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Mafia Game Waiting List


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You are John Astin!Riddler, Rogues Gallery-Aligned Wait What the Hell You're Not Frank Gorshin!


They're also able to deduce the presence of the Penguin, the Joker, the Riddler, and Catwoman by virtue of the fact that a shark tries to eat Batman's leg. They are able to specifically implicate all four of these people, and literally their only clue was a shark, and they were able to do so by discussing the very idea of having one's leg bitten by a shark.


"And it happened in the sea... sea... 'c'... 'C' for Catwoman!"

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Yeah, I haven't quite figured out which way to go with it yet. It's almost tempting to make the town the rogues' gallery of villains so I can work in spots for King Tut, Egghead, the Minstrel, False-Face, and the rest of the gang. On the other hand, a pretty good mafia could just be had out of the movie. So it's kind of up in the air right now.

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Is that they guy that Joker keeps imprisoned in a fake cabin and dresses up as a sailor to serve him meals? Childhood memories ... flooding back.

No, that's Commodore Schmidlapp. I don't remember why they had to kidnap him but it seems like it was important and somehow led to the baddies getting that dehydrator gun that turned the world leaders into dust.

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"And it happened in the sea... sea... 'c'... 'C' for Catwoman!"

Someone hasn't been in the Essa thread lately!

I'm almost never in the Essa thread.

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That reminds me of the baffling late-70s game show 3-2-1. The final round had 5 household objects and associated clues that taken together hinted at 1 of 5 prizes. They had to decipher the clues and pick one object to determine their prize. There was usually a car and a holiday in there, and a booby prize of a bin.

The clues became notorious for being almost impossibly difficult and obscure, having only a remote connection to the prizes, which contestants sometimes didn't appear to grasp even after Ted had revealed it to them. It has often been suggested that the clues had more than one possible explanation, allowing the producers to control which prize the contestants received.

For example, a wishbone brought on by Sonny Hayes came with the clue "Take one that never changes, add a pub and a precious stone, bring them all up-to-date, and now you're on your own", which the contestants rejected hoping it referred to Dusty Bin. Rogers explanation of the clue was: "'Take one that never changes', well that could be Dusty Bin which of course is where you might throw a wishbone. 'Add a pub and a precious stone', well that doesn't point to Dusty. 'Bring them all up-to-date, and now you're on your own'. Well what about the wishbone? Sonny said 'a large wishbone', so what might a large wishbone come from? Something larger than a chicken. Turkey maybe? Now 'one that never changes' is a constant, a pub can also be an inn, there's a lot of precious stones but how many go with 'constant inn'? How about opal? Yes, Constantinople, up-to-date, the pride of Turkey, you've rejected the 3-2-1 holiday!"

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Holy hell I googled that Batman scene. That... that's... my brain hurts :(

[batman, Robin, Commissioner Gordon, and Chief O'Hara consider which supercriminal might have been behind the fake yacht and exploding shark attack.]

Gordon: Could be any one of them, but which one? W— which ones?

O'Hara: [gasps]

Batman: Pretty fishy what happened to me on that ladder.

Gordon: You mean, where there's a fish, there could be a Penguin.

Robin: But wait! It happened at sea! See? "C" for Catwoman!

Batman: Yet... an exploding shark was pulling my leg!

Gordon: The Joker!

O'Hara: [it] all adds up to a sinister riddle. Riddle-er. Riddler?

Gordon: Oh! A thought strikes me! So dreadful I scarcely dare give it utterance.

Batman: The four of them. Their forces combined...

Robin: Holy nightmare!

Commissioner Gordon: Penguin, Joker, Riddler... and Catwoman, too! The sum of the angles of that rectangle is too monstrous to contemplate!

Batman: We've been given the plainest warning. They're working together to take over...

Chief O'Hara: Take over what, Batman? Gotham City?

Batman: Any two of them would try that!

Commissioner Gordon: The whole country?

Batman: If it were three of them, I would say yes, but four? Their minimum objective must be... the entire world.

The speed in which they figure this shit out is astounding.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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WWF 2002 Mafia: The Son Of Ted is ready to go. :)

Since I'm being nice and letting you use my :shifty: series of WWF retro games, I would ask a small favour - run a small game first, just so I get a feel for how you run games. I'm wary about letting large games run unless I know the runner is competent after some recent games.

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I'm just amazed that after all of that, West was still able to say "We've been given the plainest warning" without bursting into laughter. I mean really. Really? Really.

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You really need to watch the movie. There are a series of riddles that are nearly that bad.

Batman: Listen to these riddles. Tell me if you interrupt them as I do. One: What has yellow skin and writes?

Robin: A ballpoint banana!

Batman: Right. Two: What people are always in a hurry?

Robin: Rushing people… Russians!

Batman: Right again. Now what would you say that means?

Robin: Banana… Russian? I’ve got it. Someone Russian is going to slip on a banana and break their neck!

Batman: Precisely, Robin! The only possible meaning.

The look of pure contemplation in Robin's eyes when he comes up with "ballpoint banana" is worth the price of the whole movie. Seriously, it's an amazing flick and the new DVD releases have commentary by Burt Ward and Adam West in which West compares the show's popularity to that of the Beatles.

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Ok, I don't know who will sign up for this, but put me down on the list for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Mafia (15 players), and it's based off the TV show, so no Ivan Ooze people

Edited by Blaze Ziggler
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I'm going ahead and announcing the third and (possibly) final Wrestling Game run by myself: Wrestlings Greatest Stables: Mafia (Working Title)

Every player will be a legendary stable throughout wrestling history, with a twist that all players will have multiple night abilities which vary depending on the members involved. The abilities work the same way as normal, they can only use one a night but there is no limit to the amount of nights they use the ability

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