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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Guest strongarm85

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Healers are basically a necessity for Heroics once you get past level 15 or so, so someone will have to do it unless we feel like asking in world chat for a healer, which has a not so good success rate.

I'm nearly done on Quesh with Vynn, which from memory means I have five planets left. Once I've finished my class quest I'll jump on Malak with an Agent, probably an Operative but we'll see. I'm just hoping it's not the same as when I played Diablo II online and got killed every time I left town. :/

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And that's a mild one.

General chat really makes me want to put cigarettes out in my eyeballs. This game is slowly convincing me that there is no God, because if there were, He would not be so cruel as to plague humanity with these cretins.

Oh Jesus, these people are going to procreate some day :mellow:

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Welcome to post-release. You're going to see a lot of them. Thankfully, I'm dodging basically all of that idiocy by being 30-40 levels above them and thus nowhere near them.

Also, SRN, you were complaining about Taris being huge?

Wait until you get to Hoth. This place is fucking gigantic.

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Holy shit, Darth Malak is full of idiots.

God yes, you're all terrible people for this server choice! Nihilus is mostly filled with nice people who usually even help me if I'm confused about something. Last night it got so bad I just kept the chat hidden because it was nothing but the kind of insults that a 13 year old would throw around.

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Malak is a more populated/known server the idiot population goes up.

Dromund Kaas general chat is TERRIBLE. full of idiots.

it is amazing how few people can figure anything out on their own or have no general knowledge. honestly I have to turn chat off half the time.

Belsavis/Voss are also really huge. Corellia is probably my least favorite planet so far.

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Malak is a more populated/known server the idiot population goes up.

Both Mask of Nihilus and Vrook Lamar have higher server population, they fill up much quicker. Maybe it's the fact that Malak is a PVP server, I don't know. Maybe we should have gone RP-PvP.

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Yes, people are generally dumb on Darth Malak. I mean, I haven't even gone through Korriban yet with my Sith Inquisitor (although I am nearly done) and when I logged off last night, my head was spinning with all the idiocy.

If we choose RP-PVP, I am sure the idiots will be replaced by pretentious dicks. :shifty:

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SO, Light population server, anyone? :shifty:

Actually, I'm going to drop out of Malak and go to The Twin Spears. I have a couple old WoW friends on the Republic side there, we're reforming our old guild, you're all more then welcome to join up if you want.

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hmm Twin Spears seems like a nicely populated PVP East server. I might make some Republic on there if it seems all right. maybe some kind of Trooper or Jedi Shadow

from what I've seen PVP servers usually have more trolls/idiots while PVE are casual and older people. still love the random world PVP on PVP servers.

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So...Malak has been abandoned due to idiocy? I'd agree that the PVP servers will have a higher percentage of morons, since that generally seems to be the trend in MMOs. If Malak has been abandoned, where is the Imperial play going to happen?

Up to almost level 45 with Vynn, on Belsavis. Did the Colicoid War Game flashpoint earlier, which I can only describe as...weird. On a somewhat related note, Force Push/Wave to knock enemies into bottomless pits is great fun.

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