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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Guest strongarm85

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Got in on this Friday, so far been doing a server with one of my friends, but right now I rolled on Masked of Nihlius, Republic side as a Knight. Name: Arturia. Let me guys know if you want to do anything :shifty:

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Just completed The Essels flashpoint with a few guys, so I am about 1/3 through level 12 now. Man, I love those flashpoints and how amazingly story-driven they are. Snapped a huge droid, a Sith apprentice and got two lightsabers out of it! I am really beginning to enjoy playing as Jedi Knight (or Sentinel, if you want to be precise).

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Right, I just hit level 14 the other day. How are you, GoGo and DX? Also, TKz, is it just the auto-install thing that wont open or is it refusing to even read the disk?

Doesn't even recognise there's one in there. Only happens with Disk 1. I've tried downloading the setup from the website and it seems to be installing something at around 11gb, if that's the game or a patch or anything that'd even help, I don't know, but my Disk 1 just doesn't work at all. It works in my girlfriends laptop... and all the other disks work on mine. Just not disk 1. And apparently I don't even have the ability on my account to write on the forums in Customer Service. :/

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If all else fails it sounds like you're downloading the full client anyway, so at least you'll be able to use your product code.

Been playing the last few days, EU servers Bao-Dur, and loving it. My Jedi Sentinel is level 13 at the minute and I'm actually really liking the story. I thought i'd get bored of every quest having story-based conversations but it's actually making the game more enjoyable.

In fact, so much so that it's annoying me. I haven't played FM, PES2012 or Skyrim since I go this... <_<

Edited by Whisper in the Wind
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Right, I just hit level 14 the other day. How are you, GoGo and DX? Also, TKz, is it just the auto-install thing that wont open or is it refusing to even read the disk?

I am level 14! DoubleX is like level 26 or something. I'm splitting my time between two characters so I'm leveling relatively slowly on both (my Inquisitor is level 17).

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We should totally do some questing together, GoGo. My Jedi Knight and your Smuggler; it'll be Luke and Han all over again. Also, I am splitting my time between three fucking characters because of a guild I'm in with a friend who decided that their main server should be one where you have to queue for almost two hours to get in. So that's fun. But yeah, I have my level 14 Jedi Knight on Mask Nihilus, my level 11 Smuggler on Ulthar Wynn (EU server) and a level 11 Bounty Hunter on Bloodoworthy (also a EU server).

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Yeah, we should! Our time zone compatibility is kind of shitty and I'm going out for dinner tonight (when I get back it'll be like 4am in Europe), but I'll try and make this happen.

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Yeah, turned out I was downloading the whole thing. Wonderful! Took ages but I got it running and even on my crappy graphics card, it runs... okay! Not great, but definitely playable with occasional lag. I started on Mask of Nihlus so I could play with you guys when I've leveled a bit! I'm just Level 3 at the moment as a Republic Trooper and can't really play tonight, but I'll be on tomorrow from 5pm GMT till 11 and probably on Friday. We'll have to try and arrange a time we can all play that's good for all of us!

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Yeah, I have to work late tomorrow and friday, but not on the 24th (since we Danes celebrate Christmas there), however, I'll probably try to log some time on my Bounty Hunter there since he is actually my main character and my Guild character. After Christmas and New Years though, my work schedule will start to be humane again and then we can probably find some time to defeat the Empire together.

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I'll also have my new graphics card + power supply combo up and running by christmas day (hopefully! i'm a little worried but i've got an okay feeling between me half knowing what i'm doing and being kind've sure i've got all the right bits, i'll be able to get it working) so I'll probably be a lot more helpful. :P I'm also not doing much on Christmas day outside some family activities, so if I get everything working, anyone think they'll be up for playing?

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I bought an entirely new super laptop simply for this game. :shifty: And now I can run it on full graphic settings, and my geek heart is happy. But yeah, I'll be able to squeeze in some playtime on Christmas day as well, if anybody is up for it. ^_^

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Right, I just hit level 14 the other day. How are you, GoGo and DX? Also, TKz, is it just the auto-install thing that wont open or is it refusing to even read the disk?

I am level 14! DoubleX is like level 26 or something. I'm splitting my time between two characters so I'm leveling relatively slowly on both (my Inquisitor is level 17).

Level 29 now. I'm halfway through Tatooine.

Just a heads up about your next planet - spoilered just in case:

Your next stop is Taris. People have been having issues with Taris for the past while now, particularly horrendous lag and disconnects. BioWare say they have fixed at least some of it but I think some people are still having issues. I personally had some fairly bad lag spikes - I think I restarted my computer twice while I was going through Taris - but I was never disconnected, but just a warning that you may have problems on Taris.

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