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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Guest strongarm85

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Turns out I can't because I have a doctor's appointment in the morning which means I'll be leaving the house early, and then I've got a class or possibly two on that side of the city anyway.

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Turns out I can't because I have a doctor's appointment in the morning which means I'll be leaving the house early, and then I've got a class or possibly two on that side of the city anyway.

Would a time like this be better tomorrow? I mean, I'll be free most of the day to play. I'm up for any time after 5pm GMT. And I have no idea what time that is, SRN, it's 11:30pm here, if that helps. >_>

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Haha that's...not going to work for me. 5pm GMT is something like 4am here. I love TOR and I love you guys, but I'm not going to get up at four in the morning to play with you. Earliest at a stretch would be something like 9pm GMT or something. Does that work for you guys?

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Turns out I can't because I have a doctor's appointment in the morning which means I'll be leaving the house early, and then I've got a class or possibly two on that side of the city anyway.

Would a time like this be better tomorrow? I mean, I'll be free most of the day to play. I'm up for any time after 5pm GMT. And I have no idea what time that is, SRN, it's 11:30pm here, if that helps. >_>

Nah, basically nothing works tomorrow. Basically, the appointment is at 10:30am. Once that finishes up there'll be a class that I'm on the waiting list for starting up the same hill, so I might as well go there. After that I'm enrolled in a class starting three hours later, which is about the amount of time it would take to get home, play maybe forty minutes of TOR, and then go back to the class. Noooot really worth it, sorry :(

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I can play in, like, two hours if you guys are still going. You might have caught up to me by then :shifty:

I imagine we'll play for at least an hour, so we'll see you at like, 2am! If you have Skype, add me or SRN. (I'm thetkz) Me and SRN (not sure on GoGo) will be chatting through there too.

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I can play in, like, two hours if you guys are still going. You might have caught up to me by then :shifty:

I imagine we'll play for at least an hour, so we'll see you at like, 2am! If you have Skype, add me or SRN. (I'm thetkz) Me and SRN (not sure on GoGo) will be chatting through there too.

I have Skype, but no functioning microphone. Besides, my computer has issues with running the game after a couple of hours so I always turn off non-essential programs before I play. So I wouldn't want to have Skype running at the same time.

Who are you both on Malak?

I had a dream about this game. Is that a sign I should get it?


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Yes! Get it Cloudy! If you like KOTOR, you'll enjoy this too. It's been wonderful so far and I've never played an MMO before this.

Also, GoGo and DoubleX, Nihilus or Malak? Me and SRN are down for either, though I'd prefer Nihlus and Republic characters.

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Only problem with Nihilus is my character is level 50. I could roll a new character, but I want to focus on my Agent before moving on. I just know that if I have multiple characters running, one will get neglected and never get finished >_>

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Only problem with Nihilus is my character is level 50. I could roll a new character, but I want to focus on my Agent before moving on. I just know that if I have multiple characters running, one will get neglected and never get finished >_>

We're rolling Malak with Level 12's all around. Check the PM for when you're ready.

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So last night was awesome and it you weren't there, you suck. Probably not as much as GoGo does, but you still suck.

Hey, sucking was your forte, I was just an asshole.

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