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Mafia Game Waiting List


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May I suggest that we vote a medium game in, or some games are going to have to wait a fucking age. If they're ready, I suggest voting in someone who rarely runs a game, or someone who hasn't ran one in ages. Just to make things different...

Yes Please.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I'm going to ask that I not be included in the poll - my game is ready, but it didn't dawn on me *why* you were asking that, and I don't want to take another turn so close to the finish of my last game. :)

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Also, the faster WCW Mafia gets done, the faster we can move to the next project on my list.

Which you know will also be awesome.

Plus I can't pass TEOL if I have to wait in the large line forever behind Jam's ridiculous game that has fucking DH Smith and Super Crazy in it but not Kizarny.

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Actually, I for one will be voting for oldskool's game if it's eligible, particularly if it contains Super Punch-Out characters.

And he makes me Narcis Prince.


Seriously. Look at that guy. That guy just wrecked your face. And he doesn't care.

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oldskool: absurd pace


My game had double the players of your game! And only two got wiped out by a giant bomb!

Oh and to answer his questions: yes eligible, yes Super Punch-Outers, and Narcis Prince can be arranged.

Even though that picture is King Hippo. Which could also be arranged just to spite you.

Edited by oldskool
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Ah, the picture has hotlink protection. Yeah, it's Narcis Prince doing his "I knocked you out, so fuck this, I'm going to lean against the rope and tap my foot" bit.

I honestly don't care who I would get in such a game as long as it isn't Rick "The More Boring of the Two" Bruiser. Or Piston Hurricane. Piston Honda's okay though, particularly if I can find the NHK TV camera.

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Webcomic Mafia IV, Act One: The Crushing will be a 15 player small game and will be ready to go at a moment's notice :)

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