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The Inevitable January Transfer Market Topic

Crybaby Bunting

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Yeah I know it's pretty much a month too soon (or so you'd think) but I'm sure we had something like this out in June last year to accommodate all the pre-contract stuff like Deco and Boswinga, as well as all the rumours that happened near the end of the season. Plus we're starting to see some decent rumours forming that don't actually look like they're made up from a psychic from Venice.

To begin Huntelaar is to join Real Madrid according to Real Madrid Source HERE

I've never understood why Huntelaar was so highly rated yet no-one really had the balls to table an offer for him. Surely if he had the potential to be brilliant Arsenal, Barcelona, Chelsea or Man Utd would have picked him up as soon as they could. Instead they waited and now he's gone.

Pending Transfers. AKA before the Window

Milan Misun -> Celtic

Niall McGinn -> Celtic

Huntelaar -> Real Madrid (from Ajax)

Tosic -> Man Utd

Diarra -> Real Madrid (from Pompey...and Chelsea... and Arsenal and... <_<)

So what do you think will happen this January?

What crazy shit will Man City pull off, if any?

Will Everton get a replacement for Yakubu?

Will Owen and Heskey get new contracts? or join new clubs?

Will Redknapp raid Pompey?

Will Hull persuade another big name that's out of contract to join the Circle?

Will the credit crunch stop most PL activity?

My Predictions

Owen -> Everton (Justifiable, Owen is an Everton fan and would happily accept a wage cut for his dream team - Everton need a striker)

Heskey moves abroad (Also justifiable. I don't see him staying and there doesn't appear to be another PL team who'd take him on that isn't a step down. Possibly a Scottish/Italian/Spanish or Turkish team to take him on)

Either David James or Shay Given moves to Spurs (Big name players nearing the ends of their careers, could be persuaded easily enough)

EDIT: Finished. Stupid Board.

Edited by The General
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Yeah Owen to Everton is one I see happening aswell. Larsson will also join him for a few months just like he did at Utd in 2007. I think Heskey will end up at Sunderland for some reason :huh: Man City won't sign anyone massive in the first 27 days and then panic buy some random mediocre players for treble their worth <_<

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I'm curious as to where Podolski ends up if he really is bent on leaving Bayern.

Clearly Everton will move for somebody .... and Larsson has already been linked a la his United spell last year.

Heskey ? Meh, not shit but not amazing either. The surprise move there would be if Everton made the move for him but I don't see it at all.

It'll be interesting to see if/how QPR/Man City use that money they've got coming out the Wazoo.

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We won't be signing Heskey. Not at all. His name will be thrown around but, nah, won't be signing him.

We need to find someone to buy or crap before we can buy anyone anyways. And if we are signing players we don't need a striker, Cisse has 6 in 12 and Jones is just back - they need to forge a partnership. Poor David Healy isn't even able to get a look in at the minute. Very little chance we'll see Heskey in a Sunderland shirt.

What we need is a creative midfielder, but also someone willing to get stuck in. Graham Kavanagh, I know it's weird but if he had the legs he'd be that kind of player. He gets stuck in and gets the ball and plays it around, that's what we need. Jimmy Bullard was a name thrown around before the season, and now I definitely regret that nothing came of that because it'd be very hard to tempt him away from Craven Cottage now. But that's the ilk of the player we need, someone creative in the middle of the park. Whitehead's having a 'mare at the minute and there's no strength or bite in the team anymore.

It's weird because Sunderland used to be one of those typical teams that would rough you up, get in your face and play the ugliest football ever and get the job done. Now, under Roy Keane of all people we're getting the ball down and playing it and we have the talent and ability, but now we lack that bite and bullying behaviour that we need - something you'd expect to have under Keane.

Ideally the team just need a kick up the backside and if we're to sign anyone then a creative midfielder and a back up centre back would do just nicely.

I have no names to actually throw around just yet, but we need to see who we get rid of before we even buy anyone. Chances are we may not buy anyone, but should we sell a few people and the right player come about then hopefully we'll sign that centre midfielder.

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Heskey moves abroad (Also justifiable. I don't see him staying and there doesn't appear to be another PL team who'd take him on that isn't a step down. Possibly a Scottish/Italian/Spanish or Turkish team to take him on)

lol, what?

I don't see Heskey moving abroad at all. I do see Wigan cashing in on him and there's plenty of EPL teams who'll take him on that are a step up from Wigan. Everton, Spurs, Villa and Liverpool have all been mentioned as possible destinations and they're definitely a step up from Wigan.

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Really not keen on One at all. Firstly, because his experience of Scottish football is through Partick and Raith, no offence to those two teams but Killie is a big step up from they two. Secondly, we need a goalscorer, One is not one of them. He hasn't scored over double figures for a team he has played for in a season, and that was in the Scottish First Division, the lower reaches of English football and Finland. We need someone who can play up front alongside Fernandez, so basically a lone striker role, I still say Sammon is that man, but if not then we need someone better than One in.

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Really not keen on One at all. Firstly, because his experience of Scottish football is through Partick and Raith

No, no. He played for Cowdenbeath too. >_>

Sammon is alright. I still have faith in Alan Russell though.

EDIT: Maybe Jefferies just enjoys signing shite strikers in January. Remember Paul Dalglish last year?

Edited by metalman
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Sir Alex has said he won't buy anyone outside the two Serbians in the transfer window, Tosic is already coming and the other target is 17 year old Adam Ljajic whose meant to be better and dubbed as Little Kaka. YouTube videos are promising but that's not much because there's videos of John O Shea which show him completely ripping apart teams.

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What crazy shit will Man City pull off, if any?

-None, it's all talk IMO. Not leastbecause the likes of Torres & Ronaldo will never move to Eastlands from their current clubs. They might sign a few 5-8 million pounders. This is assuming Mark Hughes is still in charge too.

Will Everton get a replacement for Yakubu?

-Yes, but I can see it being somebody fairly cheap-Larsson is a good shout, maybe a youngster on loan (Vela?) from another club.

Will Owen and Heskey get new contracts? or join new clubs?

-I think Heskey is definitely heading out of Wigan. No chance of him going abroad though. I can see someone like Pompey or Spurs getting him. Owen to Everton if they have the money.

Will Redknapp raid Pompey?

-Hopefully not.

Will Hull persuade another big name that's out of contract to join the Circle?

-Like who? Who's out of contract in January that's not old or Scandinavian?

Will the credit crunch stop most PL activity?

-Definitely not.

More rumours this week thay WBA are after our captain Brian Stock. Here's hoping they remain just that, rumours.

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I was thinking that Hull might just steal Laarson from underneath Everton's nose. I don't see how Everton could really put him to much use, especially when they've some solid youngsters that are on the verge of stepping up. Plus Hull seem to be the challenging underdogs of the season, I see a few name players giving it a shot before retiring in the Summer.

Hugo Viena anyone, last I heard he was doing shit all at Valencia

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Serbian under 21 international, names actually Tosic though, bought from Partizan.

8 Million reported price for him, which I think's a bit risky for a guy who hasn't been reported about much.

But hey, he might be another Vidic.

He's full international. 12 caps or so. Plays in centre mid and the fee is more like £3 million plus loads of benefits from Man U like friendlies and some future fees. Or so I heard when the deal was announced.

Apparently he's going to go in and start challenging the first team squad, which is very good. Especially with Hargreaves injured.

Apparently there is another player on the way into Old Trafford as well. A left winger from Partizan Belgrade. That would be great news. Actually force Nani to try...

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I'm not scared of a couple of young Serbians, but I am scared at the prospect of Vidic translating the English language to anybody.

SAF: Okay boys, I know it's your debut, but there's no pressure, just go out there and play football. Nemanja, would you mind translating?


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