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Final Fantasy Play-Along


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Magus, does being level 50+ help a lot with the final boss & wind crystal? I was getting completely killed at level 44ish by just random enemies, wondering if I should be grinding some before trying that?

Also can someone give me some info on what the secret dungeons are all about? Is there like mega bosses in there, should I be leveling an obscene amount before trying them out?

Reason for EDIT: To make it more clear what I was saying, at first read through it looked like I was being proper sarcastic about magus being level 50+. :lol:

Edited by Mr. TKz
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...this game is bad for not telling you what to do next. How is anyone supposed to know they need to go to Gaia, to talk to a guy, to find a caravan in a random desert to buy a fairie for 40k, then to go to back to Gaia, get the magic-breathing-water, and THEN go to Onrac (didn't they use that name in like FFV?) and talk to the barrel chick <_<
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You would be best to grind the hell out of things before attempting ANY bonus dungeons. I will not be attempting another bonus dungeon until I beat Chaos. I expect to be at level 52 or 53 before I go for them.

On every 5 levels of the dungeons, there are boss fights. They are tough as hell unless you grind big time.

Edited by Magus978
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Status Update for today, since I didn't play any yesterday:


Got to the Cavern of Earth and found a brilliant little hallway, where every step there's a fight with a Hill Gigas and some Lizards at times. Which is kind of awesome, since Firaga demolishes everything, and I have a load of Cottages/Tents by chance, so I can keep on replenishing my Black Mage's MP. So...yeh, any of you still to get here might wanna check it out.

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You guys gonna do a playalong for Tactics as well (if it gets that far)? I might join you for FFII, or for Tactics.

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So, I have been playing a fair bit, so let's get in a:

Status Update

J (Knight) - Level 45

Benji (Ninja) - Level 45

Ollie (White Wizard) - Level 45

Ruki (Black Wizard) - Level 45

Gil - 273722 (Holy crap, big difference from last update)

Time - 10:24

So, I figured out what to do with the Levistone, and went to the Citadel Of Trials (by accident) and got my rat's tail. Then found Bahamut's islands, and gave that to him for the class change. Got the faerie bottle, got some Oxyale and then went off to the Sunkern Shrine. Got very lost in there. Defeated Kraken pretty easily, and then found out I needed to take the stone I got to Unne in Melmond. Did that, learned Lufenian from him. Then went to look for the town I couldn't land by earlier and by chance it was Lufenia. Someone there gave me something which they said would allow me in to the Mirage Tower. I assumed that was the tower I coup tuld see and walk up to, but not in earlier. Wandered up there and got to a second dungeon to fight Tiamat and gain my final crystal.

I assume I'm nearly done. I'm just wandering around buying magic as I should really get an Undead killing spell and some other things. Also someone told me there was a hidden magic shop in Lufenia. Gotta find it as it apparently sells Flare.

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So I beat Chaos last night before going out for drinks and am wondering if I want to do the hidden stuff with the really tough dungeons. The GBA version was RIDICULOUSLY easy. Early in the game I grinded for gold and did a fair amount of leveling as a result and I never had a problem with any of the bosses at all. I don't think I've ever had a game where leveling was so easy. I didn't play much of the original FF mainly because I was like 7 when it came out and I didn't have the patience for those graphics back then. It's a decent plot for such an old game and it was fun enough, but at least the GBA game was incredibly easy.

Personally, I'd rather just go on to FFII.

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So I beat Chaos last night before going out for drinks and am wondering if I want to do the hidden stuff with the really tough dungeons. The GBA version was RIDICULOUSLY easy. Early in the game I grinded for gold and did a fair amount of leveling as a result and I never had a problem with any of the bosses at all. I don't think I've ever had a game where leveling was so easy. I didn't play much of the original FF mainly because I was like 7 when it came out and I didn't have the patience for those graphics back then. It's a decent plot for such an old game and it was fun enough, but at least the GBA game was incredibly easy.

Personally, I'd rather just go on to FFII.


And those thinking FF1 is easy... there's a reason, first off, most re-releases have been the FF "Easy-type", bosses are weaker, levelling is easier and the such, the normal/hard-type is harder (obviously), but in my experience less fun, because there's not achievement in getting through the game for a great storyline, FF has a very simple style that works best in the version we're used to. Second, if you're doing the GBA version you're experiencing the game with MP over maximum uses on the spells, which makes the game so easy it may as well be a Pac-Man.

Edited by benji-182
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Not a full on status update just a small grrr.

Final Dungeon

I expected Tiamat to be near the next set of stairs like the rest, but it was a far few steps from them. That's okay, fine. Killed it and decided to backtrack to see if I missed anything. I'd missed a sword for my Knight. Wandered back over to the stairs and encountered Tiamat again. What the hell? I assumed once it was dead it wouldn't crop back up. Ended up with three people dead because of Scourge. Oh well, on to the final boss.

Done with the final dungeon now, so I guess this is my last main game status update at least. May go on to the extra dungeons in a bit.

Status Update

J (Knight) Level 54

Benji (Ninja) Level 53

Ollie (White Wizard) Level 54

Ruki (Black Wizard) Level 54

Time: 11:49

Gil: 550001

This is saved just in front of Garland. It was a heck of a fight. Used Full Life twice, and kept up Hasted attacks and Flare, and it finally killed him off. Going to use an Emergency Exit and go to the bonus dungeons now.

I have to say, the main game has been fun, even though half the time I haven't know where I'm going or anything.

Edited by PkmnTrainerJ
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Okay status update for today. Keeping in mind this is only my second day playing as I've been away over the weekend.

Will (Warrior) Level 13

Pietro (Thief) Level 13

Lucas (White Mage) Level 13

Victor (Black Mage) Level 13

Time: 10;10

Gil: 16726

So Im totally having a blast with this, its great fun. Only downside is that its lacking a little story direction, but heck Im still enjoying it loads. I beat Astos who was really easy. When the fight started I though it'd be hard 'cos I couldnt do much damage to him but a couple of big spells and it was over in no time. Glad I randomly decided to stock up on antidotes cos I certainly needed them. Got the treasures from western keep and elven castle, gonna revisit the other places tommorrow and get the stuff from those places too. Most rewarding part for me so far has gotta be Marsh Cave though. Averge difficulty battles which seemed to give a huge load of Gil and EXP away. Good times.

Things to Do Upon Next Playing

Find the mystic key

Get my first crystal

Get Cure2

Reach Lv. 10 before entering cave

Collect rest of treasure with key

Find somethings to give to the dwarves I found

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Final Status Update


...So I heard the final dungeon was tough and grinded a lil' too much, so sue me. <_< Considering I went into it at level 60, The Wind Tower was a piece of piss and the final dungeon was incredibly easy, I actually had fun thanks to all the EXP I was getting. :) . Chaos was also pretty easy, but thanks to the Masamune, Giants Gloves and Haste spells, my fighter was doing ATLEAST 2500 each time.

Fucking loved that game, looking forward to when we start FF2 now. I have to ask Benji, what're we doing for FF3? I honestly can't remember there being an FF3 that wasn't FF6.

Edited by Mr. TKz
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VI is massive for a pre VII game, its got like 16 main characters or something crazy like that.

I love the fact you can have a party consisting of a Mog, a Ninja, a Yeti and Stig of the Dump type kid.

But yeah, Tkz theres other ways to 'aquire' III.... not that I condone such things :shifty:

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