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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Guest strongarm85

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Well, is there an option to move characters between servers? Because fuck doing all the quests over again. :shifty:

Yeah, unless there's an option for that, I really can't be fucked to start over or start a THIRD character now. If anyone is still playing Malak and wants to do some Flashpoints or Group missions at some point, let me know. I'm like... Level 12? Sith Warrior at the moment.

Also anyone on Nihilus I'm a Level 19 Trooper, so if someone wants to do some Group Missions or something, let me know and we'll figure out a time.

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Aaaand I'm now level 50. Before even setting foot on Corellia. Man it's easy to be overlevelled for everything. Once I finish my class quest I'm going to roll an Imperial Agent, are you guys still going on Malak for Empire guys?

Also I scored a total jackpot with an artifact lockbox from the Voss commendations vendor, got a prototype-level robe that looks fucking swank. Huge success.

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Your Sith Warrior; is he still on the Imperial Fleet? Because I want to do the Black Talon flashpoint. HIt Maghr up, that is my Sith Assasin.

Yes! He's Level 11 I think. Name is Rourk.

Aaaand I'm now level 50. Before even setting foot on Corellia. Man it's easy to be overlevelled for everything. Once I finish my class quest I'm going to roll an Imperial Agent, are you guys still going on Malak for Empire guys?

Also I scored a total jackpot with an artifact lockbox from the Voss commendations vendor, got a prototype-level robe that looks fucking swank. Huge success.

And yes, I'm on Malak and I think everyone else is too.

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Well, see, I say that now, but now that I've hit the cap the rest of the game is going to catch up with me now. Ilum's going to be hard, I can tell.

There have already been a couple of difficulty spikes I wasn't prepared for on Quesh, Belsavis, and now a few times on Voss, so fingers crossed I don't get my ass handed to me too much by Corellia.

You guys are still on Malak, cool. When I do my Agent I'll rock up there. Given that I'm still on holidays for another two weeks I suspect I'll catch up with you guys fairly quickly so we can do group stuff.

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I'll play more on Malak soonish, then. My guy (Tysonn) is like level eleven. I've spent the last couple days mostly playing my inquisitor, who is level 29.

Yeah, this. Except replace Inquisitor with Trooper and Level 29 with 21. >_>

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OK, so I got up to Ilum with Vynn, and ran into a pretty ridiculous bug (unless it's an intended feature, in which case it's an obnoxious one): there are some enemies in the game that can see through stealth, regardless of distance or stealth level. This is normally fine, until these enemies also see through the Field Revive stealth, so you respawn, and then promptly die again.

So I said fuck that to Ilum (for now), and rolled an Agent on Darth Malak. He is now level 16 and a healer Operative, and his name is Jorgan. When are you guys going to do group stuff? I want to tag along and heal you guys.

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