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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Guest strongarm85

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Given my time zone probably not being the best for all this bit group stuff, I probably won't join on immediately for this Empire shenanigans, but once I finish my Consular story I'll definitely roll an Imperial character, and if I manage to catch up to you guys I'll join in.

Perhaps, though, for the time being it might best for everyone on Mask of Nihilus to provide their name, level and class so group stuff can happen there.

I'm Vynn, almost level 30, and a Jedi Shadow.

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Given my time zone probably not being the best for all this bit group stuff, I probably won't join on immediately for this Empire shenanigans, but once I finish my Consular story I'll definitely roll an Imperial character, and if I manage to catch up to you guys I'll join in.

Perhaps, though, for the time being it might best for everyone on Mask of Nihilus to provide their name, level and class so group stuff can happen there.

I'm Vynn, almost level 30, and a Jedi Shadow.

Oh, so it was you who whispered me when I first got to Coruscant! :P

Oh yeah, I am D'wrik, level 15 Sentinel.

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So, as of right now (4:13 PM) there is a 15 minute queue for Mask. :shifty:

Yeah, that's how that server rolls.

I'm Arcade, level 14 (nearly 15) smuggler on there. If you see me, say hi! I'm probably only playing there late nights/early mornings for now.

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I had a five minute one earlier that wasn't terrible. I reached Level 10 almost 11 on my Trooper today and just reached the Republic Fleet with everyone else around. Also got my first Companion! Who's voiced by the guy that plays Lassitter on Psych! :D

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Reached 25 on my Gunslinger, currently at Nar Shaddaa after the pain that was Taris.

On the upside, slowly upgrading my ship should make space combat even easier.

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