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The Left 4 Dead Thread


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Ola bitches,

Valve's Left 4 Dead Survival Pack DLC will be released on Xbox 360 on April 21, Microsoft has just confirmed.

The pack includes the new survival mode, which challenges players to hold out against a never ending wave of infected for as long as possible, as well as the addition of the Dead Air and Death Toll campaigns in Versus mode.

Valve has previously said that the DLC pack will be released on Xbox 360 and PC simultaneously, so we'd say it's a fair bet that mouse and keyboard gamers will see the add-on on the same date.


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Update tomorrow!

I'll be making my triumphant return to the game. Sorry for my lack of playing guys, trying to stay on track to get my degree in a few weeks.

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Update tomorrow!

I'll be making my triumphant return to the game. Sorry for my lack of playing guys, trying to stay on track to get my degree in a few weeks.


Once this update is released, I'll return to playing too.

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Anyone know if this update will cost anything? That survival mode sounds pretty badass.

It's a free DLC. I am pumped, even though Death Toll and Dead Air should have been available for versus since the start of the game. Gonna be playing Survival mode first when it comes out and will probably get owned by the tank the first two or so times to get into the groove.

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According to IGN, it says 2AM Pacific time, which is 5AM eastern time.

Read here

April 20, 2009 - Blasting your way through endless hordes of zombies really never gets old, of course. But if you want to freshen up your Left 4 Dead experience look to Xbox Live around 2am Pacific time tomorrow, April 21. That's when Valve is releasing the free Survival Pack, which introduces a new mode called…Survival. The pack also includes two newfangled versus campaigns.

PC gamers will have to wait just a bit longer – the Survival Pack is scheduled to arrive on Steam later in the day.

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According to IGN, it says 2AM Pacific time, which is 5AM eastern time.

Read here

April 20, 2009 - Blasting your way through endless hordes of zombies really never gets old, of course. But if you want to freshen up your Left 4 Dead experience look to Xbox Live around 2am Pacific time tomorrow, April 21. That's when Valve is releasing the free Survival Pack, which introduces a new mode called…Survival. The pack also includes two newfangled versus campaigns.

PC gamers will have to wait just a bit longer – the Survival Pack is scheduled to arrive on Steam later in the day.

I have no idea what 2AM Pacific time is, so how many hours from now is that?

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I woke up at 4:30am and decided to download it and give it a try.

Thanks Kaney for joining me :wub:.....we might have done better had we been communicating. And then solo, I almost beat Ellis' time, but was short by 3 seconds, short of bronze by 50.

Shall we keep an EWB leaderboard of survival times?

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