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AJ Busts a Nut ITT (Limp Bizkit Reformation)


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It's not that I dislike it, more that I haven't even listened to it. :mellow: Well, I heard The Truth when it was first leaked which was okay but it didn't blow me away.

It's only 7 songs and they named it "The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1)" which is a stupid title. Especially when there's no part 2.

Just listening to RMV on my itunes for the first time in like 2/3 years, I forgot how many quality (term used loosely for my tastes) songs are on there. Behind Blue Eyes is still better than The Who's original <_<


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FUCK YEAH! I'd love me some Union Underground. Let's not forget, TRUSTcompany are back together, and apparently OPM never actually broke up. :shifty:

Yeah, I'd so go see Limp Bizkit...if not purely for the opportunity to pull out the "Rollin" hand movements, it'd just be epic crack.

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OPM are sort of famous amongst my circle of friends because they played a gig at a bar that my friend tended, and as soon as they were left alone they nicked a crate of smirnoff ice and tore off in their van. funny as fuck.

also I have one union underground album and it;s brilliant so fair enough

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OPM was the first gig I ever went to. It was good. :shifty:

Saw a couple of them (not the main guy though) in McDonalds...to this day whenever I see one of my 'friends' (which is rarely now, like) he will always mention launching a milkshake at OPM and being 'barred' from McDonalds...I seem to remember him launching a milkshake, whether it was in the vicinity of OPM though, is highly debatable.

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You're right, the Union Underground album is awesome. Parts of it seem almost a parody of Alice in Chains though, namely some of the song topics and the lyric "Face numb heroin, same old trip again", but eh, I like AiC.

"Violate, violate, such a simple plan,

Turn me on, TURN ME ON MR. DEADMAN!"

On a more Bizkit note...

When "My Way" came on the other day at a '90s night in a club I went to as it was my friends birthday, everyone marked. Hard.

And they say that people don't like LB. <_<

Edited by TheModernWay
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