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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Guest strongarm85

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So last night was awesome and it you weren't there, you suck. Probably not as much as GoGo does, but you still suck.

Hey, sucking was your forte, I was just an asshole.

Man! There's no need to be a bigger asshole about it!

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Just hit my first road block... Anyone on Nihilus that's got a few minutes and is around Level 24? Preferably higher that can give me a hand with a class quest? Even with my healer companion I can only manage to get him down to like, 3/4 of his health. Wouldn't have to be right now, just at some point.

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I'm pretty sure it's everywhe -- oh Jesus, you're on Balmorra? STOP LEVELING UP.

...actually on Nar Shaddaa now >_>

As it happens I was wrong, the idiocy is indeed everywhere. That combined with the fact that I'm getting server lag every so often (this is because it's a US East server I think), as well as the fact that playing as an Empire character feels...off, for lack of a better term, is making me feel less like playing my Agent and more like rolling a new Republic character, probably a Knight. The main thing stopping me from doing that is that I've done all of the side quests in recent memory, so doing them all over again is going to reduce their replayability.

So yeah, I'm kinda torn. Also influencing my decision is the fact that I rolled this character on Malak because you guys were there and I've seen you guys online once, and that was that hour where you took twenty minutes to turn in solo quests, then ran about doing solo stuff, and then logged off after an hour. <_<

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Also influencing my decision is the fact that I rolled this character on Malak because you guys were there and I've seen you guys online once, and that was that hour where you took twenty minutes to turn in solo quests, then ran about doing solo stuff, and then logged off after an hour. <_<

I know how you feel. I rolled a character on Twin Spears, since a few of my old guildies from WoW were going to be doing things there. Turns out the one who's idea it was is barely online, one of them can't play it on his laptop, and the 'other' guildies ended up being most of this guys family. Wonderful.

Throw in the fact that it's a PVP server (hey, to each their own, I won't fault you guys for wanting to do one) and...yeah. I got a Gunslinger up to 38, but, in the end, I decided that I would just roll on a light population PVE server and play as Empire.

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I'm pretty sure it's everywhe -- oh Jesus, you're on Balmorra? STOP LEVELING UP.

...actually on Nar Shaddaa now >_>

As it happens I was wrong, the idiocy is indeed everywhere. That combined with the fact that I'm getting server lag every so often (this is because it's a US East server I think), as well as the fact that playing as an Empire character feels...off, for lack of a better term, is making me feel less like playing my Agent and more like rolling a new Republic character, probably a Knight. The main thing stopping me from doing that is that I've done all of the side quests in recent memory, so doing them all over again is going to reduce their replayability.

So yeah, I'm kinda torn. Also influencing my decision is the fact that I rolled this character on Malak because you guys were there and I've seen you guys online once, and that was that hour where you took twenty minutes to turn in solo quests, then ran about doing solo stuff, and then logged off after an hour. <_<

Well, we aren't crazy power gamers like you who makes a character and gets it to top level the next week. :shifty:

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So, now what we are a few weeks into release, what has been your favorite class story so far? I've really been enjoying the Jedi Knight and Imperial Agent ones; Jedi Knight because it seems really epic and Imperial Agent because, as someone else put it, is simply James Bond in space.

DX, I'd really like to hear your thoughts since I am pretty sure that, by this point, you already have finished every story for all eight classes.


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Only played Jedi Knight and Sith Inquisitor so far. The Jedi prologue was awesome - getting your lightsaber felt epic. While it had it's moments for me, I didn't find Coruscant as good - but now I'm on Taris it's picking up nicely again.

I've only played Inquisitor to level 12 but absolutely loving it so far. Thought the prologue was great and whil I don't want to spoil it for anyone, the interactions between your character and the overseer giving you trials is superb.

The forums are bugging me, specifically the amount of complaining around the lack of end game content. It's been out for less than a month - how much end game content can there be? MMO forums should stay offline until the free to play periods have ended.

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it's best to stay away from the forums completely, this game somehow generates massive amounts of trolling. most of the people that play the game don't even go there.

Agent story was really great, enjoyed the light side ending. trying out the other ones now. Smuggler is pretty damn cool, SI/SW have good parts.

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Doing a Light-sided Sith Warrior, having a blast with the story.

To me, it's not so much about being on the light side and refusing to be a psychotic bastard, but more following one of the things you learn in training:

Specifically, your first teacher gives you a mission to judge three prisoners. The first one is a woman that was hired to kill a spy that turned out was an Imperial operative. You get praised for deciding to let her live and sending her off to Imperial Intelligence, with your teacher saying "Never to waste a resource".

I'm taking that to heart, as well as other various lessons. Before he lost his head, Dooku's last thought in Revenge of the Sith was "Treachery is the way of the Sith." I'm pretty sure that, since I'm working for Darth Baras, that eventually it's going to come down to him and me, and while he's busy with me tying up his loose ends, I'm loving the fact that I'm establishing a lot of support and making friends in high places, just to make his (most likely, given that it's Star Wars) downfall just that much sweeter.

Also, as a Sith Warrior, you have to go on a sort of vision quest on Tatooine, where you meet your reflection. It basically derided me for being a light side Sith, and I just kinda went along with it.

I also love this part of Balmora where you have to take on a Jedi Knight. Not so much because of w00t JEDI VS SITH, but damn, this lady was one arrogant bitch. "I didn't take the easy path!" Okay, fine, you want to be that way and talk about how superior you are, bring it on. OH LOOK I'M STILL STANDING. It was satisfying to kill her, just to take out her smug little attitude.

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So, now what we are a few weeks into release, what has been your favorite class story so far? I've really been enjoying the Jedi Knight and Imperial Agent ones; Jedi Knight because it seems really epic and Imperial Agent because, as someone else put it, is simply James Bond in space.

DX, I'd really like to hear your thoughts since I am pretty sure that, by this point, you already have finished every story for all eight classes.


I'll have you know that I've taken a Consular-Shadow to 50, an Agent-Operative to 28, and I'm now playing a Knight-Guardian who is on level 14. I'm not that good to have done all eight classes so far >_>

The Consular was a lot of fun. I played a Shadow so I didn't get the ridiculous Force abilities, but I had enough of them to get by, and stealthing everywhere is a lot of fun. I quite liked the story too, it's less of a charge-out-and-slash-everything and more of a behind-the-scenes story. You're not necessarily on the front line but you're certainly doing your part in the war.

The Agent I've been playing as a healer, which is surprisingly satisfying. I don't have to worry about my companion dropping in combat because I can heal her while she tanks all the damage, and keeping people alive in flashpoints and heroics is tres cool. The storyline is an interesting one, but I feel kind of weird playing as an Empire character, even if I'm playing light side. That and a combination of the general idiocy of the people on Darth Malak made me start my third character.

I'm only on Coruscant with my Knight, but charging in and slashing everything is immensely fun. I did the story in the beta so I sort of know what to expect, and I've had bits and pieces spoiled by lame people so it's not going to have as many surprises as the Consular story had, but I have a feeling I'm really going to enjoy it. Also, T7 is hilarious. An astromech with a hero complex.

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I haven't really enjoyed my Sith Warrior at all. I just don't think I'm huge on the whole dark side thing, I like the Republic and being a dick never really appealed to me in these games. I always meant to go back through KOTOR as a dark side character but lost interest quickly.

Might roll a Bounty Hunter as a neutral, but I really only want a max of like 3 characters and I'd like to try out a Jedi.

Any advice from anyone? Do either of the Jedi classes have lightning or is that just Sith? I kind of want to play a Qui-Gon Jin type character, would I be better off with Consular or Knight? Which story did you enjoy most?

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Consular would probably apply more to Qui-Gon. Consulars are more Force-oriented with their attacks, and both advanced classes are cool: Shadows can either be tanks or damage dealers but get the ability to stealth around, while Sages can be healers or damage dealers, and are apparently ridiculously powerful (at least early on). Sages also get some of the cooler Force moves that aren't lightning. Consulars story-wise are a little more mystical for most of the story, as I said above dealing with more background stuff rather than front-line concerns (ie: you don't actually go after any proper Sith until the end of Act 1). I thought it was an intriguing story with a couple of really cool moments, so I say give it a try and see what you think.

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Well, from today's I'd imagine we'd just record the flashpoint and probably condense it to like ten minutes of highlights tops. All the stuff where we are all extremely terrible people except for DoubleX

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