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John Cena 12 Rounds

Jack brown

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Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia will likely do big business since the straight-to-DVD market has really exploded in the last few years. It's low-budget and easy to advertise on WWE programming. If it stays on path with other WWE Films, it should make at least $15 million.

Edited by Zero
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Also it's budget is like 22 million, that's nothing.

That's the same as the rocks The Game Plan, and that pulled in 90 million in the US despite the fact it was shit.

... and was also a family movie (probably released on a weekend either after a drought of movies parents could take their kids to) starring the biggest wrestler-to-actor success of all time. You really can't compare the two based on budget.

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I didn't read that far, Should have, Seeing as I rented it and bought it.

For the sole reason of owning a movie with Nathan Jones in it <_<

Edited by Superbowl Slogger
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OK John Cena and WWE have a new movie! John Cena is a cop and his gf gets kidnaped..... Wait somewhere I have a feeling this has been done... OH ! NEVERMIND! He was a MARINE in the one I am thinking! God thank you WWE for being SO CREATIVE! So honestly who is going to pay money to go see Cena in the same shitty movie he released a year or 2 ago just with some slight changes and an added eliment? Not me I belive the guy that got censored on raw said it best.."We've Cena nough" Or "Cuck Fena"! My thoughts two duds in a row? WWE films must be closed! Anywho leave comments disagree with me hey whatever I wanna discuse this!

This saved your post. If it had not been for that last line I would not be typing this:

I slightly agree with you. I am not a big John Cena fan, but not because "Cena sucks/can't work/ect.". I find some of the stuff he does entertaining and I have a ton of respect for the guy for his drive and his passion for the wrestling business. Personally, I feel that his act is a little stale, but he is amazing at what he does and I will NOT take anything away from him for that. As an entertainer I enjoy him and as a wrestler I can enjoy his matches and workrate (yes, Cena's workrate - as in his ability to work a match and make it something exciting). Like I said though, it's the way he is booked that turns me off to him.

That being said, I will give the guy a fair chance in the movies - I did say that I find him entertaining. After watching The Marine, however, I was turned off to him as an actor. I understand that it was his first motion picture, but I felt as if he forced way too many parts and the movie itself was poorly written and directed. While it was probably fun for the average fan who likes to watch John Cena play "hero", the movie left a sour taste in my mouth. A lot of overacting and awkward moments seemed to linger throughout the entire film.

This is why I am not looking forward to 12 Rounds. Couple the nearly recycled storyline together with my opinion (note, my opinion - not right nor wrong) of The Marine, I am not interested in the movie. I agree that it lacks creativity beyond the normal Hollywood fashion. Give me a better script, acting, and plot and I will try again.

Didn't The Condemned make like 8 million?

In theaters, yes... on DVD it's made almost $25 million.

And it was an awesome movie that deserved that $25 million.

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The Protector (or whatever that Tony Ja movie in late 2006 was) > anything else Nathan Jones has been in.

Fuck yes. That movie was excellent, far superior to Ong Bak as far as showcasing how fantastic Tony Jaa is.

And The Condemned, for what it was, honestly wasn't that horrible. It wasn't really good, but it was enjoyable enough for what it was. The Asian guy (I want to say Japanese but I haven't seen the movie in its entirety since I caught a sneak preview of it in theatres) uncuffing himself and stealing the helicopter guy's classes before flipping him off and jumping out the copter was fucking badass.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
The Protector (or whatever that Tony Ja movie in late 2006 was) > anything else Nathan Jones has been in.

Fuck yes. That movie was excellent, far superior to Ong Bak as far as showcasing how fantastic Tony Jaa is.

And The Condemned, for what it was, honestly wasn't that horrible. It wasn't really good, but it was enjoyable enough for what it was. The Asian guy (I want to say Japanese but I haven't seen the movie in its entirety since I caught a sneak preview of it in theatres) uncuffing himself and stealing the helicopter guy's classes before flipping him off and jumping out the copter was fucking badass.

Kniiiiiiiives for sale...kniiiiives for sale...


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12 Rounds is marine 2 lol

No, The Marine 2 starring Ted DiBiase Jr is The Marine 2. So I guess that would make 12 Rounds, The Marine 3? The Marine 1.5?

And just for the record, The Condemned was flop. See No Evil did better business than The Condemned despite having a niche genre, smaller bugdet and release and didn't have the biggest wrestling star of all time. It did end up making a small profit for WWE in DVD sales, but it by no means was a cash cow.

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For the record, I've quite enjoyed See No Evil, The Marine AND The Condemned. Am I sad, or are there others who feel the same?

Kane as a killer was good to watch, and even though The Marine and The Condemned were quite predictable, I still enjoyed them.

I haven't seen The Marine, but I enjoyed See No Evil and The Condemned as well.

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I hated the Marine, It seemed like just another action flick crossed with guy trying to get his girl back, who hasn't seen a million of those?

I loved The Condemned, It was fun to watch and reminded me of the plot to Battle Royale in a weird non school kids killing each other way.

I haven't seen See No Evil, for the simple fact that I'm not a Horror/Slasher movie fan.

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