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Mafia Game Waiting List


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Wow, the large mafia list is big. Regardless, I would like to register NHL Mafia, a 32 player game.

If you don't prereg me and cherry pick my role you will need to change your name to pizzastevemooremonkey.

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Wow, the large mafia list is big. Regardless, I would like to register NHL Mafia, a 32 player game.

If you don't prereg me and cherry pick my role you will need to change your name to pizzastevemooremonkey.

Are you also filthy rich? How do YOU plan to get away with attempted murder <_<

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I'll put an Avalanche jersey on him first and then everyone will just assume he was a conceited douchebag who had it coming. -_-

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After I kill your minor leaguers, I'm coming for your Frenchmen and Softeuros.

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