersonation for all it was worth. Also the Topher/Bennett scenes were amazing, Summer Glau played against type (or the type I associate with her from Firefly and... commercials for Terminator) perfectly.

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Nope..not the end yet..but its getting there..this sucks..the show is FINALLY starting to get intersting...and its when its coming to an end

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Seriously..its like Joss Whedon went "Ok guys..their cancelling us..lets make the show good now"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Holy fucking balls, in 25 years of being parked in front of a television, I cannot recall a drastic jump in quality like this show has seen, ever. I've been mostly pleased with this season (minus a few episodes), but once they started showing two episodes a night, the whole show just became absolute awesome, drenched in extra awesomesauce. It sucks that it's ending just as it's getting good, but I think it's getting good because it's ending. Not every show needs 5+ seasons, and this is a prime example of getting out while it's good and not dragging the story out... JJ Abrams, take note.

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Unfortunately, it seems like Joss Whedon went "ok guys..we're cancelled..we can start making the show good now"

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Unfortunately, it seems like Joss Whedon went "ok guys..we're cancelled..we can start making the show good now"

You've said this twice now and honestly, it's silly. I mean, first of all, it ignores the drastic increase of quality in the second half of season one. Secondly, it's more that without having to pace anymore, they can just throw everything in their playbook out. If they did this without the show being cancelled it would have run out of steam really quick. Not to say that there weren't a solid portion of mediocre episodes in both seasons, because there were, and the show's biggest flaw was they had no clue how to pace and throw in the big revelations without having the bulk of the episode seem like it was going nowhere (see the episode with Victor as the serial killer and Echo as the college student; the big revelation there was the remote wipes and the twist was great, but you had to sit through the Echo as college student subplot which, up to that point, was agonizingly boring).

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I'm not sure why I keep falling for the idea that any two characters in a Joss Whedon series can have a lasting, happy relationship. I should have seen Bennett dying the moment she and Topher kissed. It was their chemistry, dammit, it suckered me in. :(

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There is one more next week. 10 years in the future too...

Seriously..after seeing his dead on balls impression of tofer, why couldn't this show had been about Victor from the very beginning. He's shown to have a broader range then elisha has. This show might have been better from the get-go and would have spared us terrible episode like psycho mommy

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Can someone PM if they know I good place to aquire the first three episodes of Season Two. It's started showing in the UK but its 4 or 5 episodes in and I don't want to watch it without the first four. And oh my, from the one clip I saw of the fifth episodes - Alexis Denisof :wub:

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"Actually his representatives called and scheduled a lunch, I thinkI'm supposed to have lunch with Joss in the next two or three weeks,"FX president John Landgraf told reporters when asked about working withthe cult-favorite producer during the network's executive session atthe TCA this morning."And I have enormous respect for him," he continued. "And by theway, if you look at Shawn Ryan who created 'The Shield' and is running'Terriers,' Shawn learned at the feet of Joss Whedon, the Joss Whedonschool. And Carlton Cuse by the way, as well. So I don't really knowJoss, but I'm really looking forward to meeting him. I love his stuff."


Not Dollhouse related, but I didn't think it really warranted a whole topic yet. Nonetheless, that's awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So... thoughts on the finale? Personally, I thought it was the perfect end to the show, though I probably would've preferred a two hour TV-movie format for this episode, just to flesh some things out and spend a bit more time on some the huge developments, but considering what they were given to work with, I think they did it well. On one hand, it sucks to lose a show that was jumping in quality almost every week, but at the same time, they told the story they needed to tell. More shows like this, ones with an all-encompassing storyline, need to be structured like this; it's clear Joss had a story to tell, a way to get from point A to point B, and while that journey may have been faster than originally planned, it worked.

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