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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Guest strongarm85

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I did it on Nihilus anyway. >_>

Had fun what little I played of a Sith, I'm trying to make a character based around Michael Fassbenders Magneto, he even looks like him! But I got annoyed when I was yelled at for being a dick when I'm playing an evil character! I pretty much would have ended up getting lightside points (which I don't want) if I did what I probably had to do properly.

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I have no idea about those servers, so just count me in with whatever the majority is. Though this means redoing the first hour or so of the Sith story. Suppose I could always do Inquisitor but I'm not sure I like the idea of having 3 different characters. I'm pretty dedicated to my trooper right now, who I've realized has slowly started to become a healer.

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Well, I got a Bounty Hunter up to 11 tonight on Malak, and I'm going Powertech for the sake of healing. Thinking of leveling up something else though....maybe an Inquisitor. Lightning is fun :shifty:

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So we have a Sith Warrior and two Bounty Hunters on Darth Malak? Well, I might go with Inquisitor then since it is one of the two classes I haven't played at all yet (the other being Imperial agent). Also, I am seconds away from being level 21 with my Jedi Sentinel on Taris which is, by the way, huge. At least, it seems huge because you have to do a shitload of running around.

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I'm set for Empire already on Swiftsure, I'd like to make some Republic but it seems Mask of Nihilus is a pve server which kinda disinterests me.

at 48 on my Sniper, I can see why the IA story was said to be the best. great stuff all around. really is space James Bond like with spying, mystery and intrigue.

Edited by mystikz
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