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Games that made you go ooooooooooooooh

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Just wondering which games totally blew you away while playing. Either as a whole or a certain moment or realisation that you could do something that you weren't expecting to be possible.

My biggest of recent memory HAS to be Mirror's Edge. Crashing through a door out onto the rooftops as the police pour out behind you, machine guns firing, bullets crashing around you as you just RUN. Bloody brilliant.

Other top moments include stepping out of the caves into the light for the first time in Oblivion and realizing that the whole world is open to you, Heavenly Sword's opening sequence with the HUGE battle with thousands of men charging and THEN you realize that you can control your character against these hoardes! Also the very first time I clambered to the top of a high point in Assassin's Creed, looked around and then dived off...Also when I approached a city for the first time and it was laid out below me as I rode towards it on my horse.

Couple of spoilery ones:

Metal Gear Solid 4:

The return to Shadow Moses Island with the snowstorm blowing around you. Woaaaaaaah

Call Of Duty 4:

Crawling out of the downed helicopter and seeing the nuclear explosion with the mushroom cloud. It was just chilling.
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Pretty much the entirety of Bioshock, it blew me away from start to finish. The transition from the opening cut scene to the moment when you're standing in this fantastic-looking water particularly stands out. It was the first game I sat and played on my own in HD, so that probably helped.

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Leaving the Vault in Fallout 3 and just seeing the Capital Wasteland.

CoD4 I just started playing, but I think so far the whole game has been alot of whoa! moments..the action is just nonstop in it

Raidens fight vs. the GEKKOs in MGS4 is also up there

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Leaving the Vault in Fallout 3 and just seeing the Capital Wasteland.

CoD4 I just started playing, but I think so far the whole game has been alot of whoa! moments..the action is just nonstop in it

Raidens fight vs. the GEKKOs in MGS4 is also up there

I left at night and was not impressed :(

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Hmm, my list will make out to be a great big girly girl, but I don't care.

  • FFX-2, the 1000 words moment where Yuna sings. Was just a beautiful scene, even if it was lil' cheesy.
  • The cutscene where Sin destroys that town in FFX. Beautiful for the time.
  • MGS4... just all of it. If I had to say one specific scene, it'd be the split screen moment towards the end. That was just... there are no words for it, that moment with snake crawling, the music, your friends fighting for there lives... god, I can't explain how amazing it was.
  • FF8 opening is a definate, totally agree that it was awesome at the time.
  • GTA4... Using the Rocket Launcher for the first time... :)
  • Tomb Raider Anniversary, pretty much any of the times Lara observes the new area.

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I know it's a popular opinion that doesn't really need mentioning but the Sephiroth/Aerith kill in Final Fantasy VII is definitely up there. "So shes one of my main characters, and she's fucking dead?" Was my main response. The cut scene afterwards is sublime too.

And near the end of FF: Crisis Core where Zack fights a shit ton of soliders while they shoot the crap out of him.

Edited by Private ZJ
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  • The destruction of Cleyra by Odin in Final Fantasy IX
  • The Cargo Ship/Black Waltz III chase in Final Fantasy IX
  • Alexander vs. Bahamut in Final Fantasy IX
  • Entering Terra in Final Fantasy IX

Seeing a pattern emerging? :blush: I love that game way too much.

Have to admit, the opening Blitzball game in FFX also left me speechless...shame it all went downhill from there. *Prepares for imminent backlash* :pervert:

As for other games, I agree totally with -A-. Bioshock just blew me away. I remember the moment that I first heard the groaning of a Big Daddy - there were four people in the room talking, and the minute that low, onerous groaning started, everyone just went...deathly silent. ^_^ Was very awesome.

Plus, the scene where the Little Sister summons her Big Daddy to fend off the advances of the Splicer near the start. You can almost feel his footsteps as he runs towards the room. Very atmospheric.

Rogue Galaxy was another JRPG which made me go "oooooooh" or something to that effect - the artstyle was so different that the FMV's looked completely unique. Some of them were just epic - haven't played the game for about a year so I can't remember any particular examples. Remember it being damn purdy though.

Have to admit, Mass Effect was another game which just made me think, "Oooooh! Everything's so shineeee!", like some small child. The only bit I've actually seen play out in the first city you end up in. It has a massive-aircraft-hanger feel to it, but the feeling of space is just amazing. Plus, as I say, everything (and everyone :puke: ) has a shiny, glossy feel to them. Awe-inspiring to someone who's used to (and loves) last-gen graphics.

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Getting out of the sewer at the start of Oblivion and just marvelling at the open environment.

Yeah, this was absolutely brilliant.

I'll agree with seeing the Capital Wasteland for the first time.

I agree on both. I felt Oblivion's was more "oooh" worthy, but that's a timing issue (it was the first game I played on 360, and I had waited about a month from the time I bought it to the time I started playing it because the used 360 I got for my birthday had red ringed) more than a "better" issue.

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Yeah, this was absolutely brilliant.

I'll agree with seeing the Capital Wasteland for the first time.


A couple of moments in COD4, The crashed helicopter after the nuke is one and The flashback mission were all the soldiers walk past you in formation and you have to crawl past them is the other.

The ending cut scene on Saints Row 2, The timing of the music, It's awesome.

Gears2 Spoilers

Getting out of the worm with the tidal wave of blood in Gears 2.
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I don't agree with leaving the vault on Fallout 3. I did leave in the day, and it was pretty cool, but I wouldn't say it 'blew me away' or really amazed me or anything.

The nuclear bomb going off in Cod4 for definite, that was chilling, especially the moment where the guy stood at the back of the helicopter just flies out to his death. I'd also say when those missiles went up into the air at the Russian(?) base in the last level.

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The first scene in PONG... :shifty:

In all seriousness, Oblivion gave me that "wow" factor when I first stepped outside. Also after playing Tony Hawk games for my entire childlife, playing Skate gave me chills and blew Hawk's games out of the water. The controls was amazing when it came out. Now it seems like a regular game but meh. Also Mirror's Edge was just awesome. All the colors and the entire concept of the game. Simple and effective.

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