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They'll make Ken Watanabe the next Miyagi.

HOLLYWOOD: "Um we need an actor from, you know, that Asia place. Some Chino/Japanese actor to play some Asian role. GET ME KEN WATANABE!

He's the male Zhang Ziyi (quick, we need someone to play the Geisha role in our upcoming movie Memoirs of a Geisha. I know, let's get Zhang Ziyi. Yeah, I know she's Chinese and the role is Japanese but who'll notice...)

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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They'll make Ken Watanabe the next Miyagi.

HOLLYWOOD: "Um we need an actor from, you know, that Asia place. Some Chino/Japanese actor to play some Asian role. GET ME KEN WATANABE!

He's the male Zhang Ziyi (quick, we need someone to play the Geisha role in our upcoming movie Memoirs of a Geisha. I know, let's get Zhang Ziyi. Yeah, I know she's Chinese and the role is Japanese but who'll notice...)

Someone's becoming adaptive to their surroundings :shifty:

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They'll make Ken Watanabe the next Miyagi.

HOLLYWOOD: "Um we need an actor from, you know, that Asia place. Some Chino/Japanese actor to play some Asian role. GET ME KEN WATANABE!

He's the male Zhang Ziyi (quick, we need someone to play the Geisha role in our upcoming movie Memoirs of a Geisha. I know, let's get Zhang Ziyi. Yeah, I know she's Chinese and the role is Japanese but who'll notice...)

Someone's becoming adaptive to their surroundings :shifty:

I was furious at the time. I would have watched it if it had Chiaki Kuriyama in instead.

Also if you watch the film, folk are wearing their kimonos with the wrong side folded over the other. They are wearing it the way a kimono is worn by a dead body when it's laid out at the funeral. Stupid.

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Hopefully? Dude, if Macchio isn't in it, Morita isn't in it, and that song isn't in it, then it holds no right to be called a remake.

I feel that it would be sacriligious if the song WAS in the remake though....

but that could be the fanboy in me talking...

God how I hope this idea falls through....

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As much as I like Will Smiff, there's way too much of him. Between this and the rumor that he and Steven Spielberg want to remake Oldboy (yes, with Smiff as Oldboy and no, this doesn't sound like a good idea), I'm about ready to punch him in the face and welcome him to Earff. I wouldn't be surprised if this is how the discussion went:

"So, we're gonna remake Karate Kid? Who's gonna be the kid?"

"Um...Will Smith!"

"Isn't he a little young?"

"We'll get his kid. He's like a mini-Will Smith."


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As much as I like Will Smiff, there's way too much of him. Between this and the rumor that he and Steven Spielberg want to remake Oldboy (yes, with Smiff as Oldboy and no, this doesn't sound like a good idea), I'm about ready to punch him in the face and welcome him to Earff. I wouldn't be surprised if this is how the discussion went:

"So, we're gonna remake Karate Kid? Who's gonna be the kid?"

"Um...Will Smith!"

"Isn't he a little young?"

"We'll get his kid. He's like a mini-Will Smith."


So you can spell it right then?

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They'll make Ken Watanabe the next Miyagi.

HOLLYWOOD: "Um we need an actor from, you know, that Asia place. Some Chino/Japanese actor to play some Asian role. GET ME KEN WATANABE!

He's the male Zhang Ziyi (quick, we need someone to play the Geisha role in our upcoming movie Memoirs of a Geisha. I know, let's get Zhang Ziyi. Yeah, I know she's Chinese and the role is Japanese but who'll notice...)

Someone's becoming adaptive to their surroundings :shifty:

I was furious at the time. I would have watched it if it had Chiaki Kuriyama in instead.

Also if you watch the film, folk are wearing their kimonos with the wrong side folded over the other. They are wearing it the way a kimono is worn by a dead body when it's laid out at the funeral. Stupid.

That was clearly symbolic of how dead their souls were.


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